Page 16 of Roots
“Aren’t you also the owner of a nightclub? Doesn't liking to dance come with the territory?”
He sighs. He honestly just sighs. Then he leans forward and brings his mouth to my ear.
“I own a BDSM establishment. We’re part of the nightclub scene, but there’s not a lot of dancing involved. Some though.”
My eyes widen. His eyes are way too close to my own,because he hasn’t moved his head away after talking close by my ear. If I would turn my head a little, our noses would touch. I don’t know a lot about BDSM to be honest. Like, maybe the general knowledge. It’s entirely possible I only have a lot of prejudices about it. All that comes to mind is someone willingly whipping another person into submission. I might need to do some more research on it. Gil can apparently read everything that’s going on in my mind on my face.
“I told you my establishment wasn’t for everybody.”
“I know a thing or two about not being everybody’s cup of tea,” I blurt out. “Hell, I like going to Renaissance fairs. I can bet you not everyone that attends those are your regular Joe’s. Have you ever met a LARP’er?”
“Say what now?”
He laughs out loud, and I can’t help but laugh along. The guy I’m seeing right here doesn’t fit the picture I have in my mind of a BDSM’er. A Dom? Or is he a Sub? That’s what it was right? I’ve read Fifty Shades. I know things. Maybe.
“Tell you what,” he says while picking another golden umbrella out of his drink and sticking it behind my ear. “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”
“I’m way too sober for propositions like that,” I joke as I nudge him in the side with my elbow. But I get what he’s trying to tell me. And if anything, I’m curious.
“You’ll come with me to a Renaissance fair if I come to your BDSM bar?”
“Establishment,” he corrects me. “But yeah.”
We stare at each other again. My eyes drift to his beautifully full lips that are currently smiling at me. He’s watching me with a stare so intense I can sense it without looking up and I force myself to look in his eyes again.
He smiles, and I get lost in his gaze for a moment. There’s something dark there that I haven't seen before. Gil seems to have another side to him that I’ve yet to meet. I get pulled from my thoughts when Dean hands me a new drink which I gratefully accept before getting pulled back to the dance floor. Gil salutes me when he sees me going back for a dance.