Page 52 of Earl of Spades
“The answer to your offer is no,” Bash yelled into the night.
“Really? After we snatched your sister, you haven’t had a change of heart? Have you considered what you’d do if we were to take your wife? Your daughter?”
“I’ll see you and your entire outfit in the grave first.”
“You’ll never be able to—”
But Bash roared out a command, his voice fit for the most powerful general, and suddenly lead flew from everywhere.
The soldiers were here, hidden in the grass, and their unified attack sent a thick haze of smoke into the air. Men’s cries and the sound of frightened horses filled the night, and a streak of white came out of the cloud of smoke, the Governor clearly making a break from the fray.
Ash gritted his teeth, leveling his pistol. He’d see this done.
His mind slowed as he aimed just ahead of the streaking horse, taking into account the speed they traveled at.
With a deep, steadying breath, Ash pulled the trigger.
A haze of smoke filled his vision, but he still saw the man flinch, his body jerking and then nearly falling from the horse.
“You hit him,” Lily gasped.
“Stay here,” he commanded, reaching for his other pistol. “Reload and remain hidden.” Ash crouched down so as not to be seen as he entered the trees. Lily would keep herself well out of sight while he’d do his damnedest to catch the man who was responsible for all of this.
He sprinted through the woods, his chest heaving with the effort, when he caught sight of the white stallion once again. The Governor had slowed somewhat and though the light was dimmer under the canopy of the trees, Ash could still see that one of his shoulders listed down.
He smiled to himself as he slowed too, not wishing to be heard.
The Governor didn’t know it yet, but he was about to belong to Ash. And Ash had a score to settle, of that there was no doubt. Stalking through the woods, he moved ever closer. Part of him was tempted to call out—let the man know that he had met his end and that taking Lily had been his undoing.
But that might risk the man turning away or firing back. And so Ash took aim once again.
Just behind them, the strong beat of horses’ hooves filled the air. He squeezed the trigger just as the Governor slapped the reins, sending the beast lurching forward.
Ash didn’t need the smoke to clear to know that he’d missed.
He let out a curse even as the white stallion sped away.
Lockton came into view, his massive gelding eating the ground. “I’ll get him, Ash,” the Scot yelled. “Keep the women safe.”
And Lockton sped past. Ash didn’t wait to see if he caught the Governor or not, he had every faith in the man. So instead, he turned back to make certain Lily was unharmed. She was his first and last priority now.
Lily’s heart roared in her ears as all around her, shouts and the sound of pistols filled the air.
Her breath trembled out as she peeked over the rock and then it rushed from her lungs when she saw only a few of the thieves fleeing on their horses.
But a cry caught her ears.
She swept her gaze, catching sight of a man just to her right charging through the grass, dragging another behind him. The sight of skirts and the high cries of a woman made her freeze. She stared, her eyes narrowing as the moon glimmered off the woman’s blond hair.
Her own gasp filled her ears as she watched the man pull her sister further and further from the barn, making his way toward the woods.
“Let me go,” Arabella cried, struggling to escape.
“Shut up,” the man yelled, his hand flying through the air to come down hard on her cheek. “You escaped us once, you won’t again.”
Arabella’s cry of pain rang in her ears as Lily trembled, her hands shaking, fear rooting her feet to the spot.