Page 11 of Something More
I squint as the sun catches me just right in the eye and jerk straight up. Oh shit! Oh damn! OH FUCK! I spent the night! My parents are going to freak when I come home. They might have the whole island looking for me right this very second.
I rush around looking for clothes - anything to wear - so I can go home before they alert the whole island about what I did last night. I grab the t-shirt Ford was wearing yesterday and pull it over my head right before I make a mad dash to the closet to look for anything that is going to make this outfit more street appropriate. Not that I have to have anything else since Ford's shirt comes down to my knees practically.
Once I'm inside his closet I realize that there are racks of MY clothing lining the walls and things in my size that I've never seen before. I grab a pair of khaki shorts and panties and shove them on. I don't care how weird this probably is, or how weird I should find it because secretly I'm doing a lot of melting inside that Ford did this for me. I just need to get out of here and back to my house before the national guard gets called out.
I run down the hall and don't stop once I'm in the living room. It's the smell that hits me first and has me slowing down considerably. It is the smell of breakfast - bacon, eggs, warm biscuits. I turn to look back into the open kitchen and nearly die!
It's not only breakfast that is in the kitchen...but also my parents. What? The? Fuck? I turn fully, slowly, and stare back at them staring back at me. We just stare for minutes it feels like, none of us saying a word. Then I realize who is doing all the cooking and making those wonderful smells come out of the kitchen.
Ford is cooking and my mom and dad are sitting at the big wooden round table in the center of the dining room area. To say I am in shock would be like saying the Titanic hit an ice cube, the Hindenburg was a small balloon fire...why am I thinking of disasters? Oh wait, it's because I myself am about to crash and burn in the worst possible way. I'm a dead woman walking. My mom and dad are going to kill me!
My mom finally breaks the awkwardness by running over to me and taking my hand in hers. Her face is wreathed in smiles and her eyes are sparkling. "Oh sweetie, let me see!" She raises my hand in hers so we can both stare at the rock on my finger. "We have so much to do and in only a couple of months."
She pulls me over to the table where I all but fall into the chair she holds out for me. I think I might have missed part of the conversation. "Of course, your father isn't tickled about you moving in before you guys are married," she lowers her voice and shoots my dad a mischievous look, "not that he can say a word about it, God knows! But this is Ford! He's already family and the two of you have been in love with one another since you both laid eyes on one another."
I look up as Ford comes over with a plate of food for me. Realization dawns on me - hard. Ford's been showing me in little ways - and big ones – that he's loved me, loves me, ever since I met him. That solemn-eyed little boy that just nodded like my word was gospel, the sweet teen who wouldn't push me further than I wanted to go, the young man who left home so he could take care of me, and finally, the dominant lover who takes care of all my needs in bed and asks only that I love only him in return - all of those versions of him where showing me nothing but love.
He bends down and kisses me right in front of mom and dad, unafraid to show his affection for me. I kiss him back and reach out for him. He takes my hand and pulls back from the kiss so it doesn't lead any further than it already has - probably out of respect for my father's sensibilities more than anything. Mom is beaming. Hell, even Dad looks oddly at peace with all of this.
"I love you!"
He gives me a sideways grin, his eyes twinkling behind his glasses, "To quote another man very much in love...I know."
I roll my eyes at my sweet, goofy nerd that grew to be one more hot as fuck man...but still a nerd and I wouldn't have it any other way.