Page 19 of Miami Bound
Would they spank her for wearing them? There was something oddly appealing about the prospect.
“Close your eyes, baby.”
Miami was happy to comply with the directive. Shutting out the flashing caused by streetlights was a welcome relief. The pain was making it difficult for her to juggle the balance between what she knew should be embarrassing with what might help mitigate the pressure building in her head. Damn it, the last thing she wanted to do was be sick when she arrived at Prairie Winds.
“Good girl. Let’s make you feel better, shall we?”
Essex slipped hisfingers between the folds of Miami’s sex and was surprised to find her already wet for him. He’d worried the pain would make it difficult for her to reach the level of arousal needed to come. Flashing a quick grin at Giles, he leaned forward to swipe his tongue through the rapidly engorging tissues. Humming his approval, Essex was pleased with her reaction to the vibration. Miami’s knees move farther apart, her hips lifting in invitation. Curling his fingers into her vagina, he didn’t waste any time zeroing in on the spongy spot he knew would send her over in seconds.
Her soft moans filled the vehicle’s cab as she fell into a daze of arousal. Giles was pressing on pressure points to help relieve as much of the tension in her back and neck as possible. Essex smiled to himself, enormously pleased when her internal muscles trembled, their grip tightening around his fingers as the first flutters of release started moving closer to the surface of her consciousness. As much as he wanted to look into her violet eyes, it was more important for her to forget where they were and who might be watching.
Kyle parked in a secluded part of the first restaurant’s parking lot. Rather than opting for curbside delivery, he and Cam exited the vehicle, leaving the three of them wrapped in a cocoon of pseudo-privacy.
The level of trust Miami exhibited meant they were making progress. Redoubling his efforts, Essex sucked her pulsing clit between his teeth and bit down on the bundle of nerves. Her scream bounced around the interior of the vehicle as a wash of sweet cream coated his tongue.
“Damn, sweetness. I don’t know whether to be impressed Essex sent you over so quickly or envious he’s lapping up the cream I know tastes as tempting as it smells.”
Miami was still floating in an endorphin-induced fog of pleasure when the doors of the SUV opened. Essex smiled when she failed to realize their audience had returned. Fixing her clothing, Essex helped Giles adjust her position. It was easy for the two of them to move her until she was cradled on Giles’s lap. They’d no sooner turned out of the parking lot than her breathing evened out, and he knew she’d fallen asleep.
“Works every time.” Cam’s quiet comment wasn’t gloating, just a simple observation. Glancing over his shoulder, his gaze was filled with compassion.
Essex didn’t know the other man well, but his friendship with the Wests spoke volumes. During a late-night conversation several years earlier, Kent West described a Houston club they planned to use as a model for their own establishment. Essex later learned CIA operative Cameron Barnes owned the club Kent had referenced. What he heard about the man’s dedication to the submissives in his club seemed in contrast to the agent’s reputation. His interactions with Miami attested to the softer side of his personality.
At the next stop, they used the drive-thru and were on the road to the helipad within minutes. Essex wasn’t surprised to see Jen McCall sitting at the controls. She looked up as they approached, giving them a thumbs up and flashing a wide grin.
“Looks like Jen has a new toy.” Cam’s quick chuckle had Kyle rolling his eyes.
“I swear her superpower is conning her men into letting her fly anything she can scramble into.” Kyle stowed the food before helping everyone settle inside. Giles carried Miami to the helicopter’s door but roused her before ushering her aboard. Shielding her from the lights and wind would go a long way to keep the pain from resurfacing.
“Best boss ever!” Jen eyed the carryout bags, smiling up at Kyle. “I keep telling Tobi she doesn’t give you enough credit.”
The skeptical look on Kyle’s face was unmistakable. There wasn’t a chance in hell the man was falling for Jen’s nonsense. Shaking his head, he placed the bags with her food in the cargo area. “Make sure they’re safe. I’m starving.”
Looking over her shoulder, Essex saw the compassion in Jen’s eyes as she watched them settle Miami in a seat.
Giles handed Miami a sandwich before securing her safety restraints. Her eyes dilated when his fingers brushed against her breasts. The growing howl of the motor masked her gasp, but he hadn’t missed her quick intake of breath. Her reaction boded well for their growing interest in rope play. BDSM play required a level of trust many people found difficult to achieve. Knowing she’d reacted positively to the restraint sent a surge of blood to his cock.
Tamping down the surge of lust, Essex focused on the aircraft he knew was a recent addition to the Wests’ growing fleet. Larger than most private helicopters, the Airbus H225 was designed for search-and-rescue missions, making it perfect for the needs of the Prairie Winds teams. Sam McCall moved into the co-pilot seat, quickly settling his headset in place. Essex wasn’t sure why he was late joining them, and the firm set of his jaw was a clear sign there was a problem. Miami’s hand on his forearm drew his attention.
“Who is that, and why is he angry?” He shouldn’t have been surprised Miami was tuned in to everything around her.
“Sam McCall, Jen’s husband. I’d go with concerned rather than angry. His brother, Sage, is a freer spirit, but they’re both all business on a mission.”
“The hippy guy in the bell-bottoms is his brother? I thought he was married to Jen?” When Essex grinned, Miami shook her head. “Must be something in the water.”
He didn’t bother explaining all the reasons polyamorous relationships worked well, but she’d figure it out soon enough. They were in the air within minutes, skirting around Houston before heading northwest to Austin. Smiling to himself when he noticed she’d finished her sandwich, Essex made a mental note to make sure they made her something more substantial when they landed. No doubt Lilly and Tobi had already stocked the kitchen in the apartment atop the club, so there wouldn’t be any need to arrange a food delivery.
Kyle waved his hand to get Miami’s attention before directing her attention to the window. When she looked down, a broad grin lit her expression. Essex followed her gaze and laughed. The landing pad was surrounded by brightly painted side-by-side utility vehicles. The units were a common sight in Texas because they were favored by farmers and ranchers. These units were anything but ordinary, and there was little doubt these belonged to the women who lived in what was affectionately known asthe neighborhood.
“My brother didn’t do a very good job of keeping our arrival under wraps.” Kyle’s comment was filled with amusement rather than frustration.
The minute the helicopter set down, he and Giles were moving. They wouldn’t exit until the rotors stopped spinning, but since they’d secured Miami in a full harness, it took a bit to release her.
“I noticed I was the only one who was buckled in like we were headed to the moon.” Giving them a knowing look, Miami started to move out of her seat, but Essex’s hand on her shoulder kept her in place.
“We’ll let you know when it’s safe to exit.” She glared at him, no doubt wondering why everyone else was on the move. “They’ve done this hundreds of times. Don’t underestimate rotor wash. It’ll knock you on your ass if you aren’t paying attention.” She was petite, so there was no chance she’d be in danger from anything other than being pushed to the ground by the force of the wind. Despite being a twin-engine craft, they exited safely in under a minute.