Page 39 of Earl of Spades
They rose and quickly dressed, making their way downstairs to the common room, her fingers threaded through his.
Arabella and Edge were already there, and everyone turned to them as they entered.
Bash and Baxter stood with their matching dark hair and eyes, giving him equally hostile stares.
By way of answer, Lily shifted closer.
“You found our sister,” Bash finally said, his mouth forming a frown—which pricked at Ash’s remaining suspicions.
“You don’t seem all that happy.”
Bash looked over at Arabella and Edge for a moment. “I’m thrilled that Lily is safe. It’s just that…”
“What?” he asked, his chest puffing out as he tucked Lily a bit further behind him.
“She slept in your room last night,” Baxter spat out, his normally affable features twisting in a look of pain.
Lily gasped. “What else was he supposed to do? We’ve had men nipping at our heels the entire way here.” Then she looked around the inn. “Where are we, by the way? I was so tired yesterday, I lost track.”
“Northamptonshire,” Ash answered automatically, his hand reaching back to hers.
“Lord Easton.” Bash took a half step closer. “Perhaps we should have a word in private. Arabella, would you mind taking our sister back upstairs?”
Lily clicked her tongue, clearly irritated that she was being dismissed. Arabella heard the noise too and her posture stiffened as well.
Arabella crossed her arms and raised her chin, staring back at Bash. “In case I haven’t been clear, I don’t actually take orders from men, not even dukes.”
At Arabella’s words, Lily’s spine stiffened too, and she came out from behind Ash. “Whatever you wish to say, you may say in front of me.”
Bash’s brows drew together as he looked at his sisters. “What is it you two think we’ve done that you’ve grown so hostile?”
Lily glanced across him at Arabella before returning her attention to Bash. “I can’t speak for her, but I have questions. Why didn’t you tell me that I’d be interviewing at my sister’s shop?”
Bash had the decency to wince. “We just wanted to get the two of you together.”
“By scheming?” Arabella asked, her voice rising in accusation.
Baxter stepped forward. “It was my idea. Honestly, I meant no harm. You both seemed too resistant to meeting each other, but I just knew you’d get on well. You both—”
“What?” Lily asked.
Baxter features softened. “Have a fighter’s spirit.”
Those words trembled through Lily. Did he really think that? She wanted to believe him because her own insecurities whispered that she wasn’t all that strong.
“He’s right,” Bash added. “You both look and act like our grandmother. It’s uncanny.”
Doubts still weakened her knees and fogged her brain. “That might be true for Arabella…”
Arabella waved her hand. “You’re the one who faced down that beast of a man while I stayed in hiding. You don’t give yourself enough credit.”
Emotion filled her throat. Did Arabella really think that? She wanted to be strong. If she were, she might be able to face her future and whatever it brought, instead of always hiding from it.
“So, you set up an interview without telling either of us we’d be meeting a sister who is the mirror image of the other. Didn’t you expect that to end badly?”
“Not like this,” Baxter said, lifting his hands. “I expected you’d both be angry at me, but how could I know something like this might happen?”
Pain pulled at Baxter’s eyes, crinkling the corners and his mouth drawing in a tight line.