Page 37 of Warming His Bed
He nodded toward our backpacks on the floor. “Now I always pack everything I could possibly need with me. There are collapsible walking poles, snacks, and an emergency backup phone battery charger in there.”
He turned the wheel, pulling the truck into the motel parking lot.
What he went through sounded awful, but I wasn’t sure what it had to do with what happened back in the clearing. “Okay, so he wanted to make sure you were all right to get home.” I gestured back and forth between us. “Not sure what that has to do with us.”
He hung his head. “Look, Sadie, I’m not the kind of guy you want to be with. There’s plenty you don’t know about me, and I don’t think you’d like it if you did.”
Let me be the judge of that.
He lifted his head and stared at me. His eyes filled with so much resignation it made me want to punch everyone in this town in the face. Why was everyone tiptoeing around him like he was made of glass and he’d break if they said the wrong thing? Why couldn’t they see what I saw? The man who climbed a salmon ladder like some kind of goddamn Olympian.
It was obvious from the set of his jaw that he wasn’t in the headspace to hear any of that right now. I needed to give him a little time. But that didn’t mean we wouldn’t be revisiting this.
In the meantime, I could give him something to think about.
“It’s too bad that’s what you think. I was hoping for a nice vacation fling while I was here, and you seemed like a good candidate.” I patted his arm. “If you manage to get your head out of your ass, you might still be in the running, but we’ll just have to wait and see.”
I didn’t allow myself to linger on his shocked expression. I grabbed my backpack off the floor, hopped out of the cab, and sashayed my ass over to my car, hoping he was enjoying the view.