Page 36 of DadBod
Jeriann doesn’t even give me time to sit down at the table of the coffee shop down the street from When in Rome. “Can I sit before the interrogation begins?”
I plop down onto my chair and set my purse on the one next to me. Lifting my cup of tea, I’m about to drink when it begins.
“What’d he say? What’d you say? How much is he going to pay you? When do you start? How nice was his house? Did he look hot today? I bet he did, all casual at his house.” She takes a breath. “Or does he wear a suit there too?” Jeri takes another breath, but I wait to be sure she’s finished. When I sense that she is, it’s my turn.
“He was dressed casually. Jeans and an old tee.”
“What kind of old tee? A college one or––”
I interrupt her before she goes on about shirts. “Some band.”
“Which band?”
“Cheap something…”
“Trick. Cheap Trick?”
I shrug because I’ve no idea.
“They’re from Illinois. They’re old, though.”
“Moving on.” I sip my tea to drive her crazy. It’s working. She’s gesturing with her hand for me to keep talking. “His house is beautiful. I can’t imagine how much it cost.” At least a million.
“Well, that was his parents’ house. I think he grew up in it. He bought it from them, and word on the street is, they didn’t charge him much. And that was after Bianca redecorated the entire place.”
“Oh?” Now, it all makes sense. “She’s got good taste. It was pretty formal looking, though.”
“I bet. Bianca is C-L-A-S-S-Y.”
That she is. “Did you know she taught English literature?”
Jeriann shakes her head, “Not surprising, though. Like I said, she’s F-A-N-C-Y.”
I don’t feel the need to correct her because it’ll end up being a whole thing.
“What was the offer? Did he propose marriage, meaning you could be the new mommy?”
That does it. I can’t take Jeriann’s insanity. I have to laugh at that. “No.” I snort. “Of course not.” Reaching into my purse, I pull out the paper outlining the job, including the pay. “I’ll show you this, but it’s between you and me. Do not go blabbing to everyone at the restaurant.”
Jeriann places her palm over her heart. “You wound me, honey bun. You know I’d never say a word.”
“I know.” And I do. “I just needed to put that out there.”
“Understood. Now hand it over.”
I slide the now-crumpled white paper across the table. She picks it up and reads it hungrily. “God, the pay is great.” She looks over the paper at me. “You could really help your dad out and send more to your brother.”
“I already thought of that.”
“You could move out of our shitty neighborhood.”
“No.” I shake my head. “I love my apartment, and this is only for the summer. I’m not going to make any major changes in my life.” This is only temporary.