Page 5 of DadBod
“I was going, Rome,but you yelled at me and made me stop.” You fuckface. My eyes are angry slits, and I’ve got my hands on my own hips now. I’m leaning into him just like he’s doing to me. Sure, he could fire me, but right now I’d be okay with that. At least until later, when I check my bank account and realize I don’t have enough in there to pay my bills. Then I’d be sorry. But right now, I’m sort of asking for it. “If you’d leave me alone, Rome, I could get to my tables, but you’ve pulled me away twice now for shit you could talk to me about later. Instead, your niece triple seated my section—” Again. “—when there are empty tables in everyone else’s sections. Why don’t you ask your precious hostess?” And by hostess, I mean his inept, self-absorbed, wannabe-internet-influencer niece, Gianna. Seriously. She spends most of the time here taking photos and videos of herself. “Why does she do that to me and no one else? All. The. Fucking. Time. Rome?” I’ve got more to say. “Please go bother someone else? Why do you have to pick on me all the time? Huh?” I feel my eyes burn, and I know what’s coming. When I get angry, really angry, I cry. I don’t know why it happens. All I know is it does. A hot, wet tear slides out of my right eye. As it makes its way down my cheek, Rome stares. He’s gritting his teeth hard; I see his cheeks flexing from it. “Will ya?”
“Will I what?” His voice has softened somewhat.
“Go bother someone else.”
He doesn’t reply. Instead, he turns on his heel and makes his way back to the bar. I wipe my cheek with my hand as I suck in a deep breath, doing my best to remember what I was doing before all that happened. I feel a hand on my shoulder. “I got your salads for table seventeen.”
I turn to see Jeriann look at me with concern all over her face. “Thanks, boo.”
“Welcome. I’ll pick up eighteen for you.”
“I also told Gianna to pull her head out of her ass.”
Uh-oh. I know I just bitched about his niece, but I don’t want anyone else to get into trouble. “She’s gonna tell Rome.”
“Good.” She smirks. “She’s worthless. It’ll give me a chance to finally tell him how I feel about her.”