Page 34 of Julian
“The Wonder Project. Seatbelt, please.”
“Holy shit. You’re like a badass chick in a movie.”
“Hold on,” I quickly swerved onto a side street.
I looked in my rearview mirror to see who followed me. The familiar feeling of adrenaline began coursing through my body. My hands gripped the steering wheel tighter, my breathing calmed. I remembered how this my favorite part of training. I had even been the driver on a few missions.
I moved in and out of traffic with ease all the while watching who was behind me.
Suddenly the car jerked and I heard a wheel rim scrapping against the ground. They shot out one of the tires. The car hit a bump and summersaulted.
Drummer pulled me out of the car as a bullet grazed his upper arm.
“Can you walk?” he asked.
I nodded and we hobbled towards a large crowd of people. We elbowed our way into the middle to catch our breath.
“This way,” Drummer grabbed my arm.
As we ran towards a brick warehouse, Drummer was mumbling on a cell phone.
“Where did you get…that’s mine.”
“I texted Orson while you were driving like a madwoman.”
A shot suddenly pierced Drummers side.
“You’re hit!”
It was as if he did not hear me. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into the building.
“We go up,” he pointed.
“Up? That’s stupid.”
“Orson will be there with the chopper.”
“Now this is next level shit,” I smiled.
Suddenly shots rang out and Drummer returned fire knocking down more of their men.
We made it to the roof and Drummer secured the door closed.
“Orson, we are on the roof, where are you?” he yelled into my phone.
It was not long until we felt the breeze from the rotating blades of the helicopter. The door flung up and a ladder fell down. I looked up to see Julian’s worried face.
I fought the urge to look around for cameras filming us. While I had been in some hairy situations, nothing like that had ever happened. It was unreal.
As I scrambled up the swinging ladder, Julian reached down to grab my hand.
I heard gun shots again.
While my heart leapt for joy at seeing Julian, it quickly sank.
“Drummer!” I yelled.
He ignored me and kept firing at the men who had broken through the heavy metal door.