Page 83 of Warming His Bed
After you’re gonewas the unspoken part of his reply. “That’s great.”
I stared harder at the menu, willing away the hotness building in the corners of my eyes.
He looked over my shoulder again while he fiddled with the balled-up napkin in front of him. “Do you always leave the town you’re staying in as soon as your assignments are over? Or do you ever…stick around longer than planned?”
Oh god. He couldn’t wait to get rid of me. The nausea in my gut churned harder.
“My schedule is erratic. All depends on what assignment is up next, but usually I’m right back on a plane heading somewhere else as soon as I get home. So no, I don’t usually hang around where I’m not needed anymore.”
He frowned at my clipped tone. Then looked over my goddamn shoulder again.
I slapped the menu down on the table. “Excuse me. I’m going to use the restroom.” I stood up. “If Val stops by, order me a turkey club to go, please.”
A panicked look crossed his face. “Wait.”
But I was already striding to the back of the diner, toward the restrooms. I tried to be discreet as I wiped under my eyes. He didn’t need the whole town gossiping about how I was about to burst into tears as I scurried away from his table.
I slowed down and nearly tripped over my own feet as I neared the back of the diner. Two booths away from the little hallway housing the restrooms sat Axel and Veronica Everett and their two adorable children. My abrupt change in pace caught Axel’s attention. He looked up from under his worn baseball cap and gave me a polite nod with a half-smile.
It was a honed look that conveyed more information than I could absorb. Yes, I am who you think I am. Yes, I’ll give you an autograph and take a picture with you if you ask, but I’d rather you didn’t. I truly appreciate that you’re a fan, but surely you can see I’m trying to eat a meal with my family here.
I averted my eyes and rushed the rest of the way to the restrooms. Nothing in his expression addressed my problem. I had no desire to write about Axel Everett. Meanwhile, the man who’d made me consider burning my old life to the ground and starting over in Kelly Bay was ready to be rid of me.