Page 4 of The Red Dress
“Rach, wait up. Let me take it.”
“Why?” she asked suspiciously.
“Honestly, I want him.”
“Good enough for me. He was a hottie.” She winked at me at threw the bag. After closing my window, and narrowly avoiding getting stopped by Seth, I ran out of the branch looking for the guy. I spotted him by a truck with the same logo as his red shirt.
“Fuck this!” he said as I narrowed the gap between us, unaware there was anyone within earshot.
“Fuck what?” I asked and his head snapped around to me.
He flashed me a slightly embarrassed, but oh so sexy smile as he rubbed the back of his neck and looked to his feet. “Um, sorry. I stubbed my toe.”
“Oh?” I smiled back and opened my mouth slightly, darting out the tip of my tongue just a hint. My long lashes lowered as my gaze went to his feet, too, then back to his green eyes. “You forgot your receipt, Mr.?” I looked at the paper in my hand. “Crawford.”
“Roberts. My name is Owen Roberts. Crawford is the company I work for.”
“Ah, I see.”
“And you are?”
“M. Cristiana Garcia,” I said pointing at the name tag over my right breast, and his eyes followed. “Everyone calls me Cris.”
“Pretty name.”
“Thanks! All right, so here it is. Have a good weekend.” I began to walk away.
“Cristiana?” he called after me. “Cris, I mean.”
“Yes?” I turned back, wiping the grin off my face before he saw it.
“I was wondering if I could take you out to dinner next week. I don’t know if you noticed, I sort of waited for you to come back from lunch.”
I chuckled. “Yes, I noticed. I came to let you know I was back before I opened my window, but you were sleeping so soundly, I felt bad waking you. You looked too sweet.”
He snickered at that. “Sweet! Not sexy or hot? Sweet?”
Giggling, I said, “Anyway, I would love to have dinner, but I can’t next week. I’m going out of town to do some training in Miami. This is my last week here, got promoted to work at the headquarters.”
“Congratulations. How long will you be gone?”
“I leave Sunday. Training is two weeks long. So, I can do either tonight or when I get back.”
“Tomorrow?” he asked, his brows lifted hopefully.
“I already have plans for tomorrow.”
“What plans?” It comes out before he can stop it.
“A date, actually,” I said, watching him intently for a reaction.
“Break it,” he commanded.
“I can’t. Evan has already bought tickets for a basketball game he wants to take me to. He’s a good friend and really nice guy. I wouldn’t do that to him.”
He took a step closer to me and I backed into his truck. His eyes roved my face. “Evan, huh? Is it something serious?”
I shrug not saying one way or the other. Evan was a friend who’d liked me for a very long time. For me, though, he was just a friend. This date was a chance for me to get to know him on a different level. But honestly, it was doubtful anything would come of it, I simply didn’t have those feelings for him.