Page 2 of Amaze Me
Grabbing the empty box, I beelined toward the back room to escape for a moment. Once through the door, I paused and slowly inhaled deep breaths. I couldn’t break down in tears. Wouldn’t that just be great? Jill would regret hiring me for sure if I did that. Nothing inspired summer crafts like sobbing coming from the rear of the store.
I swiped at my dumb, watery eyes and headed for the next box on one of the two mounded pallets that had been delivered this morning from Jill’s supplier. Earlier, I’d cut away the heavy-duty clear wrap that had covered them and started working through the packages on the first stack. Slicing through the packing tape, I pulled back the flap to see what I’d deal with next.
Small bottles of paint. After referencing the product book my boss had provided me, I noted the price and shelf location. Price gun and box in hand, I headed to the location. My feet already killed me. How many more hours? As many as it took. This was a job, and I wouldn’t complain. Ever.
I froze as I rounded the corner. Judd.
He stood with his arms comfortably crossed over his chest while he chatted amicably with Jill and Greta. What was he doing here? Of course, he knew Greta. He’d often worked with her for various events held in Sweetville, usually being the puzzle-master for the giant mazes that were set up twice a year. We’d both gone to school with her, too.
But what was he doing here? Was he here for her?
Jealousy narrowed my eyes, and a sick feeling knotted in my gut. And if he was? I’d left him. We weren’t divorced, hadn’t even filed, but he was free to do as he wished.
As if hearing my thoughts—or maybe just sensing me as he’d always been able to do—his head shot up and his chocolate brown eyes met mine. He sucked in a breath, his posture growing more alert, while his hungry gaze scanned over me. No, he wasn’t here for Greta.
His lips moved as he said something to them, then he headed my way, his stare never leaving me. Goosebumps cascaded down my back and arms, and I fought to keep from shivering. I hadn’t seen him in weeks, and my traitorous body immediately responded to being this close. How could we both live in Sweetville if this was what would happen to me? If this was how he’d react to my presence. Because he looked as if he wanted to devour me. And I wanted to let him, even if I couldn’t. I was no good for him, not the right fit, and eventually, he’d realize that.
“Hi.” Gosh… His voice. It didthingsto me.
“Hi,” I answered, the word a whisper before I got hold of myself. “What are you doing here?”
He took the box and materials from my hands, setting them aside. Before I could move away, his fingers locked around mine, and fire sizzled up the limb and into my heart. The way he studied me… He knew. He always knew how he affected me. “Jill said you could take your break. I’m taking you to lunch.”
“What?” I glanced over my shoulder at the two smiling women who watched us and no doubt had matchmaking—or was it match repairing?—on their minds. Before I could say anything to correct them, Judd had me out the door and on the sidewalk. He rushed us toward his big red F-250 truck, covered with mud from the farm.
I dug in my heels. “You can’t kidnap me!”
He chuckled, shaking his head as he aimed his key fob at the vehicle to unlock the doors. Lifting my hand, he pressed the device into my palm and wrapped my fist around it.
“Just talk. No tricks. Promise.”
He leaned in to press his lips to my forehead as he always did, but I stepped back before he could bestow the familiar affection. If he did that, I was a goner. My heart and body weren’t in sync with my mind.
Judd closed his eyes and gave a slight shake of his head, before refocusing that determined stare on me. “Come on. It’s hot, and I don’t want our lunch to go bad.”