Page 42 of Warming His Bed
Opening the door, Drew crowded me as he ushered me through. I was simultaneously turned on by his proximity and annoyed that he was herding me.
“What the hell was that?” he demanded.
“Funny, I was going to ask you the same thing.”
He paced his foyer, a war playing out on his face. “Were you serious about the vacation fling thing?”
The question surprised me. I was positive he’d dragged me inside to give me the boot for suggesting it in the first place. The thought that he was giving it any serious consideration unleashed a flurry of excitement in my stomach. “Maybe. Why are you asking?”
“Because the hell if it’s going to be with Paul.” He jabbed a finger toward the closed door.
My lips flattened. “So that’s what this is? A pissing contest?” And here I thought I was getting somewhere with him.
His pacing back and forth across the carpet stalled. “No. This is me trying not to let you slip through my fingers.”
The air crackled between us. This man was a walking contradiction, but I couldn’t stop myself from wanting him.
The grandfather clock tucked under the front of the stairs ticked, the sound filling the space. If he listened hard enough, he’d hear my heart beating at double that pace.
Aiming for aloof, I dropped my keys in the dish on the side table by the front door and took my time unzipping my boots. Next, I slowly pulled my jacket off, folded it in half, and laid it over the arm of the wingback chair near the door.
I could practically hear his jaw grinding, but I was going to take my time. Letting him get spooked again wasn’t on the menu tonight.
I was ready to draw things out. Make sure he meant it.
“I suppose you might still be in the running as a candidate.”
“In the running?” A predatory light shone in his eyes. He sauntered over toward me, his steps unhurried. That delicious scent of his overwhelmed my senses, throwing my decision-making capabilities into a tailspin. “And what, exactly, does the selection process entail?” He ran his tongue along his bottom lip as he stared down at me.
“Well…” I couldn’t tell him he was the only guy to get me hot and bothered in a long time. Hearing me say something like that would make him launch into a litany of reasons why I shouldn’t want to be with him. “I need someone I’ve got chemistry with.” I looked up at him through my lashes.
He leaned over and whispered in my ear, “I think we’ve got that covered.” His hot breath on my cheek made a shiver run up my spine. “What’s next on your list?” He pulled back and studied me with anticipation.
“Stamina.” My voice came out huskier than intended, but I didn’t mind the effect it had on his expression. And here I thought he already had his smolder dialed up to eleven.
“Good thing you’ve already witnessed proof my cardio regimen is no joke.” He murmured the words without a bit of arrogance, just a statement of fact as he reached out and stroked a lock of my hair.
My knees went a bit weak with anticipation as I recalled the noises he’d made during his workout in the garage.
“What else?” he asked.
Pure lust radiated off him. There was no chance of this man catching feelings, so I stated the last requirement more for my own benefit than his. “No strings.”
“Some strings,” he countered without missing a beat. His hand dropped the piece of hair he’d been touching, and his thumb grazed my collarbone, exposed by the boatneck of my sweater.
My synapses were so focused on the gentle scraping of his thumb against my skin that it took a moment for his words to register. “Wait. What?”
“This is time-limited. I can respect that. But if I’m your vacation fling, I’m the only one while you’re here.”
A warm sensation unfurled in my stomach at the possession in his tone. Since I had no interest in anyone else in this town, it was an easy concession. “Deal.”
“Who said that was my only condition?”
I gave a playful sigh. “Such the negotiator. What else?”
His expression grew dark, and I could tell he was debating whether to say something.