Page 48 of Earl of Spades
As the sun set, they arrived at the next village. The inn was large but busy and after looking at the town, Bash had leaned in close. “There are a great many innocent people about. I’m not sure we’d be wise to fight here.”
Ash was inclined to agree.
Lockton disappeared into the town stables and came out minutes later. “There is a large unused barn just outside of town. We can use it for protection in the fight.”
“Good idea,” Ash said. “A barn should provide us with the protection we need, and we’ll be well out of the way of the town.”
“If ye all go on ahead, I’ll see if I can drum up more fighters,” Lockton added.
The group started for the outskirts, easily finding the barn and camping in and around the building.
Baxter was even able to procure an entire pot of stew of some sort from the inn, setting it up for everyone to dig their cups into for a serving.
“When do you think the thieves will reach us?” she asked as they sat side by side sipping the broth.
He frowned. “Lockton said they were a half day behind us. If they ride through the night, then they’ll be here by morning. But if not…”
“What’s the plan, then?”
“Well, it means they stopped for the night too and if that’s the case, we might light out for London, try to beat them to the city.”
She looked down at her cup. “But for tonight, we’ll be all right?”
“We will,” he said, drawing her closer. He’d like to hold her in his arms all night the way he had on his horse today, but he knew he’d risk the further ire of the brothers.
The siblings had come to some sort of truce with him where they’d set their suspicions aside, and he didn’t want to risk ruining that.
He leaned closer. “Listen to me, Lily. If we do fight, and we’re in trouble, I want you to disappear. Find a place to hide and save yourself.”
She stared at him, her head cocking to the side. “And if I’d rather remain at your side?”
His mouth opened and closed as their eyes locked and held. “My goal has always been to save you.”
“And mine has been to find my future, I think.”
His jaw tightened. “Did you?”
She nodded. “I’ll stand and fight no matter the cost. Your life is as precious to me as my own.”
Those words settled over him. They weren’t a promise of the future, but they did confirm what he’d known earlier. She found him worth a great deal. No matter what the future held, he saw himself differently too.
His gaze broke from hers, and giving a quick glance around the fire, he whispered, “Meet me by the edge of the trees in five minutes.” Then he got up and started in the opposite direction he’d told her to go so as not to arouse suspicion. He’d circle back soon enough to meet her.
They needed a more private place to talk, and perhaps while there, he’d kiss her breathless.
He made his way around the barn and then watched her rise. The darkening sky cast her in shadow as he made a wide circle, keeping her shadowy figure just in his sights. And when she slipped behind a rock, he grinned to himself.
That was the exact sort of spot they needed.
He wanted to tell her how much he appreciated her words today. All of them. But as he slipped into her hiding spot, he found her sitting in the grass, her knees drawn up. The moment Lily saw him, she lifted her arms to him. Without hesitation he bent down, his hands landing on either side of her as he lifted her chin to angle her face up to his.
He captured her lips, loving the feel of her soft, yielding mouth under his even as her arms wrapped about his neck.
Moving together, they lay down in the grass, his body settling on top of hers. Slanting her mouth open, their tongues danced, one of her legs wrapping about his. He slid one arm under her neck, moving her closer to him and supporting her head to keep her comfortable, holding her cheek with his other hand.