Page 82 of The Long Way Home
I tuck my chin, eye her back. “No, I think you look sexy in everything,” I tell her even though I shouldn’t. She swallows and goes back to looking nervous.
I turn towards her.
“Parks, listen—” I swallow, a bit nervous. She looks over at me, curious.
Tucks her legs up under her. “Last night, in front of everyone, you were doing a lot of talking about… everything…” I trail off.
She frowns at me, confused.
I tilt my head. “Like, what we’ve been through and shit. December 3rd. ‘We can tell them’, that kind of thing.” I breathe out, glance at my phone. The boys are nagging like old ladies to tell me what the fuck she was going on about. “You said it enough times that they’re all asking questions.”
Her face crumples up, a little gasp.
“Oh god — I’m so sorry.” Hands fly to her cheeks. “Are you so cross at me?”
“No, Parks.” I shake my head, take her hand in mine. “Not at all. I think we’ve kept it to just us for long enough. We can tell them now.” I nod at her. “Should, probably.”
She looks far away in her mind as she nods a little.
“Are you going to tell Jordan?”
I grimace.
“I mean — I probably should, shouldn’t I?” I shrug.
“I beg your pardon?” She scowls at me. “Tell some girl we’ve known for like a day and a half our most secret thing in the world?”
I give her a look. “I mean, I’ve known her more than a day and a half.”
Her face is dark, glaring at me, but it’s not just angry, it’s nervous.
I lick my bottom lip. “You don’t want me to?”
She shakes her head and something about how her face goes reminds me of her when she was sixteen with that kid of ours growing inside of her and I remember again that the truth is — for me — when it comes to her, it’s always going to be whatever the fuck she needs.
“Okay.” I nod once.
Her face softens and she blinks a few times. “Do you promise?”
I nod again, giving her a quick smile.
“Yeah, I promise.”
She leans in, kisses me on the cheek.
“I’m going to book The Bingham Riverhouse for five. We’ll tell them then, yeah?” She nods obediently and I stand up. “Where are you going?” she asks, again with those big eyes.
I wipe my mouth with my hand, feeling the urge to stay — she wants me to; I could. I should, maybe.
But nothing’s different, she’s still leaving tomorrow so I’ll still leave now.
“Yeah—” I give her a bit of a grimace. “I’ve probably got some smoothing over to do with Jordan.”
“Oh.” She nods.
“Especially if I’m about to have to tell her I’m having dinner with all our friends and she’s not invited.” I sniff a laugh and Magnolia cringes apologetically.
“Go well, then.” She gives me a little frown.