Page 36 of This Time Around
Katie didn’t meanto snipe at Chase when he offered his hand to her when she exited the car.She regretted it instantly.Blaming it on her nerves wasn’t a good excuse.She liked his take-charge attitude.
At work, Katie was the one who made decisions and gave the orders.But she froze today, seeing her mother lying awkwardly on the pavement.It shocked her to witness Momma in a twisted position, vulnerable and in pain.The strong woman who had raised her was not the person before her now, unable to get up and move.A minute before, they were heading toward the soda fountain for a luscious malt and excited about spending some time together and enjoying a meal before her flight left.In a flash, it had all changed.
She knew Chase worked at the bank and had entertained thoughts of seeing him.She’d scanned the building hoping to spot him.But she hadn’t gone to seek him out.Had he been watching her?Did he see Momma fall?Chase had come running, rushing out to be at their side.She couldn’t help noticing how handsome he looked in a suit.Chase had acted assertively, calling 911 and getting her mother to the hospital.He got her there, too, following the ambulance to the emergency room.He was calm, assured, and quick-thinking.She was glad to see him and grateful for his help.
They were sitting in the waiting room, their chairs side by side.The doctors had examined Momma, and someone had taken her to radiology for X-rays and an MRI.Chase got up and excused himself, holding his phone in his hand.Katie swallowed.Was he leaving to go back to work?She’d be left alone for a few hours until Mary’s shift at the restaurant ended and she could come to the hospital.
Katie hoped he wasn’t leaving.She shifted and readjusted her position, picking up a magazine to read.She didn’t hear him walk up to her until she saw his shoes appear in her line of vision.Katie looked up, eye-level to the two paper cups he was holding in front of her.
She reached out for a cup, the liquid inside a pale brown.“Thank you.”
“If you don’t like it, there’s also hot chocolate.”
“No, this is fine.”She sipped the coffee, raising an eyebrow at the weak and watered-down brew.
“Vending machine special.”He smiled, sitting back down in the chair.
“Okay.”She nursed the cup in her hand, swirling the liquid.“Are you going back to work?”
“No, not yet.”
“I—I appreciate your help.I’m sorry for sniping at you earlier.”
She heard him murmuring something about it being no big deal and about being available to stay longer should she need him.“Mary will be here after her shift ends.She’s going home to change and then to go get Jim before she comes here.You gonna pick Timmy up after school?”
“Yes, I’m going to go to his school and take him home, and I’ve made arrangements for a sitter to come later.”
She shot up straight.She’d been so busy thinking about everybody else, she’d forgotten about her flight this evening.What was wrong with her?She had to be back at work in the morning, right?She rummaged through her purse, frantically searching for the plane ticket.Her fingertips found it, and she plucked it out.She skimmed through the ticket for the flight information, confirming her departure time wasn’t until this evening.Sally, her assistant, had made the reservations.
“Would you excuse me?I’ve got a call to make.”She rose, ticket in one hand and her phone in the other, and scurried out of the room toward the hallway.
Sally answered on the first ring.
“Hi, Katie here.Do you have a moment?”
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“I really need your help.Can you please cancel my flight today?”
“Oh, are you okay?”
“Yes.I—we have a family emergency, and I need to stay here.”
“Gosh, I’m so sorry.You want me to schedule a return flight for another day?”
“I don’t know yet.I’ll need to call you later.”Katie paused.“Can you transfer me to Joanne?”
“Sure, I’ll put you on hold.”
“You’re the best.Thank you.”
The last person Katie wanted to talk to was Joanne, the BFH.She bit her lip as she waited, counting the number of rings, hoping the call would go straight to her voicemail.When her prerecorded greeting played, she left a quick message, repeating what she’d told Sally, and ended the call.
She leaned her back against the hallway wall, grateful for the solid support.Her stomach churned, and she felt a tightness in her chest.Would Joanne go ballistic?Give her hell?There was no telling what she’d do.One thing was for sure: That woman didn’t have a sympathetic ear or a kind bone in her body.She breathed slowly, inhaling and exhaling a long breath.
The hallway door swooshed open.She turned her head to see Chase running out, the soles of his shoes squishing on the smooth, waxed floor.
“The doctor wants to talk to you now,” he said, waving in the direction of the waiting room as he spun around.
She dropped her ticket and phone in her purse and snapped it shut.