Page 10 of Cowboys & Horses
The pain in my armsimmered to a dull ache by the time John returned with the group. My mood was back on a high after a morning of comedy films.
After lunch, we were told to collect our horses before heading out on another trail ride. I was almost skipping as I made my way to Cody. Riding him this afternoon would only help me further. I tightened his cinch and jumped in the saddle.
“Err, what do you think you’re doing?”
I looked down to see Brady stood at the side of me, his dark eyes glaring at me as if I’d stolen something. “Um, riding?”
“I don’t think so. Get off.”
“I beg your pardon?”
He crossed his arms over his chest. “You heard me. Get off.”
My stewing anger decided to bring itself to boil. “Who the hell do you think you are? You’ve done nothing but speak to me like I’m a piece of shit on the bottom of your shoe since I arrived. Well I’ve got news for you, buddy. I’m a human being, just like you. Well, that’s debateable to be quite frank, but regardless. Treat others how you expect to be treated. Back the hell off and leave me alone.”
The hum of chatter around us fell into an awkward silence as we stared each other out.
“What’s the problem?”
I turned to see John striding towards us, a deep frown creasing his face.
“Him.” I pointed at Brady. “He’s done nothing but be an ass to me since I arrived. He’s now telling me I can’t ride.”
His eyes passed over to Brady. “Is that true?”
“I haven’t been an ass at all. But yes, I am telling her she can’t ride now. I’ve asked her to get off the horse and she won’t.”
My mouth fell open as I glowered at him. “You haven’t even given me a justification for it!”
He looked back at me, his lips pulling into a sly smile. “You never asked.”
“You absolute—”
“Alright, Sophie. Just calm down. Brady, why can’t she ride?”
“She fell over earlier and hurt her arm. I’m not prepared to trek into the desert with an injured guest.”
John glanced at me, running his tongue over his lips. “I’m sorry, Sophie, but he is making the right call here. Have you had it looked at?”
I shook my head. “No. It’s fine. Honestly.”
He gave me a look of ‘don’t be daft’. “Come on, I’ll run you down to the hospital.” He nodded at Brady as he walked to his truck.
I gave Brady my best ‘if looks could kill’ stare before jumping off Cody and following John. If I was ever capable of murder, it was right now.
MY ARM WAS OK, BUTmy wrist had a bad sprain. With a support bandage, orders of ice packs and rest for a couple of days, I came back to the ranch. I begged John to let me ride. He eventually caved in on the provision I only rode in the arena until the weekend. I had to also ride one handed which would be an interesting new skill for me to learn.
He stopped me just as I jumped out of the truck. “Listen. I know Brady can be a bit direct, but everything he does has a good reason behind it. I trust that man with my life.”
I nodded. “I think it’s just a clash of personalities. I’ll try to calm my temper.”
He grinned. “Might not be a bad idea. We’re heading out for a cookout again this evening but we’re taking the hay cart and the draft horses.”
I nodded before heading back to my room. I don’t think I’ve ever been so grateful to collapse on a bed. What a day. I closed my eyes and tried my hardest to focus on the positives of my life, rather than the negatives.