Page 18 of This Time Around
The creamy custardpie slid smoothly down her throat, its sweetness coating her taste buds.It was every bit as delicious as Katie had imagined and more.She had craved a homemade pie, its wholesome ingredients a welcome change from the boxed grocery store pies she usually bought.
Katie took a tiny sip of her hot coffee, peering at Chase under her lashes.She hid a smile behind her mug as her lips parted, surveying the man sitting across from her—attractive and self-assured.
Chase was no longer the shy, gawky kid she knew ten years ago.This man was an eyeful—handsome and well-groomed.Her eyes took in every inch of his chiseled face, achingly familiar yet distant.She longed to run her fingers through his thick brown locks and touch the special dimple in his cleft chin that she loved.
She gulped, taking another sip.Her tongue flicked out to catch a drop hanging on the edge of the cup.She licked her lips and set the mug down, relaxing her back on the bench seat.
She hadn’t seen Chase for almost a decade.She had wondered about him, although not on purpose, on her infrequent visits home.It made it easier, not running into him when she finally managed to put him out of her thoughts.Yet in the back of her mind, he’d stayed, like a stage actor behind the curtains, waiting until the next scene.
He was so different from the boy she remembered.He exuded masculinity and charm.When he walked, he took firm, confident strides.On the dance floor, Chase easily led her, taking charge.
Katie licked her lips again.He looked delicious in his formal attire—his chest filled his shirt, and his arm muscles bulged, stretching the fabric of the sleeves.She was tempted to reach out and squeeze his arms and feel the rippling muscles underneath.She bit her lip.Chase was all man now—but he wasn’t hers.
The shy boy Katie remembered had grown and emerged as an adult.His face was no longer smooth and unlined.It had taken on the years, although they had been kind to him.She felt the ache in her heart, thinking of the time she had missed.
Her fingers toyed with the mug, running down the curve of the handle and around.She’d decided ten years ago.At times, she’d wondered if she’d made the right decision.Over the years, she’d struggled on her own.Katie had kept a strong demeanor at work, but at night, when she was all alone, she’d wept into her pillow.She had missed him.She held on to the good parts of their time together, pushing away the part when they broke up—whenshebroke up with Chase.
It was engraved in her mind—the agony on his face gave away his heartbreak and pain.She did it to him then, delivering the blow.One fell swoop.Katie had reminded herself it was better that way, to be over and done with quickly.She had stood firm, keeping her pride intact.
When Katie left, it didn’t feel good.She didn’t feel righteous or victorious.She didn’t expect—and wasn’t prepared—for the pain in her heart.The dull ache inside her throbbed and stayed long after her memories faded.