Page 60 of Earl of Spades
Lily held Ash’s hand as they entered the house she’d lived in for a few weeks.
Bash had been kind enough to also send over the clothes he’d procured for her to Ash’s, and she had on a simple silk gown of pale green for dinner. The dress made her feel beautiful as she walked alongside Ash.
She looked around, wondering why she hadn’t trusted her brothers sooner. But it had been so long since she’d been able to trust. It wasn’t until Ash had crashed into her life that she’d realized just how much she’d been missing.
His hand tightened around hers as the butler showed them into the sitting room, where a crowd had already gathered.
Arabella and Edge were there along with Lizzie and Clubs. Next to Clubs was a striking man with blond hair and piercing eyes, a stunning brunette next to him.
“The Duke of Danesbury and his duchess,” Ash said close to her ear. “You might remember him from previous discussions. His nickname at the club is Chance.”
She nodded, recognizing the name. He was Ash and Arabella’s friend from childhood.
Bash sat across from them with his wife, Isabella, and Baxter and Clarissa stood just behind their settee. By the fire stood a lone man, whose light brown hair twinkled with bits of blond in the fading light.
He turned to look at them, and she gasped despite herself.
His eyes…
They looked exactly like Ash’s.
“That’s Ace…” Ash said, his brow crinkling in confusion. “He’s another owner of The Den of Sins.”
Her mouth opened and then snapped shut. What did she say?
“He’s far more than that,” the Chance rumbled.
“Chance?” Ash asked, looking at his friend. “What does that mean?”
But Chance only gestured toward Ace.
“I’m Lord Smith,” Ace said as he caught Lily’s gaze. “I’m very pleased to make your acquaintance.”
Ash stepped closer, his arm coming around her. “Why are you talking to her when it sounds like you should be speaking with me?”
Ace sighed. “I’m not exactly certain where to begin.”
“You can start,” Chance said when he stood, his voice dropping deadly low as his jaw clenched, “by explaining how you actually own a club that is our direct competitor, and then you can trot right to the part where you’re not a marquess’s son.”
Lily felt Ash tense beside her. “What the devil?”
But the dots were already connecting in Lily’s mind. She reached for Ash’s hand even as she looked at Ace. “Who do you own your club with, Ace?”
“That’s hardly the first question,” Chance said. “Unless he’s going to answer Sir Thomas or the Governor or—”
Ash held up his hand. “Lily has a very good reason for asking, I’m sure of it.”
She appreciated his confidence.
Ace frowned. “How did you know?”
“Your eyes,” she answered.
Chance made a choking noise. “What the bloody he—”
“Chance,” his wife chastised.