Page 76 of Alessandro DeLuca
A bell is ringing somewhere. I’m not sure where it’s coming from, but I want it to stop the goddamn racket. I feel pressure resting on my body, holding me down. Slowly, my eyes begin to open, and I return to consciousness.
The pressure I felt is Mila lying over me, reaching for the house phone on my nightstand.
“Hello,” she mutters, rolling off me.
I turn and glance at the clock on the nightstand. It’s seven minutes after four in the morning. Turning back, I pull Mila’s naked body against mine, nuzzling her neck.
I know she’s gotten up at least once through the night to feed Aris’ greedy little self.
“Sure, hold on,” she says, turning around in my embrace. “Here, it’s for you.”
Scowling, I ask, “Who the fuck’s calling my house at four in the morning?”
“It’s Rocco,” she says of my head of security.
“Rocco,” I grunt when I answer the phone.
“Sir, there’s been a hit.”
I sit up in bed, tossing the covers off my body, and my feet instantly hit the floor. “Where?”
“Marco’s house.”
My heart is thundering in my chest as I worry about whether my brother is okay or not.
“What’s going on?” I hear Mila call behind me as I rush to dress.
“What’s the status?”
“Don’t know, sir. We’ve been trying to reach him and haven’t been able to get in touch with him on the cell phone.”
My head of security is also in charge of the security at Marco, Massimo, and Niccoló’s homes. Antonio has a separate security head, as does my father.
“The fuck you mean you can’t reach him! Has anyone been inside the home?”
“Yes, sir. He’s not in there.”
“Then who the fuck was the hit on?” I ask before I can even think of the only plausible explanation. “No, it can’t be.”
“Yes, sir,” he confirms without saying the name.
My stomach knots, and my heart drops.
“Sir, I’ve already ordered extra security at your place. The car is ready for you, and I’m also about to inform Signore DeLuca.”
“I’ll be down in about ten minutes. Where is Bones?”
“He’s on his way to your house now, sir. He should be here within…four minutes.”
“He’s to stay with Mila and the kids.”
“Sir, who will stay with you?”
“You’re going with me, Rocco! I need Bones with the kids!” I order.