Page 51 of Julian
I was speeding down the highway, and before I knew what was happening, I found myself tumbling down a ravine.
Through the blood dripping into my eyes, I saw someone standing next to my crushed door.
“Help me,” I croaked. “Help my baby. I’m pregnant.”
The person bent down, and I was face to face with Orson. I thought maybe he would help me, but instead I felt the metallic taste of blood in mouth from his blow.
All went black.
Present Day
Suddenly I awoke in a panic flapping my arms as if trying to remove something from my face that was suffocating me. I soon realized I could breathe just fine and took two deep breaths to calm myself.
I looked up to see a white ceiling and was reminded of the day I woke up on the table at The Wonder Project. My head ached like someone had taken a sledgehammer to it. I blinked my eyes working to adjust to the light.
The room smelled like disinfectant and sickness, two things I recognized from the terrible moments of my life.
I must be in the hospital, I thought with growing panic and tried to unsuccessfully get up.
Was this a dream I had just fallen into or was this reality and I had just been dreaming. I tried to shake my head to clear my thoughts. It felt like I was underwater. I touched my head, hoping to ease the pain but instead, felt a bandage. What was happening?
I worked my way to the edge of the bed and swung my legs over the edge. I breathed deeply as I pushed myself to sit up. The pain in my head pounding.
I took a moment to look around and figure out where I was. My breath caught in my throat as it all came flooding back to me. This was reality and I had just taken a trip through my memories.
Oh my god, Julian.
I had to find Julian and warn him. I had proof. Oh, wait…was he in on it too?
As I tried to stand, the sound of gun fire caught me off guard and I feel back on to the bed. My eyes darted around the room and the adrenaline of my training shot through my body.
I saw the door and thought about each step as I deliberately put one foot in front of the other. I opened the door and stepped into a dark hallway. I gagged as the smoke hit my lungs.
Another round of gun fire broke out.
My feet slowly made their way to the stairs. Just as I was about to put a foot on the first stair, I heard his voice screaming my name.
“Up here!” I yelled back cursing my feet to move faster.
Suddenly Julian appeared at the bottom of the stairs.
“Rylie…I mean Gia, you’re okay,” he ran up and embraced me.
I slumped into his arms.
“I’m so sorry for everything,” he whispered in my hair as he scooped me up and ran back down.
“As you should be,” I shot back as he ran through the front door into fresh air.
He pulled away and looked in my eyes, “what’s that supposed to mean?”
He set me down on a stump in the front yard.
“I had some memories. Some pretty terrible memories. Tell me Julian, you didn’t have anything to do with this, did you? I need an honest answer.”
He looked down at his feet.