Page 21 of Miami Bound
Chapter Ten
Miami picked upa plate and grinned. Looking at the buffet, she wondered how they’d managed to have so many of her favorites. It didn’t matter she’d eaten a sandwich less than an hour ago—she was still hungry.
“Stop skipping over the good stuff. You won’t get any points here for being responsible.” Tobi nudged her aside to scoop up several meatballs covered in sauce. “Damn, I love these things. The chef calls them Aunt Nellie’s Meatballs. They are sweet and salty at the same time. Wicked good stuff. From the way your men are looking at you, I’m sure they plan to help you work off the calories, so eat all you want. I haven’t seen Kyle for a few days, so I’m going to load up.”
“Wise decision, kitten. You’re going to need plenty of energy for what I have planned.” Tobi yelped in surprise when Kyle seemed to appear out of thin air. They’d been so focused on the food they hadn’t noticed him stepping up behind them. “We’re going to haveanotherlong conversation about situational awareness, my love.” He gave her a solid swat before stepping away.
“I’m the luckiest woman alive. I have two hot men, great kids, a business I love, fantastic in-laws, and I get all the kinky sex I can handle.” Miami was sure the other woman’s poignant pause was going to yield some bit of wisdom until her eyes flashed with amusement. “Yes, indeed, it’s good to be me.”
Unable to hold back her amusement, Miami threw her head back and laughed. She’d forgotten how much fun she’d had during Tobi’s visit to Belize. The group had been her favorite. Miami hadn’t been thrilled to learn she was hosting a diving expedition for a group of women. Those assignments ordinarily went to one of the male guides. Clients weren’t allowed to drink until the dives were finished, but once the booze was flowing, six-foot-plus of hard-bodied male perfection in a Speedo garnered more cooperation than Miami could ever hope for. She’d gotten the West group at the last minute when Carlo’s wife went into labor two hours before their scheduled departure.
Meeting the women on the dock, Miami was impressed with their attention to her safety lecture. Most of their clients were only half-attuned to what was being said. Until the ladies in Tobi’s group, she’d never had a group of women offer to help load the equipment. By the time they cast off, the women had Miami laughing along with them as though they’d been friends for years.
“Earth to Miami.”
Tobi’s teasing tone and soft nudge pulled Miami back to the moment.
“Sorry. I was thinking about how much fun we had in Belize. During my time there, I hosted over a hundred trips, and your group was my favorite.”
Tobi set her half-filled plate down on the table and pulled Miami into a fierce hug.
“You fit in like you’d been a part of our group forever. Everyone agreed we needed to find a way to get you back to Texas.” Pulling back, Tobi gave her a rueful smile. “I’m glad you are home, but my heart aches for all you’ve had to endure. Losing people you love sucks.”
Shaking off the wave of sadness threatening to pull her under, Miami forced herself to smile.
“Losing them does suck, but watching them suffer is worse. The irony is that they both told me the same thing before they died…Life is too short to hang onto anger. Always take a chance when you’re given the opportunity and be kind to everyone you meet.”
“Great advice. You were blessed to have them. I lost my mother when I was very young. After she was gone, my father made my life a living hell.” When Miami started to comment, the petite blonde waved her hand. “I didn’t mention it for sympathy. If I hadn’t experienced the pain, I don’t know if I would fully appreciate everything I have now. There are times I look around and can’t believe how blessed I am. The point is, we’re a product of everything we’ve experienced—good and bad. Learn from what didn’t work so the next time you’re facing a similar situation… you can maximize it.”
Miami smiled and shook her head. Damn, the woman knew exactly how to impart a message without blurting it out. She hadn’t expected subtly, but Tobi had surprised her once again.
“If you two are going to have a mental health moment, step aside. Some of us are starving.” Jen McCall hip-checked Tobi, setting off riotous giggles from the other women in line.
“Damn, Jen, hold your horses. We were bonding, and I was trying to help Giles and Essex out.”
So much for Tobi’s attempt at subtlety. Miami giggled at her mock indignation.
“Those two don’t deserve help. Do you know they got her a sandwich before we left? A sandwich. What on Earth were they thinking?” Jen had taken her hair out of the long braid she’d worn while flying. The multiple layers of gold reminded Miami of the handwoven rugs the women in Belize made. “I shared the food Kyle picked up for me. The sad faces Sam and Sage gave me made me fold. Damn, I hate being weak.”
Miami couldn’t imagine Jen being weak but suspected she led with her heart when it came to her husbands. The group moved through the food line, laughing and talking like old friends before settling around a large table near the pool.
“I swear Essex and Giles are going to stare a hole through you, girlfriend. If I didn’t know better, I’d think they were counting down the seconds until they can take you upstairs and have their wicked way with you.” Tobi was clearly unrepentant about stealing Miami away for a few minutes. Gracie laughed at her friend’s antics while casting cautious looks to where the Doms gathered near the dessert table.
“Have you ever noticed they always lurk in front of the dessert table? They know we’ll venture there, eventually. All they have to do is wait.” Gracie shuddered, but her cheeks turned a deep shade of crimson when she caught Jax looking in her direction.
“Doms’ minds work differently from normal people. I’m fairly certain lurking in front of the sweets qualifies as stalking, but I’m not going to waste any energy arguing the point.” Jen gave Sam a sweet wave when his forehead wrinkled in a furious scowl.
If Miami hadn’t known better, she’d have thought the man heard his wife’s remark.
“Be careful, Jen. Remember, every inch of this patio is wired for sight and sound. The rats, I mean skilled attendants in the control center, will repeat anything they consider paddle worthy.” Leaning close, Tobi whispered to Miami, “Don’t worry, there aren’t any cameras inside the apartment. You’ll have blessed privacy once you are inside the front door, but remember the balcony can be monitored by several cameras in the courtyard.”
“Ladies, before this conversation gets you into trouble, we’re going to steal Miami away for a few moments.” Giles pulled her chair back and held out his hand. Miami looked longingly at her plate and sighed. Laughter erupted from the woman surrounding them as Giles rolled his eyes and picked up her plate. “You didn’t think I was going to keep you from eating, did you?” Essex joined them before they reached the back of the large building Miami assumed was the club.
She was surprised to see a group sitting on sofas centered around low tables. Miami tried to focus on the men and women who appeared to be waiting for them to arrive, but it was difficult to concentrate when the perimeter of the room was lined with BDSM equipment. Spanking benches, St. Andrew’s crosses, and what looked like a massage table. A wide, metal staircase curved to a second-floor observation area. Heat moved to her cheeks as she imagined herself looking down on the various scenes while Giles and Essex gauged her reactions.
“In hindsight, we probably should have met in the office.” Soft laughter echoed around her as Giles’s words pulled her back from the fantasy. “We’re going to insist you tell us where your mind wandered to because that pink stain on your cheeks is very telling.”
Sitting between them, Miami bit into one of the meatballs she’d been enjoying outside. Essex handed her a small bottle of water as they waited for everyone to find a seat. Watching Kyle West confer with a man who was obviously his twin, Miami wondered how she’d ever learn to tell them apart. Animated laughter and conversations came to a sudden stop when the club owners turned to face the group.