Page 40 of Rearranged
Chapter 13
I woke when the car stopped, and the engine went quiet. “Where are we?” I struggled to find the seat latch to pop me back up into a sitting position. “I was supposed to take the next shift.” I wiped my eyes, blinking a few times. “Are we in Washington?”
It felt like I’d been asleep for a long time. I was very groggy.
“I couldn’t bear to wake you,” Marco admitted. “You hardly got any sleep last night. Your snoring is adorable, by the way.”
I glanced out the window. We were parked in front of my building. “That was so sweet of you to drive the whole way.” I yawned. “I feel bad I didn’t at least keep you company during the final hours. I was out for a long time.”
“Don’t feel bad,” he said. “It was a very peaceful drive. It gave me a lot of time to think about everything that’s happened over the last few weeks.”
“I hope good things.”
“Very good.” He smiled.
I bit my lip. “Do you want to come up?” I held my breath.
I really, really wanted him to come up, but I was feeling shy. We’d had several kissing sessions throughout the day—each stop for gas had been an event—and they’d been wonderful. I felt like those kisses had been a precursor for what was to come, what we both were craving, but so many hours had passed, I wasn’t sure how he was feeling.
“I’d love to.”
We both got out and made our way into the lobby of my building and moved quietly up the stairs. Once we were both inside my apartment and I’d closed the door behind us, his hands went around my waist, and mine moved to his face.
How many times had I wanted to stroke his face like this, to touch him freely, to be near him? So many I couldn’t count.
“I can’t believe this is actually happening,” I said.
“It’s happening,” he whispered, leaning forward.
I luxuriated in his full lips, teasing them, caressing them with my tongue. They were perfection. He was the best kisser I’d ever had the pleasure of kissing.
“You’re amazing,” he murmured, his mouth moving down my neck, his tongue leaving a cool trail. “My dream.”
My thoughts were jumbled. “You’re an incredible kisser.” That’s the first thing my scrambled brain could come up with.
“It’s only because I have a very talented partner. Should we”—he indicated with a nod—“head back to your room?”
“Yes.” I wanted nothing more.
We stopped in the hallway. It was a very short corridor, but I just couldn’t wait. I reached up to unbutton his shirt, my hands shaking slightly. Only the ambient light from my living room lit up the space, but it was enough. His chest was magnificent. My fingertips fluttered over the hard ridges, his nipples hardening as he shivered.
A soft moan came from his lips as I bent forward and took a nipple between my teeth, flicking it with my tongue.
I’d dreamed about this.
Tasting him and licking his chest had been at the top of my list. I couldn’t believe I was finally checking that off. I was licking Marco! My freshman-in-college self was having an absolute fit. She was literally doing jetés in my mind. I was a former dancer, and I loved expressing myself by running and leaping. It made me feel incredibly free.
His hands slipped under my shirt, his thumbs gliding over my bra, teasing me, taunting me in the same place. My toes curled from the pleasure, especially from what was about to come.
I grabbed his hand and guided him into my bedroom.
He sat at the edge of my bed, and I stepped between his legs, sliding the shirt off his shoulders, watching it pool onto the bed as he slipped his arms out, his warmth seeping into my every pore. He drew me toward him, his hands grasping my sides. He undid the button on my jeans slowly, sliding them around my hips.
Once they were off, I tumbled into the bed with him, feeling like I’d won the friggin’ lottery.
I won!