Page 20 of Designed By Fate

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Page 20 of Designed By Fate

Chapter Nine


“I’m sorry we have to go so soon. It was a truly unique wedding, and you look stunning, Kita.” Mom says in her velvety voice as dad leans in tugging me tightly to him. Grandpa and the twins stand behind me. I can practically taste the tension in the air between them. Dad hasn’t said a word to grandpa all night, barely even acknowledged his presence. It probably didn’t help I asked grandpa to walk me down the aisle, but it’s my wedding after all. My choice and I know I made the right one. I give them a small smile, ignoring the heaviness in my chest. This could be the last time I see them and they’re too busy being pissy at grandpa to even stay for the reception. I try to tug away but dad squeezes me tighter, and my heart aches for him.

I’ve changed. More than they’ll ever know.

I’m not that girl that ran away anymore, I’m not that girl that showed back up beaten and broken when all my big plans came crashing down around me. I’m so much more.

I’m strong.

I’m strong like my mother, like both of them. I’ve found the family my heart always longed for. I bury my face in his neck as the silence draws on, “I’m going to be okay, dad. I’m stronger now. I want this.” He pulls away, his dark brown eyes heavy as he tucks hair behind my ear, “You were always strong, Kita.” Mom clears her throat before turning quickly towards the quad of Clavemore University. Their rental car parked less than a few steps and a wall away from the door to the classroom that started it all. The first time my lands landed onthem, the first time I felt that tingle that comes with having their attention. The same one I feel now.

“Perhaps you’ll be able to come home for a bit after you finish the semester.” She says, still walking away as her voice cracks.

“That sounds like fun.” I can’t make this feel like less of a betrayal to her, nor can I make it make any sense. I can lie. I can lie to my mom and make her feel better right now. Hell, maybe there’s even some truth to it, maybe I can see them again. In less than an hour, we’re going to perform a ritual that gives me the most dangerous sense of hope. Not that the ritual is even the hard part that comes after. Surviving, a way to close the crack without this power. I watch them leave as my twins join me. A giggle escapes from my lips as Milo pulls me into his arms. My long dress still dangling to the ground, the long sleeves just enough to ward off most the cool wind, “Mrs. Voclain...” Tate repeats for the hundredth time tonight. Not that I mind, I rather like the way it rolls off his tongue. It just sounds right, like it always should’ve been this way. It’s a risk, of course siphoning off most if not all my power into the dagger before we can force the crack closed.

Gently force it closed, hopefully with the dagger...somehow. Maybe.

Not that there’s anything gentle about my power. I try to rein in my nerves as they poke into the overly full bond. If there was another way, we certainly don’t have time to explore it. Even now, the exhaustion in my limbs is compounded by the pounding in my head. The exhaustion is more than just that, it’s deep. It’s in my heart, bones and soul. Like I’ve overstayed my welcome in my own body. As soon as we reach the edge of the courtyard Mara bounds over a shit-eating grin on her face, “We’re dancing. Right now.” I laugh as she tugs me away from the twins, pretending to look annoyed as Sleepy walks to them, extending his hand in a gentlemanly bow. A few collage kids from campus have filtered over here and there. It’s not every day the elusive Belladonna Brothers get married... to the same girl. I don’t miss nor do I mind the hateful stares of the group of girls hurrying past, a familiar blonde in the middle.


None of them know the somber tone just below the thumping music and joyful smiles of the members surrounding us, their masks now tucked away as night well and truly descends. Each one of them possessing power of their own. Magic the world would implode if they learned of. The strongest of us all being the three former classmates they glared at and avoided in the halls. Their professors and friends are devoted to us, mind, body and soul. They have no idea the sacrifice we’re all willing to make, despite the cost. To keep them safe. They are just as blissfully ignorant as they should be, and I can’t help but envy them for it. What if we were the ones that were ignorant? If we hadn’t been chosen. What if we were the ones on the outside judging the weird cult that’s the worst kept secret on campus? Would I even have met the twins? Would they be triples as they were intended?

I have so many questions, so many things that don’t make complete sense, but I can live without those answers as I long as I have them. My hair whips around my face as we spin, I glance to my side, Mara and I erupting in laugher until we’re hunched over gripping our stomachs as Sleepy leads the twins out to the dance floor. Milo’s cheeks turn bright red as Tate and Sleepy dance on and around him. I know they’re only doing it to humor me, and I’m properly humored. The song changes again and I’m back in Tate’s arms, my heart hammering in my chest, but not from the dancing. At least not entirely. It’s the primal part of me that exists for their touch. He raises his palm, his suit jacket long discarded. His long sleeved dress shirt rolled around his forearms, showing off the angry red indents in his arms from earlier. I press my hand to his as he intertwines our fingers. Milo’s hands brush my hair away from my neck seconds before his lips tease the flesh there, setting my skin on fire. Tate spins me into his brother’s arms, taking his former place at my back. I lightly kiss the indents on Milo’s forearm, “I quite like seeing you bound. Perhaps Tate can help me rig you up next time.” I tease. Tate chuckles as we dance, Milo mumbling something that sounds a lot like the word brat. The briefest hint of intrigue in his gray eyes set a deep need within my core. I know he’d let me, if I ask very... very nicely. Perhaps I am a brat, but only because they’ve made me this way.

“You’re beautiful. You know that?” Tate coos, his lips teasing my ear. My grip tightens on Milo as he tugs my body taunt against his. I breathe in their clean musky smell before I lean up, capturing his lips with mine. It doesn’t take long for our tongues to follow suit, his teasing my bottom lip. Wishing they were doing the same thing far lower.

“You guys tell me all the time.” I remind them, because they do. Multiple times. Every day.

And I fucking love it.

Milo grips the back of neck in the relaxed display of possession that’s so akin to him as Tate finds my lips, I can’t even tell if we’re dancing anymore or just openly sucking face in a crowd of people. I don’t care as long as they don’t stop. My core aches, wetness sweeping into my lacey dark blue underwear.

“And we’ll keep telling you, every day, for the rest of our comically short lives.” Milo half groans as he pulls me from Tate back to him. The garter belt I’m wearing strains as I press my thighs tightly together, keeping my stockings perfectly in pace while my top remains free from clothing underneath the dress. Just like they like it. My nipples harden as they strain against the fabric of my wedding dress. Aching to be rolled and teased between their fingers.

“If we pulled you into the classroom right now, how wet would your little cunt be for us, kitten?”

A whimper leaves my throat just as someone behind us clears their throat loudly. When I turn to see who it is, my face turns a dozen different shades of red, my blush creeping up my neck as my grandpa stares at the ground. Looking incredibly uncomfortable. Sleepy and Mara’s laugher breaks the tension as they bump and grind on each other. The unlikely pair brings a smile to my face. I hope they stay together; they make each other happy, and God’s know they both deserve that. “We haven’t heard from Carlton since he left after the ceremony to get the daggers.” That sobers me, even more so the fact that I haven’t even noticed his absence in any proper sense. Tate gives me a reassuring squeeze, “I’m sure he’s fine.”

“We also haven’t heard from the group he left with.” Grandpa says, shifting on his feet. As if it were a physical wave, his unease crashes into the remaining members. Even the soft glow of lights seems to darken as we’re abruptly reminded of the task at hand. The gun pointed at all our heads. Milo steps forwards slightly, putting himself in front of me. If he was dog, I’m sure his hackles would be raised. “It’s only about a fifteen-minute drive to the cave. They should’ve been back a while ago.” Grandpa just nods, looking at them expectantly. It’s easy to forget they are the highest-ranking members of The Order, considering the dynamic Harbingers usually take. Without Lords, they lead. Tate doesn’t hesitate as he turns to a group who has all stopped talking and dancing. Their demeanor tensed, “Sleepy take five with you and go check on things.” Sleepy just nods, giving a very worried looking Mara a quick wink before he motions to a group already forming. One of the women stop short in front of us, lowering her head before addressing me quietly, “Are you feeling okay ma’am?”

I frown at her, confused by her question before I even notice the drop of blood making its way from my nose. I raise my hands quickly to stop it, but not before it drips onto the bodice of my dress. Ruining the beautiful white fabric with a smear of crimson. That hardly feels like a good omen. Concern floods the bond as they step towards me. Mara makes quick work of barreling between their adorable makeshift Harbinger shield to get to me, “Hey it’s alright.”

I stare at the drop a little longer, my mind and words only managing, “My dress.” My own voice seems to break me from my daze, “I’m fine, really. I feel fine.” I swallow hard, half surprised by the lie I hadn’t meant to tell. I don’t think I’m fine. I really don’t think I’m fine; I feel.... wrong. The twins’ hands are on me in a moment, quelling some of the sick feeling building in my gut as I flash them a reassuring smile. Milo jerks his pocket square free, using it to dot at my nose while Tate runs his fingers down my arm. Grandpa’s concerned face grows darker, his limbs tense as his eyes fall far past me, staring into the woods behind the courtyard. Something in his gaze makes the sick feeling in my gut grow unchecked. I lean up, kissing them both lightly, “I’m okay.”

Mara hooks her arm around mine, “Let’s go get that cleaned up before it sets in. I need to pee anyway.” Milo steps forward to protest as grandpa puts a hand on his shoulder, motioning towards the group of followers nervously awaiting word from their leaders. It’s unsettling how quickly things have changed, the lighthearted mood of the reception long gone. What stands before isn’t me isn’t guests excited to try cake at a wedding of their loved ones but hardened killers. Ready to do whatever is asked of them by their gods. A few women from the group step towards us, careful not to make direct eye contact with Milo or Tate. “We’d like to accompany her if that’s okay. My little one needs to use the restroom, too.” One of them mutters, carefully lifting her eyes to mine. I know that’s not why, not completely anyway. Something has changed and we can all feel it. Even Mara, if the way she nervously clings to my arm, her palms growing hotter even through my dress is any indicator.

I squeeze Mara’s arm tightly, answering for the twins, “That would be great thanks.” They want to protect me, care for me. My heart swells at the sense of dedication from people I barely know. Their call of duty to someone that’s been warned against interacting with them despite my best efforts to do just the opposite. It’s just not the way things are done. Feeling or being treated like I’m better than them has never really set well with me, but it seems the more I try to interact the more uncomfortable they get. Carlton explained it to me one day as, imagine that The Fates, or God for that matter, manifested in front of you one day and tried to make small talk about the weather. My smile grows warmer, more genuine as Tate leans in for a deeper kiss, apprehension in his eyes as he turns to follow grandpa. Milo lightly grips my chin, “Stay close baby.” The warning look he casts the three women would almost send a chill up even my spine had I not been up close and personal with the giant teddy bear that lurks beneath his abrasive exterior. The further we walk from them, the more they relax, even if it's slight. My effect on them, my powers draw is near painful as they struggle to hold their emotions in check. I hate that I do this to them. All their recent outbursts and lashing out have been in part because of this stolen power.

I cannot wait to be rid of it.

The little girl I now know as June runs past me ahead of the group, jumping over the large cracks in the sidewalk after stopping me moments ago to proudly declare we she was five and could already write her full name at school. My steps falter as the sizzle of energy builds off to my left, nestled deep in the opaque darkness of the woods. All the places the moon wouldn’t dare touch even if it wasn’t tucked behind the growing clouds. I glance at the group. Everyone is still chatting around me. The more steps I take, the more it prickles it’s icy edge seeping into my skin demanding I stop. I flinch, the loud crumble of rock filling my ears as my hands fly up to cover them.

“Miss?” One of the women asks, placing a tiny hand on my back. Mara frowns, “Are you okay? She asks before reaching out and trying to pry my hands from my ears where they’re clenched so tightly my nails cut into my skin. Her mouth drops open as she places a palm to my forehead, “Kita, you’re burning up.” I push her hand off, my pulse whooshing in my ears.

“Didn’t you hear that?” I demand, when she only stares at me, I whirl on the women who all shake their heads. I feel more blood drip from my nose, but I can’t bring myself to care wiping it away on the sleeve of my dress as I head towards the wood line. “Kita!” Mara exclaims.

“Just stay here. All of you.”

“Ma’am we can’t do that.” June’s mom mutters apologetically, her voice taking a stern tone. As she calls towards one of the other women already halfway to me as I enter the dark woods, “Clare, take June on to the restroom.” One of my heels sink into the damp ground, breaking my stride. I bend hiking up my heavy dress as I jerk off the straps, my bare feet hitting every rock and twig. Mara is breathing heavily by the time she catches up to me, “Fucking hell girl, you know I hate the woods.” A halfhearted sorry is all I can muster as I head deeper.

“Do you see that?” June’s mom asks just as an all too familiar putrid smell fills my nose. “Yeah...” The dark shadows of the woods spring to life a group of grotesque canine like creatures burst from their hiding places but none of them have our attention. It’s what lingers in the middle hunched over as it unfurls itself standing like a man but far from one I’ve ever seen. A scream leaves Mara’s throat making it turn its attention to her. In an instant my heart stops and all hell breaks loose.

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