Page 25 of Earl of Spades
“Because I don’t want to leave you alone again, and one of us has to investigate.”
“He’ll recognize you.”
Ash cupped her cheek. “Don’t worry. I’ve got a plan.”
“You do?” She looked up at him, her heart skipping a beat. She was worried for him, facing off with Ox. Which was ridiculous. For one thing, he’d bested the other man at their last meeting, and second, she shouldn’t care so much.
But she did.
“I do,” he said. Still holding her cheek, he leaned down and pressed his lips softly to hers.
She held her breath when tingling raced all through her, and closed her eyes as he lifted his mouth away and then kissed her again. The second touch was harder, firmer, but no less pleasant.
She’d thought she might be afraid of a kiss. The only man who’d ever tried to touch her this way, the butcher in the village where she’d worked, had forced the interaction. He’d been leaving the tavern as she’d come home from the shop. She’d escaped before he’d got any further than kissing, but it had reaffirmed everything she’d believed, a man’s protection came at a great cost. Lily’d avoided the butcher and any further interaction with the man after that.
But she didn’t think of any of that with Ash’s lips on hers. There was no worry and no fear, only a deep, pleasurable ache that threatened to consume her.
But then he lifted his head and pulled her out of the room.
Edge and Arabella’s room was only next door, and as a shirtless Edge ushered them in, Lily realized he looked as tired as she felt. “What’s wrong now?” he asked shrugging on his shirt and running a hand through his dark hair.
Arabella sat on the bed, crossing her arms as she looked to Ash.
“The thief I shot. Lily thinks she saw him making his way to the stables. He’s seen me, so I’ll need you to talk with Lockton while I try to catch a glimpse of him.”
Edge gave a nod. “Should I get Clubs too?”
“No. Leave him here with the women.”
Edge grimaced. “Good idea,” he said as he pulled on his boots.
They left, Lily and Arabella alone once again. “Thank goodness we stopped to rest,” Arabella said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “We’ve gotten loads of sleep and trouble is still far behind us.”
Lily quirked a small smile at that. Or she tried. “I could sleep for a week, I think.”
Arabella nodded. “Did they hurt you? Those men who had you?”
She shook her head. “No. It was scary, and I was hungry all the time, but they didn’t touch me. They hardly spoke to me.”
Arabella stepped closer, lifting her hand as though to touch Lily, but then she dropped it again. “That’s good. I was worried.”
“I… If they thought you were me, then it’s my fault…”
“It is not,” Lily rushed to say, reaching for Arabella’s hand. “It’s their fault.” Never in her wildest imaginings would she have thought that Arabella would bear some guilt. It made her feel guilty that she’d considered running.
“I know. But still. You’ve had to suffer because of my choices. I…I hate that.”
Lily swallowed down a lump. What were these people doing to her, making her care so? “On the bright side, it was your friend who saved me. I’m so grateful.”
Arabella squeezed her fingers. “I’m grateful too. And Lily, I need you to know that you are welcome at my shop and into my life too. I’m sorry I didn’t meet you sooner. I wasn’t even sure how I felt about Bash and Baxter, let alone another unknown sibling.”
“Don’t be sorry. I felt exactly the same way.”
“I know you did. Which is why it was so silly. We’ve so much in common. I…” And then Arabella folded her in a hug. “Whatever you or I decide about Baxter or Bash, let’s promise to be there for each other.”
Lily nodded, squeezing her sister back. “All right.”