Page 52 of The Red Dress
His mouth travels further down, and he moans as he takes in one nipple and then the other. He lets go of my hair and I look down at him as he devours me.
In one motion, Bo flips me and pushes me onto the couch. He sits over me, and with his hands spreads my knees. His eyes travel the length of me, taking in the sight of my naked body on full display. Even my pussy is splayed open for his gaze, my clit swollen and wet.
His hands go to the backs of my knees as he slips down the couch, bringing his mouth only a few inches from my core.
“I miss this,chère. I miss the taste of you.” With that he puts his lips onto me and I nearly come off the couch, but he holds me to him.
I kneed my fingers through his thick hair as I gently pump my hips. As if the sight of his dark head between my legs wouldn’t be enough to undo me, his tongue is making quick work of a very sensitive nub that has been aching for this very thing.
Two fingers enter me and I come before he has a chance to thrust them. The throbbing in my clitoris is hard and I cry out his name even though I can’t remember my own.
Bo climbs my body at the same time as he undoes his belt and pulls his jeans down over his waist. His shoulders push up on the backs of my knees, opening me to him even further, his cock bouncing off my wet core as he takes my nipples into his mouth.
I’m mindless, overwhelmed by everything him, and I reach down between our bodies and take a hold of his thick length, pulling him into me because I can’t take this separation any longer. He kisses me as we come together again, and he’s instantly pounding into me, just as before, unable to control our mating.
His shaft swells and I can feel it stretch me further, go in deeper as he pushes my legs back as far as they can go. I don’t know exactly when his climax hits, because I am so lost in my own that everything else around me disappears.
When it’s over and I regain my senses, I find Bo’s head on my chest, his breathing ragged and his sweat mingling with my own. The scent of our sex is thick in the air, though how I can take in a breath with his weight on me is a wonder. Still, I wouldn’t change this. Better to die with the heavy feeling of his body on mine than not to feel him at all. I would die happy.
He pulls out and I feel his semen pour out of me, but he doesn’t go far, simply shifting his weight to lie beside me.
“I think we just ruined your couch,” I tell him.
“Mm, who cares. I want to ruin all of my furniture with you.”
He makes me chuckle, my boobs wiggling with the motion. Bo brings one fingertip to a nipple and circles it softly.
“Bo, unless you’re ready to go for round two, you need to stop that.”
He looks at me through long dark lashes, his blue-green eyes twinkling with that mischief that made me fall in love with him in the first place. “Or what,chère?”
“Or I’ll have my way with you again.”
He throws his head back and laughs. “You could have your way with me anytime, darlin’,” he says, rolling onto his back, forcing me to push up onto an elbow so that now it’s me looking down at him.
I don’t mind it one bit. He’s a beautiful thing to see, naked and sated. The width of the couch can barely accommodate the breadth of his chest, and the length of him is too much and his legs hang over the armrest. Hard muscle is covered by soft skin and a matting of dark hair in just the right places.
I’m not one to like an overly hairy man, but I do like hair on my men. Hair on his chest, forearms, and legs. There’s something so erotic about feeling the differences in our bodies when they are pressed together like this.
“What happened here?” I ask, running my hand over a thick scar on his torso, then leaning over, lick the length of it. The muscles there flex as goosebumps form on his flesh. “I noticed it before, but I guess you kept me too busy to remember to ask.”
He moans before he composes himself, but the enlarging of his penis tells me he liked it. “Ah, that one there happened when I was twelve. A neighbor of Old Nate’s gave us these two rusty bikes that were far too big for us. But we rode them anyway. One day we decide it’d be fun to build a ramp for stunts. Uncle Jim said we’d kill ourselves and wanted no part in it. So, us kids have to figure out how to build one out of the materials lying around the house.”
“Oh no! And you didn’t build it correctly?”
“It was built correctly all right. Perfect, in fact. We’d found a piece of plywood big enough, then took some blocks from a low wall that’d been falling for years. Yup, that ramp was a good one. Problem was our bikes weren’t. Ate shit the first time I went to perform my stunt. I somehow landed on the handle bar. It didn’t have a cover, just bare rusty steel. Scraped a good chunk out of my side there. Ended up in the hospital the next day.”
“The next day!” I say horrified.
“Yup. We were too scared to tell Uncle Jim of our incredible failure after he’d warned us that would happen. I tried not to let it bother me, but eventually I gave into the injury. Passed out at the dinner table.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t die from some infection.”
“Meh, I’d had worse. See this one here?” He points to a nasty scar on his leg, about four inches long. “We were hidin’ up in the cypress one day when my momma came to take me back to New Orleans. Old Nate kept snickerin’ and when I went to cover his mouth I lost my balance and fell right into the roots.”
“Ouch! Bo, that must have hurt!”
“Not one bit. I think I was in shock.”