Page 114 of Assisting My Brother’s Best Friend
He waited, not seeming to realize he'd just messed up. I looked around at the producers and various crew members standing around us, waiting for one of them to correct him. But they all had big smiles on their faces like they were completely enchanted by Drew's fake proposal.
Maybe they hadn't noticed him misspeak? But I had.
I bent over so my lips were next to his ear. "You accidentally said my name instead of Gwen's," I whispered.
He shook his head and whispered back, "It wasn't an accident. Will you marry me, Kate?"
I went still.
Tears sprang to my eyes, and I felt faint as blood rushed through my head. I started trembling as I looked at Drew and saw the sincerity in his eyes. He really meant it.
"You're asking me to marry you?" I whispered.
He nodded, and his grin spread wider. "Nothing would make me happier."
I blinked back the tears threatening to slip out. “O-of course I'll marry you, Drew," I said when I finally found my voice.
His whole face lit up, his smile bigger than I'd ever seen it. Then he swooped me up into his arms and kissed me.
"I love you so much, Kate." Drew spoke against my ear as we embraced again, me clinging so tight to him because I was sure I'd melt right into the ground if I didn't.
"I love you too, Drew," I whispered back, my voice hoarse and choked up with emotions. "You have no idea how much." I laughed as he picked me up, spinning me around several times before setting me down.
"Now let's make this official." Drew pulled the ring out of the box and slipped it on my finger. It fitperfectly.
"Is this something we're gonna have to give back to the show?" I asked as I admired the sparkly diamond on my ring finger.
"No, we had the jeweler rush over here once I realized I had to propose to you."
"What changed your mind anyway? When you left the hotel, I thought for sure you were going through with everything."
He shook his head. “While I was waiting here, I realized something: Aiden may not have wanted us to be together back when you were in high school, but that was because he knew how perfect we were for each other. I think he was worried that if I snatched you up before you even got to college, you'd give up on your dreams and put them on the back burner to support me. He wanted you to take the time to find out who you wanted to be, and then find the man you could be happy living with forever."
"It was always you, Drew."
He nodded. "I know that now. And I think that even though we can't hear him, Aiden is cheering us on from above. I think I've finally found a way to move past my guilt. And that is by being there for you, even when Aiden can't be."
"But being there for me like a husband, and not a brother, right?" I arched an eyebrow, so he'd know I was teasing.
"Oh, definitely like a husband." He wiggled his eyebrows, and I blushed, realizing we were still surrounded by lots of onlookers and cameras.
I stepped closer and lowered my voice. "So, is Alexis going to sue you for ruining her show?"
Drew shook his head. "No, she understands. And Gwen and Dion have even promised to leave us quietly alone, too."
"But what about your fans? They're going to hate me."
"No one could hate you, Kate. They're going to love you, almost as much as I do." He got a nervous look on his face, the first one he'd worn since I'd come out of the van.
"What is it?" I asked.
He took my hands in his. "Alexis does have one request."
I looked behind me to where Alexis was standing. Instead of scowling at me like I'd feared, Alexis had a huge grin on her face.
I turned back to Drew. "And what's her request?"