Page 30 of The Long Way Home
I smile at her, squinting. “Heard a lifelong dream of yours actualised while you were over there—”
She beams. “Vagina steams with Gwyneth?”
Jordan’s jaw drops. “Gwyneth Paltrow?”
Magnolia can hardly keep it together, she’s so smug about it.
I snort a laugh. “Everything you hoped for?”
She nods once. “And more.”
“Did you say ‘vagina steams’? With Gwyneth Paltrow?” Julian butts back in.
“Who else would you do that with?”
“Who else would I do it with?” He emphases the I in that sentence, then cocks his head towards my ex-girlfriend.
I’m going to be sick watching how Parks eats that up. Her cheeks go pink. Fuck. Maybe she’s keen on him?
“What do you talk about when you’re getting your vagina steamed?” Julian asks curiously.
Fair question, if I’m honest.
“I mean, what don’t you talk about?” she counters. “It’s all already on the table—”
“Are you on a table?” Jordan asks.
Parks sniffs a laugh and catches my eye. “I’m sorry to say you didn’t fare particularly well during the vagina monologues.”
Jordan lets out a small laugh and I shrug, guilty. “Can’t imagine I would have.”
Jordan shakes her head, staring at Parks, now a little starstruck. “How do you know Gwyneth Paltrow?”
“We’re new-ish friends.” Magnolia shrugs demurely, as though it’s not been one of her main manifestations since she was eleven.
“My father’s worked with Chris a lot over the years, so I’ve always known her — but I think she took pity on me because I was a bit of a lost soul over there.”
“You’re welcome.” I give her a courteous nod that’s mostly met with an amused glare.
“Right.” She gives me a glib look. “Thank you for that.”
I poke my tongue out at her.
She pokes hers back.
Jordan stares at me, and I can’t read her face. It’s not sad, but it is something.
“Who’s her dad?” she whispers.
“Every good song in the last twenty years that smashed? He wrote about half of them.”
“Oh.” She frowns like that was an annoying thing to hear. I guess it might be, so I throw my arm around her again and she leans in, kissing me. At the tail end of the kiss she lingers and I can tell she’s going to try to have sex later. Hope I don’t think of Parks.
“Heard you picked up golf in my absence?” Magnolia says, holding my gaze.
I nod. “Yeah, without you holding me back I’ve thrived—”
“Held you back?” Jordan asks, frowning between us.