Page 39 of This Time Around
Katie had saidyes when Chase asked her to ride along to pick up Timmy.He explained that he usually took Timmy to the bus stop in the morning, but he liked to pick the boy up after school.They often stopped at the store on the way back to buy groceries or get school supplies or materials for a homework project.On special days, they’d get a treat.
He pulled up in front of the elementary school and parked just as the bell rang and the kids were let out.
“Remember when we used to go here?”she asked, rolling down the window, listening to the kids laughing and calling out to each other as they stormed out.
“I thought people our age were old.But I couldn’t wait to grow up.”She watched as the children ran and jumped, their short legs flying.Some kids dumped their backpacks on the front lawn to play.Others walked toward the idling school buses waiting in a line.
Chase was already out of the car, dashing across the school grounds, when Timmy spotted him and yelled.He turned as the boy flew into his arms, and they hugged, happy to see each other.
Katie smiled wistfully, watching the two of them together.They were a family.Chase was a father, and a good one.He’d taken on this responsibility when he was so young.He didn’t have a choice.She felt a wrench in her stomach.If she’d stayed, she would have been a part of this family.Timmy would have been hers to raise, too.She wondered if Chase thought she didn’t want kids or cared only about her career.She remembered the hopes and dreams they shared.But life had a way of throwing curve balls, high balls, and low balls, despite all their plans.He took on this role and never complained.He loved this child who reminded him of his brother, with the same big, intense blue eyes, and of Darlene, from whom he inherited the sandy blond hair.
She remembered the boyishly handsome Chase from ten years ago and her quickening heartbeat each time she saw him.His shy, crooked smile melted her heart.She knew why he smiled like that.
Katie sighed as her thoughts turned to her suitcase, packed and ready to go.She’d left once before, never looking back.In the years since, she’d achieved everything she aimed for, and then some.She was ambitious, single-minded, and smart.She should be fulfilled, but it felt empty and bleak instead.
“Hey,” someone shouted, snapping her out of her thoughts as the kid zipped by to catch up with his friends.She glanced up to see Chase gather Timmy’s backpack and lunchbox.He pointed in her direction, and the child’s upturned face sought hers, waving excitedly when their eyes met.She knew Chase remembered she wanted to see the boy before she left.They headed her way, walking to the car.
The shrill sound of a ringtone startled Katie.She knew who it was before she glanced at the phone.She’d assigned it to one person—the BFH.A heavy weight gripped her chest as she paled.She stared at the screen, the number flashing, dreading this call, knowing it was never pleasant.Her finger trembled, poised over the “answer call” button.She counted the rings… one, two, three… then stabbed the button with her fingertip.
She swallowed and spoke, putting on her neutral, professional voice.“Hello, this is Katie.”
Joanne didn’t bother with any pleasantries, barking, “Where the hell are you?”
“I’m still here.I told Sally to cancel my flight.Did you get my message?”
“I put a stop to it.”
“You did… what?”Katie gasped.
“You need to get your butt on that plane.NOW.”
“But… I have a family emergency!I can’t.”
“You can.And you will.Do.What.I.Say.When I say—”
“No!”Katie cut her off.She’d heard enough.The veins in her neck pulsed and hardened, engorged with blood.When she spoke, she was slow and deliberate, enunciating each word.“You willnever, ever, speak to me this way again.”She took a deep breath.“Do YOU hear me?”
“And one more thing—don’t you ever call me again.I QUIT.”Katie hit the button, ending the call.