Page 65 of Alessandro DeLuca
“What the hell happened here?” my father asks.
“The Enforcer and Frederico Colombo,” I reply.
“Bruno?” Niccolò asks.
“Yeah. Seems I had a mole in my crew.” I tell them the entire story.
“Where are they at now?” my dad asks.
“Bruno’s in the basement. He’s no longer breathing,” Mila finishes for me.
I grab her hand, pulling her off the couch and bringing her to stand between my legs where I’m sitting on the arm of a chair.
My father’s eyes twinkle. “I think that I’m going to like this one.”
“We still don’t know where Colombo is. He escaped,” she says.
My father gives me a look and then nods to my brothers. They all disperse to complete the silent order they received. We are not to rest until he is hunted down.
“Hey, Boss. Sabrina and Bianca are on the way. Their driver says they’re stopping to get some lunch, and they’ll be here within an hour,” Bones tells me as he enters the living room.
“Why are you bringing mia nipote here in the midst of this?!” my father demands of Bones.
“I told him to, sir.” I proceed to tell him the rest of the story about Mila. When we’re done, I ask my family to excuse us, and we head to the guest house.
Mila took a quick shower in preparation for Bianca.
“Are you okay? I mean, after all that?” I ask when she steps out with a towel around her. I had Serena bring her some clothes to the guest house.
“No, I’m just tired,” she says.
I walk to where she’s standing and reach for her hands.
“I know, and for that, I’m sorry. I can’t imagine how hard this has all been for you these last couple of years.”
“It has. I’m sorry for betraying you,” she mutters, tucking an end of her towel securely at her breast before allowing me to hold her hands.
“Look, I understand why you did what you had to do. But there will never be another secret you withhold from me. I need you to know that.”
“I know there’s nothing traditional about us.”
“Us, Alessandro?”
“Yes. Us,” I reply firmly. “I know things seem to have changed now that the truth is out. But I know that you and I were meant to be.”
“You are asking a lot. Ales, there’s so much that’s still uncertain right now. My daughter…I don’t even know where to begin with her. I’m worried about her state of mind, how she feels about what she saw, and how she’ll feel about me after all this time. Will she think that I’ve abandoned her?”
“Hey,” I say, cupping her chin and lifting her face towards me. “She doesn’t think anything like that. I don’t want you worrying. She’s had the best therapist money could buy. Little kids adjust quicker than adults. Besides, I’ll be right by your side to ensure you’re both okay.”
My hands caress the sides of her face as I taste her lips.
“Most men think I’m a damned fool where you’re concerned,” I say after pulling back.