Page 24 of Miami Bound
Oh, good lord, why in heaven’s name do I keep speaking my thoughts out loud? What the hell is wrong with me?
“Even if she didn’t talk to herself, it would be easy to read her expressions.” This was the first time she’d seen Giles smile in a way that lit up his entire expression. The man was the stuff of fantasies when he wasn’t smiling, but the change when he was genuinely amused was startling.
“Wow! You should smile more often.” Miami’s comment was obviously a surprise. Maybe she shouldn’t have said anything, but the observation slipped out before she could hold it back. “I’m not hungry, but I hope the bar has an ice-cold beer tucked away somewhere.” Both men grinned, and it didn’t take her long to figure out why. The apartment’s bar was fully stocked, and she was assured the housekeeper would be happy to add anything else she asked for. “You mentioned a deck. I’d like to check that out.”
“One beer while we talk. It’s important you have full control over your senses when making decisions.” Giles’s words would have taken on an entirely different meaning if she hadn’t known he was talking about her desire to explore the lifestyle. They’d touched on the topic the first time they met. Since that time, they’d danced around the topic several times without making any decisions. Obviously, they were finally ready to have a serious conversation.
The question was whether or not she was ready to pick up where they’d left off. Was she brave enough to risk her heart again? She’d spent months mourning the loss of a potential relationship. Miami hadn’t been able to imagine herself with anyone else, so she’d avoided serious entanglements as if they were the plague. She’d rarely dated, choosing to focus on work, then caring for her parents. Now, she had the opportunity to chase the dream she hadn’t been able to forget… if she was brave enough.
Giles wanted nothingmore than to strip Miami and spread her out on the main suite’s king-sized bed. He could barely think of anything other than showing her new levels of pleasure she never imagined existed. He’d run every possible outcome through his mind a thousand times, trying to ensure he was prepared for every conceivable twist and turn. What he had somehow forgotten was how easy it was to get lost in her violet eyes. The sheer power of his physical attraction to Miami was all-consuming. He’d never reacted to a woman the way he did to the beauty standing in front of him.
She’d surprised him when she asked for a beer rather than a glass of wine. Knowing she felt confident enough to ask for what she wanted rather than following social convention was reassuring. Honest, direct communication was important in every relationship but was critical in polyamorous unions. All three of them would need to be transparent if they wanted to make the relationship work. He was determined to begin as they intended to go. It was time to make certain they were all on the same page.
“This deck is amazing. I wasn’t expecting the spectacular view.”
Giles loved how humble Miami was despite being raised surrounded by wealth. Her parents did a phenomenal job of making certain their daughter understood her privileges weren’t universal. His family was old money, multiple generations of financial abundance, so it never occurred to them how fortunate they were. Giles learned more about the world in his first mission than he’d learned in the previous twenty years. Poverty had been little more than a vague concept until he walked the dirt streets of villages where running water was considered an unattainable luxury and people cooked on their front stoops.
“I’m sure the view of the courtyard is damned interesting at times. The area between the club and the gazebo is considered an extension of Prairie Winds. The narrow strip between the gazebo and the river is usually reserved for the teams’ use.” What Essex hadn’t said was as important as what he’d shared. The area closest to the club was used for outdoor scenes and kinky games.
His friend’s editing made Giles bite the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing out loud. If he was betting, Giles would put money on a scene playing out below them sooner rather than later. Before he had a chance to ask Miami about her interest in the lifestyle, she shocked him by pointing out the elephant lurking in the corner.
“I know you want to know if I’m still interested in learning about your lifestyle.” The way she’d spit the words out in a rush told him she’d jumped in feet first, seizing the moment before losing her courage. “It took me months to feel like myself after you left. I wasn’t even functional for the first few days. It was like living in a fog. I was lost and sad.” Miami was leaning against the wooden beam topping a modern-looking steel-cabled railing looking everywhere but at the two of them.
Giles gripped the edge calling on every ounce of control he possessed. He kept his position, but it wasn’t easy.
“I felt utterly abandoned. Running to Belize might not seem like the best choice, but I learned so much during my time there, it’s difficult to regret the choice. I’m anxious to talk to the Wests and see what they have to offer. I’d love to use both my education in speech tracing and business development skills.” Shaking her head, Miami looked as though she’d suddenly realized how far she’d drifted from the topic.
“It’s okay, baby. Take your time. This is important, and we won’t rush you.” Essex didn’t move closer, but his reassurance appeared to be effective.
“The bottom line is, I want to try again.” Taking a deep breath, Miami’s shoulders relaxed, telling Giles how relieved she was to have finally spoken the words aloud. “I know it’s a huge risk, but I don’t want to spend the rest of my life wondering what might have been. As much as it humbles me to admit it, I don’t trust anyone else to teach me.”
“We’d never hurt you, baby.”
She appreciated Essex’s reassurance, though it was unnecessary. In hindsight, Miami knew they hadn’t intended to hurt her by leaving two years earlier. It was amazing how much her view had changed in such a short time.
“Not unless you ask nicely.” Giles’ comment made her laugh. Miami rarely caught glimpses of his sense of humor. On the rare occasions when he let his lighter side slip to the surface, it always took her by surprise. “Have your interests or limits changed since the last time we were together?”
The question didn’t surprise her, and she could only imagine how some people might lose interest after time apart. It was the opposite for her. Her desire to explore the world of kink was stronger now than it had been then.
Too many nights to count, Miami had laid in the handwoven hammock on her small cabin’s deck, staring at the stars, wondering what might have been. She’d hoped Giles and Essex were safe, praying she’d see them again, though she’d dreaded seeing them with another woman. Anytime she’d tried to picture them with someone else, tears blurred her vision, and her chest ached until she’d barely been able to breathe. Those long, lonely nights intensified her interest rather than diminishing it.
“My interests haven’t changed. I’m looking forward to trying again.” She was interrupted by a noise below them. It had taken her mind a few seconds to process the squeak as a startled yelp from a woman.
“Let’s see if you enjoy watching others. You watch the scene, and we’ll watch you.” Giles pointed to three people standing below the balcony. The silvery light from a full moon illuminated the patio. Miami recognized Cameron Barnes immediately. The petite woman standing next to Cam was his wife, CeCe. Miami only met her briefly before being ushered inside, but her body language and dark hair gave away her identity. The man with them had sun-streaked blonde hair. Something about him reminded her of the surfers she’d met during her trips to Southern California and Costa Rica. This man had the same long-limbed swagger, making her wonder where he’d grown up.
“You already know Cam and have met CeCe. The other man is their permanent third, Carl Phillips. Their arrangement is unique. Both men are sexual dominants, and Cam is the only man who dominates Carl.”
She wasn’t sure exactly what that meant, so she remained silent. Hopefully, Giles would eventually offer more of an explanation. She didn’t have to wait long. Less than a minute later, he rewarded her patience.
“Don’t let Carl’s laissez-faire attitude fool you. He’s a former Navy SEAL who is highly trained. Carl is as dangerous as any man on the teams, even though he rarely works in the field.”
“Carl is a cryptologist. He’s never met a puzzle he wasn’t willing to tackle. From what I hear, he and several others around the country work together when one of them encounters something particularly challenging. The group is highly competitive, but they collaborate when it’s mutually beneficial.”
“So… it’s like a club? Like the Chess Club in high school? Or like the Scholars Bowl Games in college?” She was trying to lighten the mood because Essex and Giles seemed to pick up the tension radiating from the patio. It was easy to read Cam and Carl’s body language—they weren’t happy with CeCe.
“Not exactly. They are more like a network of like-minded people who drop all pretense of competition when one of them needs help. Watch how CeCe submits to both of her Doms. She will be a great resource if you have questions about the dynamics of polyamorous relationships.” Essex gave her a smile that could only be described as devious.