Page 11 of Miami Bound
“My name’s Lilly West. The men hustling us along are members of a special operations team. I believe you have information that will help them save your friends.”
Saraya wasn’t convinced she hadn’t jumped out of the frying pan into the fire.Wait just a damned minute. Did he say Miami? Oh hell, no.Digging her heels in, she had every intention of taking off when he leaned down and pushed his shoulder into her torso without breaking stride.
“Put me down, you oaf. I’m not going to Miami. I need to talk to the police right now.”
“No one said we’re going to Miami. We are meeting at Miami’s beach house. It’s just up the street, but since you weren’t moving, I’ll help you along. We have no way of knowing who else is involved in this mess. You’re the second woman who has managed to escape, and you’re right about time being critical.”
For the second time in less than twenty-four hours, she was unceremoniously dumped into a waiting van. She wasn’t blindfolded this time, but everything about the situation felt eerily familiar.
“I can tell you’re worried, but I promise you are in safe hands. You running into me will make a great story someday… you just wait and see.” The woman who’d introduced herself as Lilly grinned before turning to the man sitting beside her. “I’d like you to meet my new friend. Oh dear, I don’t even know your name.”
“Saraya.” Without asking why she hadn’t provided her last name, Lilly introduced her toone of her husbandsas if it was the most normal thing in the world. Saraya was still concerned no one seemed to be listening to her repeated desire to talk to the police, but damn if Lilly West wasn’t working herself into her heart.
“Don’t worry, miss. Things will make sense once we have a chance to explain. My brother and I share Lilly just as our twin sons share their wife, Tobi.”
“I don’t understand.” Giving herself a mental forehead slap, Saraya wondered if she’d fallen down a rabbit hole. “How can you have two husbands?”And more importantly, why would you want to?She’d never had a boyfriend who hadn’t cheated on her, so the trust it would require to have two men in her life was impossible for Saraya to imagine.
Before they could respond, the van pulled under a sprawling beach house, the doors opened, and they were rushed up the stairs. It was so dark beneath the house she stumbled, but a firm hand grasped her arm, keeping her on her feet.
“Careful, Miss Reynolds. You already have one hell of a shiner. I’d prefer you didn’t add any more bruises while in our care.”
She paused for a split second, wondering how he’d known her last name when she hadn’t told them. She didn’t recognize his voice. She was sure she hadn’t been introduced to the man who’d kept her from crashing face-first up the wooden stairs. Stopping before they reached the top, she turned to him, but it was so dark, she couldn’t make out his face.
“There are lights, but we’re keeping them off—no reason to advertise we’re here.”
“Get her inside, Brooks. We’ll debrief as soon as all the principals are here.”
Brooks Wilson was a new member of the teams, but it didn’t feel like it since he’d worked as part of the Prairie Winds Club cleaning crew while in college.
“Wait. How did you know my last name? Who are you people, and why should I trust you?” She could hear the alarm in her voice as it rose in pitch. Damn it all to hell. Give her another few seconds, and she’d sound like Minnie Mouse.
“The facial recognition software I developed is accurate and fast. I’ll be happy to tell you all about it—inside.” His hand was still wrapped around her upper arm, so it was easy for him to move her up the remaining steps into a dimly lit construction zone. “Don’t worry. This is the only room that looks like this. Miami is finishing up the remodeling project her father started.”
Stepping into the central part of the house, Saraya gasped. The modern décor was stunning. Subtle splashes of beachy colors made the open space seem welcoming rather than sterile and cavernous.
“Oh my God.” Saraya’s whispered words didn’t adequately express how impressed she was with the home she’d been whisked into. “I’ve never seen anything so beautiful.”
“Thanks. My dad was artistic in so many areas. He directed the rebuild and oversaw the interior design while still touring with the band. I was always envious of his ability to juggle multiple projects at the same time.” The woman who entered the room extended her hand and smiled. “I’m Miami Walker. I hear we have something unfortunate in common.”
“Judging by your fading bruises, I assume you’re talking about an encounter with a lunatic named Alonzo. Although one of his goons gave me the black eye that’s throbbing so hard, I could take my own pulse.”
Nodding in understanding, Miami tilted her head to the hallway to their left.
“Come on. I know there are pain relievers in the medicine cabinet. You need to get ahead of the pain, or you won’t be able to recall all the details they are going to demand.”
Within seconds, they were standing in the middle of the largest bathroom Saraya had ever seen. Taking the pills the other woman handed her, Saraya looked at herself in the mirror and flinched. In no time, they were comparing notes like old friends. Their encounters with Cruz had been different yet strangely similar.
“I knew who the ass hat was. I recognized him, but I’m not actually sure if that was an advantage or disadvantage.”
“I have a feeling I disrupted a larger operation when I ran into Mrs. West.” There was no way the woman she’d flattened ordinarily dressed like a time-traveling hippie from the sixties. The man with her had also been dressed in what could only be described as a costume. “They were there to interview you, weren’t they?”
“No, they were bringing me clothes and laying a back story so no one would notice Essex and Giles leaving the boat with a woman. I hadn’t been with them when they rented the boat, so we needed a cover story in case Cruz had men snooping around.”
“You provided the perfect distraction, Saraya.” The tall man who stepped around the corner looked more like a surfer than an operative. His blue eyes sparkled with appreciation when he looked at Miami. Saraya made a mental note to ask someone if the two had a history. Before she could step out of the bathroom, another man moved into the room. It was no wonder the large spa-like bathroom seemed to be shrinking.
“If you two were paying attention, you’d have seen the questions in our guest’s eyes.” Turning, Saraya was surprised when his dark eyes met hers. His expression was intense until the corners of his mouth curved up in a grin. “It’s nice to meet you, Saraya. I’m Giles. I’m also the other man in Miami’s life.” The other woman grinned and lifted one shoulder, suggesting it was true, but something about the situation felt oddly unsettled. “A beach cam caught your dramatic leap from the third floor. We haven’t gotten much back from our initial background check, but we’ve probably gotten enough.” Giles’s dark eyes were dancing with amusement. Saraya felt her cheeks heat with embarrassment at the implied praise. “I have to admit, I’d love to have seen your landing.” This time it was Saraya’s turn to shrug.
“I assume the wall around the place hid my less than elegant roll in the grass. It wasn’t my best work.”