Page 14 of Earl of Spades
He chuckled. “You should see my estate. You could walk for miles admiring different natural sights and then return home to a comfortable bed.”
She glanced back at him over her shoulder and he realized the implication of his words. They sounded like an invitation.
Wincing, he kicked his horse a bit faster, and silence fell between them. It stretched out for the next mile as the sun shone down on them. Which was why the rumble in the distance caught his ear.
He slowed his horse, cocking his head to the side.
“Mmm.” He turned even further. The sound continued, swelling, growing louder rather than dying out. It was horses. Were they pulling a carriage? He didn’t hear any wheels.
Kicking his horse forward, he picked up speed until they reached a clump of trees and pulled off the trail to hide deep in the foliage, just able to peek out and see who might pass.
“Easton?” Lily asked, pressing further into the cradle of his body.
He wrapped his arm tighter about her. “My given name is Ash.”
“Ash? Who do you think that is?”
“Don’t worry. You’re safe with me.”
She nodded but twisted to the side, pressing her face into his shoulder. He’d like to wrap his other arm about her, but he reached for his pistol, having the weapon at the ready. “Close your eyes,” he said, low and deep. “I don’t want you to see what happens.”
Lily paused for a moment as the command sunk in. To close her eyes—that was to trust completely. She’d be blind.
“What if it’s Ox?”
“I remember what he looks like.”
She nodded and did as he told her. While trust was not her strongest suit, in this regard, she realized she had complete faith in Ash.
But now was not the moment to question her revelation. The hooves thundered, men shouting to one another as they passed by.
“I thought I saw a rider,” one of the men called to the others.
“So did I,” another yelled.
“Where did they go?”
Ash tensed, his arm tightening around her body in an iron grip. Not that she cared. In this moment, his arm might be the only thing holding her up. “What’s wrong?” she asked, snaking her hand up to cover his, twining her fingers with his as she squeezed her eyes even tighter.
“Don’t worry. I’ve got you.” And then his cheek brushed the top of her head.
Inexplicably, tears burned her eyes. “I know.”
The rumbling faded, but they sat there for several more seconds, locked in their embrace. Slowly, it occurred to her that they should have started moving again. If it had just been the stagecoach, surely they would have made their way back to the road. Then the shouts she’d heard started to sink in.
“They were looking for someone.”
“Yes,” he answered, still holding her tight.
“Why? I don’t understand.” Lily pressed her cheek to his chest.