Page 43 of Cowboys & Horses
I nodded, a little frustrated, but it was safe to say the moment had been ruined. He lifted me up onto Cody’s broad back before clearing up the amazing scene he’d created. Carrying the picnic basket, he walked alongside Cody as we ambled back to the ranch. I couldn’t help disappointment rising that he wasn’t behind me, melting our bodies together.
We both remained silent for the walk back. The only sounds in the air were that of busy night time insects. I gazed up into the glorious dark sky, a surge of hope and happiness spreading through me as I relished in this moment. Home was such a long way away, yet I felt more at home here than I ever had in England.
Waltzing back into the barn, Brady took Cody back to his stall. I wandered down after them, wondering what other surprises this marvellous man could come up with. I fed Cody an apple as Brady disappeared with his bridle. The rhythmic chewing of his midnight snack almost lulled me into another world as I peered over the door at him. I sighed, totally relaxed and happy for the first time since I could remember.
“You ok?”
I turned to that husky voice, goosebumps covering me. I nodded.
He slid his arms around my back. “Shall I escort the lady back to her prison?”
I giggled, nodding.
A quick peck on the lips followed before he took my hand. All the way back to my chalet, I fought an internal battle with myself. Was this evening just a plight to get me into bed? Would he still stay after we’d been together, or would that be the last I saw of him? What about Ben?
As we approached my door, my heart pounded against my ribs, my wondering about the next step still unanswered. He unlocked the door, leading me through. My pulse throbbed in my ears, and for once, my heart overruled my head.
The setting was perfect, the whole evening had been perfect. Heck, even he was perfect. Why couldn’t I indulge myself in the moment? Allow myself to be swept away by his romantic gestures? I was on holiday after all. As cliché as it may be, I deserved to be made to feel special, desired, wanted. Even if he did disappear in the morning. Right?
He turned to me, his eyes burning with lust. My breath caught in my throat as he closed the gap between us. The door clicked shut behind me and my heart raced to new speeds.
Lifting a hand, he skimmed it down my arm. His eyes never left mine, not even when his light touch left me nothing short of a trembling mess.
“Tell me what you want,” he whispered, continuing to trace his fingers up and down my arm. “Don’t think about anything else but what you want right now.”
A new wave of heat flooded through me. “You.” I licked my lips and tried to stop the quiver controlling my muscles. “I want you.”
A beaming smile swept across his face, lighting his features up with joy. “Do you trust me?”
I nodded, no hesitation at all.
He interlaced our fingers, holding us together. Time seemed to slow down, everything moving in slow motion as he inched towards me with those succulent lips of his. Each millimetre closer he crept increased my heartbeat another level. This was happening,reallyhappening.
“Just relax,” he said, his mouth so close, his lips brushed mine when he spoke.
I closed my eyes and did just that.