Page 38 of Cowboys & Horses
I gasped and reached up, panic already taking over.
“Shhh,” he said, taking a hold of my flailing hands. “Just trust me.”
A violent shudder ran down my spine. I took a deep breath and concentrated on counting to twenty in odd numbers. By the time I’d done that, the blindfold was on and my gut was a churning mess of excitement and nerves.
He settled his hands back in the curves of my waist and helped me walk for the next couple of minutes. When he stopped, he stroked a thumb over my lips and kissed my cheek.
“I’m going to lift you up onto a horse now. There’s no saddle.”
I shrieked in surprise. “Blindfolded? Are you kidding?”
He chuckled. “Trust me.”
My heart hammered inside my chest. His grip on my waist tightened, and as if I was nothing, he lifted me up onto a broad back which I could only presume was Cody’s. Seconds later, Brady was behind me with his chest pressed against my back. He felt solid, warm, reliable—something I wanted to keep close to me.
He reached forwards, his arms resting around me and further encasing me inside his strong body. Clicking to Cody, he ushered us on into a sedate walk.
“You ok?” he asked.
His lips were millimetres from my right ear, I could feel the movement of them as he spoke. In my mind, I was screaming at him to kiss me, run his hands through my hair—anything but this ‘so near yet so far’ torture. A fierce wave of goosebumps flooded my body, leaving every nerve ending tingling. This was driving me crazy and we’d barely managed more than a few steps.
“Yes,” I said, my voice nothing short of a breathless whisper. “Where are we going?”
“You’ll see soon. It’s not far away.”
I fell silent, concentrating on anything but the closeness of our bodies. Finding some wisps of Cody’s mane, I twirled the coarse hair around my fingers to keep my hands busy. The urge to lean back against Brady’s chest was becoming hard to resist. Visions of him trailing tender kisses down my neck consumed me to the point where I almost asked him to do just that.
This need I had for him to touch me was alien to me. I’d never experienced such intense desire for someone—not even Ben. Was this just my body reacting to an attractive male after so long with no intimacy? After all, it wasn’t like Ben and I had been active in that department since my accident. I’d only just allowed him to hug me before I came out here.
Not wanting to ruin the night with my analysing mind-set, I relaxed, paying attention to the eerie quiet around us. Except for the buzzing of night time insects, and the odd squawk from nocturnal birds, there was nothing but the rustling of Cody’s hooves through the sand and vegetation.
Several minutes later, Brady drew Cody to a halt. He slid down from behind me and a cool breeze skimmed over me, leaving me aching for his closeness once again. I shivered, a vibrant mix of adrenaline and nerves throbbing through me. He placed a hand on my leg, causing me to gasp. I was such a bundle of emotions and sensations, I was amazed I could even think straight.
He snaked his hands up towards my waist. The slow, gentle path he took had me balancing on a knife edge of begging him to put his hands on me—bare. He lifted me down, enveloping me into his chest the second my feet touched the ground.
He rested his cheek against my head as he moved his arms to the back of my head. Tugging my blindfold free, I barely had time to adjust my eyes before he stole the last piece of me with a heart stopping kiss. It was the perfect potent mix of demand tinged with delicacy. The leisurely massage of his tongue on mine coasted me into serene bliss, leaving me clinging onto him for all I was worth.
After a couple of minutes, he broke our kiss by only millimetres. With his forehead leaning against mine, he opened his eyes, staring straight through into my soul. I was lost, like an unmanned yacht floating along with the current. The glisten in his eyes, the way he wrapped his arms around me, the way he made me crave his touch, his kiss,him,I was losing all sense of myself.
He uncurled his arms from around my back and cupped my cheeks. Brushing his thumbs across my heated skin, the burning passion in his eyes simmered to a desperate fervency.
“Sophie, I...” He closed his eyes and pressed his lips together. Drawing a deep breath, he reopened his eyes, the forlorn ardour now gone. “I hope you like this.”
My heart rate was through the roof. I suspected what he ended up saying was not his original intention. The sinking weight in my gut made me question whether I had actually wanted him to say what he was going to. Was I really ready to hear those words from another man? And so soon?
As he led me around the front of Cody, I gasped, almost choking. Water flooded my eyes in an instant. The beautiful scene laid out before me was just incredible.