Page 16 of DadBod
That makes him laugh, because he knows I’m a wimp.
Pushing myself back up to standing, I’m about to turn away when I realize, “Oh, what’ll you have to drink?” I giggle nervously. “I forgot all about your drinks.”
“Idiot.” Ryann. I heard it clear as day. So did Rome.
“Knock that shit off, Ryann.”
“What?” She’s behaving like a brat.
Or like a girl who lost her mom a couple of weeks ago.
“Do not treat my staff that way.”
“Your precious Elizabeth,” she growls. Sneers too. It’s not a good look for her.
“Uh––” I’m not sure what to say. I turn to Calvin first. “You want raspberry lemonade?”
“Sure.” I get another little smile out of him.
“Scotch. Rocks.” That’s Mrs. James.
“Water’s fine,” Ryann says in a quiet voice.
“Be right back.” With a sigh and a swipe at my sweaty brow, I head to the POS machine to enter their orders.
“Sorry about Ryann.”
I jump a foot off the ground. “Holy shit.” I laugh. “You keep sneaking up on me.”
“Did you hear me?”
“Yes.” I nod. “Don’t worry about it. She’s mourning. It’s going to take some time. I lost my mom at her age. I remember.”
Like it was yesterday.
“You did?” Rome seems surprised. I’m sure I mentioned that a time or two. Maybe not in front of him…
“How did she…?”
“I’m sorry.”
“Me too.” I feel a burn behind my eyes. It always happens when I mention or, hell, even think about her. “Me too.”
I realize I’ve been standing around too long. My tables are probably getting antsy, or worse, angry. “Gotta go.”
“I’ll get their drinks.”
“Okay. Thanks.”
“I’ll also get someone to take your new table.”
“Calvin needs a little extra attention tonight. I’d rather you focus on him, on their table.”
“Sure. Right. Thanks.”
“No problem, Elizabeth.”
Hey, what do you know? He said my name without emphasis. I like it. Probably a little too much.