Page 5 of Forever Yours
Evan sighed. “You’re a good guy, Trenton. Would it be so bad to let America see that?”
“You should have been a politician.”
He grinned broadly. “I’m a television personality. It’s practically the same thing.”
I laughed. “True enough. I don’t think I’d be doing you any favors by going on the show. I’m not cut out for it.”
“I respectfully disagree. Look, I’ll be honest. You wouldn’t have been my first choice under normal circumstances, but we’re in a bind. We are, dare I say it, desperate.”
“This isn’t helping your case.”
He shrugged. “Honesty is the best policy, right?”
“Do you really want me to answer that?”
Evan grinned, and a mischievous gleam lit his eyes. “You have two choices. You can capitalize on your newfound popularity because of those memes—”
I scoffed. “Popularity? That’s what you’re calling it?”
He shrugged. “Sure. You can’t buy viral publicity like that.”
I took a long pull from my beer. He had a point. Though my name wasn’t attached to those memes, my face sure as hell was. And it was everywhere. “Go on,” I said grudgingly.
“Your face is more recognizable than ever. So why not use that and put a name to that face on your terms?”
“Technically, it would be your terms.”
He waved off my rebuttal. “Whatever. It’s a great opportunity.”
My brow furrowed as I contemplated what he had presented. “I don’t know. I’m not the most personable guy.”
“Sure you are, once you let people get to know you. So why not let America get to know you?”
I blew out a breath. He was right that it was a great opportunity but not necessarily for someone like me. I was too private. “Have you asked Liam?”
Liam, another former member of Misdirection, was a lot more media friendly.
“He’s still off in Europe with Hailey. But you’re here. You wouldn’t even have to travel. Look, normally I’d say to think it over, but we need to get someone locked down. The producer is about to start calling in favors of his own, and between you and me, I shudder to think of who he might ask. I also hesitate to bring this up, but it might help you take your mind off things.”
For a moment, I thought he was referring to the memes, but then I remembered I’d drunkenly confided in him about Lindsey a few weeks before. It hadn’t been one of my finer moments.
I rolled the empty beer bottle in my palms. Evan had made some valid points, and I had to admit that he’d never led me astray before. Maybe he was right. Maybe I needed to put myself out there more. Maybe if I had, that stupid meme wouldn’t be burned into the back of my brain.
Or maybe it was the beer talking. Either way, I had an answer. “I’m in.”
He clapped me on the back. “Awesome. I knew I could count on you. I’ll have the paperwork sent over tomorrow. You can’t say anything to anyone yet, though. We’re doing a big reveal of the artists involved.”
I immediately started having second thoughts as I imagined what a spectacle that would be. “Please tell me I’m not going to regret this.”
He grinned. “I personally guarantee that you won’t regret it.”
Famous last words.