Page 52 of Cowboys & Horses
If I thought I’d seenhim angry before, I was very much mistaken. He clicked the lock with a definitive move, his glowering eyes never leaving mine. Clenching his jaw, a muscle in his cheek twitched and his chest rose with short, shallow breaths.
“You slept withhim?”
The raw husk of his voice sent chills down my spine. His entire demeanour had changed from a light, fluffy friend to a raging, furious bull. Despite my dry mouth and racing heartbeat, I pushed my brazenness to the forefront. I couldn’t afford to back down. He had to know how this felt. My worry for involving Brady was obviously nothing to consider.
“Yes,” I said, squaring my shoulders.
He took a step towards me, visibly shaking with anger. At precisely the wrong time, I bit my cheeks to stifle a smile.
“Are you smiling?” he said, his voice now a seething whisper. “Are you seriouslyfuckingsmiling?”
I scuttled back from him, finding the wall behind me all too quick. He glowered above me like some rabid beast toying with its prey. He leaned forwards, trapping me between his arms as he pressed each palm to the wall.
“Well?” he said.
I shook my head. I had no voice. Despite my initial boldness, it was fading fast. If he was trying to intimidate me, he was doing a good job.
“Was he good?”
A whimper left me. How was I supposed to answer that in a position like this? “I...”
“Speak up, Soph. I can’t quite hear you.”
As he moved a hand to gesture towards his ear, I saw the small gap he’d left and took my opportunity. I slipped along the wall and stepped behind him. Unfortunately, I misjudged his reflexes. Before I could run backwards away from him, he spun around and reached a hand out, grabbing hold of my wrist in a vice like grip.
He yanked me back towards him, holding my arm up in the air. “Was he good?”
The hard beat of my heart against my ribs was making my chest hurt. Adrenaline coursing around my body made my head spin. Fear froze me to the spot. I dared to meet his eye contact, panic covering me when I saw the sheer fury blazing in his jaded eyes.
Tears sprang from nowhere, trickling down my cheek in a steady stream. “Yes,” I said, my voice a hoarse whisper.
His grip tightened. “Did you enjoy him more than me?”
A desperate sob escaped as I drew a deep breath. “Ben, please—”
Shaking my arm back and forth, he repeated his question in a low, menacing tone. With each word, he inched his face closer to mine. I bit my lip in an attempt to stem my flow of tears, but it wasn’t working.
I cast my eyes down and tried to calm myself. Taking too long to answer his question, he squeezed my wrist, making me yelp in pain.
“Yes,” I said, sobbing. “Yes, I did.”
He let go of my arm, throwing it back at me as if it was something that disgusted him. “So, what made the cowboy so much better, Soph? Please, indulge me.”
“I...I don’t know...”
“Yes, you do.”
I glanced back up at him and shook my head.
“Tell me.”
“Ben, I—”
The booming authority of his voice made me jump, and also broke through the filter I had on my mouth.