Page 23 of Earl of Spades
Lily took Arabella’s advice and stayed in the carriage. They rode throughout the day and well into the next night. The journey wasn’t quite as bad as she’d feared. With Arabella and Lizzie to keep her company, she hadn’t felt the dread of confinement.
But she had missed Ash.
His heat, the soothing baritone of his voice, the strength in his body, and the comforting feel of his hand over hers.
Finally, after nearly twenty-four hours of straight travel, they stopped to rest. Ash was first at the carriage door, helping her out and folding her into his arms.
The small village they’d stopped in had a tiny inn. After waking the innkeeper, they requested lodging, but with only three rooms, the inn wasn’t able to accommodate all of them. Lockton volunteered to sleep in the stables along with the driver.
Arabella gave Lily a meaningful stare when Ash took a room for him and his wife. How did Lily begin to explain that she’d sleep much better with Ash pressed against her? Or that she’d grown quite used to the idea when she and Ash had traveled alone?
Did her sister think that they had been intimate? Her cheeks heated at the idea. Intriguing, she also embarrassing. What if Arabella thought a great deal more had happened than actually had?
And why did her half-sister’s opinion matter?
The men established a watch rotation and then the party broke, each heading to their room for some much-needed sleep.
Lily didn’t hesitate. She touched his hand the moment the door closed. “Ash.”
He pulled her into his arms. “Have you done all right in the carriage?”
“Fine. You were right. Arabella is wonderful. So is Lizzie.”
He pressed her close. “Worried still?”
She pressed her lips together as she gave a tight nod. “A bit. Arabella doesn’t think that Bash and Baxter are responsible. She says there are much easier ways for them to dispose of us if they wished.”
Ash nodded. “True. And don’t forget, Baxter’s a bastard too.”
“But he’s an earl,” she said, surprise making her voice high as she leaned back to look at him.
He smiled in return. “Awarded for his valor in service to the crown. And likely his relationship with Bash. But the point is, Bash has already seated one of his illegitimate siblings in a position of power, not attempted to rid the world of him.”
“I understand.” Her mouth twisted as she considered how they were involved. “But if they don’t own the club anymore, why would those men take me?”
Ash looked down at her, his mouth slowly parting. “What if…”
“What if what?”
“Did you say you were by the shop when they took you?”
“Yes. Why?”
“Well, we were worried they might mistake Arabella for you as the kidnappers moved north. But what if in London, they mistook you for Arabella? What if she was always their target?”
Lily felt as though the floor had dropped out from under her. “Dear Lord. Do you mean they’re not after me at all?”
Ash leaned down and kissed her forehead. It was a friendly gesture and yet her entire body reacted to the press of his lips. Her breath stuck in her chest as a wave of heat rippled down her body. Perhaps sleeping in his arms wasn’t the best idea after all.
“I’ll be right back,” he whispered, squeezing her quickly before he spun toward the door and stepped out. “Lock it behind me.”
She did as he bid and wrapped her hands about her waist.
This didn’t involve her at all. They’d been after Arabella this whole time. That old voice inside her told her she only had to hide and the storm would pass her by.
Lily shook her head.