Page 30 of This Time Around
It had been a long day.On the drive home, Chase noticed Timmy was getting sleepy, with his belly full of good food.He left him alone.
He sighed, feeling worn out and beat.His muscles would be sore tomorrow, but it wasn’t just his body.Chase felt a weariness all over and a heaviness in his chest.The weight of it was dragging him down, and with it, he was losing hope.
The short drive took about five minutes.He pulled into his driveway.Timmy had been quiet, having fallen asleep.Chase shook him gently, and when the child didn’t respond, he got Timmy ready for bed, stripping off his shoes, socks, shirt, and pants, pulling on his PJs, and tucking him in bed without a bath.He leaned over and kissed Timmy gently on his cheek, but the child was snoring.
Chase took a hot shower, washing away the day’s grunge.He went to bed, sinking into the puffy pillow.Sleep didn’t come.He got up to get a drink of water in the kitchen and paced in the living room.Settling on the couch, he turned on the TV, fingers working the remote, clicking on random channels aimlessly, with nothing specific in mind.He skipped the ads, becoming aware the volume went up when the ad played and then lowered when it went back to regular programming.The loud sound was grinding, harsh, and irritating.His head throbbed, but rubbing his temples and the tight muscles in his neck didn’t help.In a fit, he turned off the TV and tossed the remote.
He sat on the couch, bristling, surrounded by silence.His thoughts turned to Katie—not the Katie from yesterday, but the one today.She hadn’t said one word to him about last night, but acted normal, like nothing had happened.She didn’t even mention she’d be leaving tomorrow.If it wasn’t for Mary, he’d never have known.The bitterness crept in.He clenched his teeth, tightening his jaw muscles.Chase went over the day, each interaction they had.She had kept her distance, but it wasn’t obvious she was avoiding him.He could tell the difference—or thought he could.
He stared at the living room wall, the one he’d painted beige, as if he could find an answer there.He wondered if he’d misinterpreted her actions.Twice, he’d lingered at the kitchen sink while Katie was washing dishes, hoping to catch a moment alone with her.He had moved closer, under the guise of bringing his dirty dishes to the sink.But Mary had shooed him away, saying he didn’t need to help.Had Katie confided in her?Perhaps not.He had detected no change in Mary.If she’d known, she might have even teased him a bit ’cause she couldn’t resist.
He didn’t know Katie was leaving tomorrow.If he had, he’d have tried harder to talk to her about last night.Was she playing with his feelings?His pulse quickened as he remembered.He had felt something.What stirred inside of him wasn’t just lust and longing, although she had that effect on him.Every time.He’d slipped and let her get close to him again.Not just physically, but she occupied his mind, too.He couldn’t get her out of his thoughts.He needed to clear his head, and he didn’t know how.Tomorrow, she’d be leaving town and out of his life again.He wanted to—no,theyneeded to talk.He couldn’t let her go without resolution.Life was different now.He’d made a home with Timmy.
Katie packedher suitcase for the next day before she went to bed.She had promised to take Momma to the doctor in the morning, and then they’d have lunch together.This weekend was almost over.Her thoughts drifted back to Chase and meeting Timmy.Seeing them together and how happy they were brought a lump to her throat.She liked the boy instantly, and he’d carved out a special place in her heart.They had broken bread together, sharing a delicious homemade meal and lots of laughs tonight—like one big, happy family.
But she’d ruined it.Torn it up and ripped it apart all by herself.She had distanced herself, acted aloof, and withheld information from Chase she shouldn’t have.It was hindsight now, a little too late.She was sorry for not telling Chase she was leaving tomorrow.Her heart ached, seeing the look on his face—the shock of finding out from Mary that Katie was going back home.His eyes had dulled, the light and gleam snubbed out.She saw the change as the glow disappeared, replaced by hurt and disappointment.And suppressed anger.The glance they’d exchanged confirmed it.
Perhaps he thought she’d changed.Perhaps she used him last night.Could she have been so cruel?She could have apologized and lightened the pain she caused, but she didn’t.She let Chase walk out of the house and out of her life again.Katie sighed, breathing deeply.The sad part was she didn’t even say a proper goodbye to Timmy.He deserved more from her.Both of them did.