Page 40 of Miami Bound
An hour later,Miami stood in front of the free-standing mirror staring at her reflection. Her hair flowed in glossy waves over her shoulders. She shook her head when she couldn’t hide her ridiculous grin. Turning toward the bed, she was relieved to see Giles was still sleeping. She doubted he would remember walking down the hall to the bedroom. He’d barely been able to swallow his scheduled medication, but he’d wrapped her hair around his hand, pulling her close to kiss her goodnight.
“Be a good girl and have fun. I want a full report first thing in the morning.” The minute the words were out, his hand dropped, and he slipped into sleep. Looking down at him now, she could see the dark circles under his eyes.
“He’s going to be okay, baby. A good night’s sleep is a miracle drug.”
“I feel bad leaving him up here alone.”
“He won’t be alone. CeCe and Carl are already here. There’s a game on television she wants to see. Cam is down talking to Kent and Kyle. When he gets up here, she’ll be outvoted.”
“They don’t want to watch the game?”
“Probably, but they’ll feed her some line about wanting to watch something else. She’ll smart off, and they’ll spend the rest of the time punishing her.”
Miami shook her head in disbelief. There were times when she didn’t think she would ever grasp all the nuances of the D/s lifestyle. After a brief conversation with Carl, Miami and Essex made their way down to the club’s main room. She enjoyed the silence of the elevator ride, grateful Essex didn’t review the rules for the fifteenth time. If she heard them one more time, Miami was sure her head would explode.
When the elevator doors slid open, the first thing she noticed was the music. Expecting something loud and obnoxious, she almost laughed out loud when they were greeted by Jimmy Buffett singingMargaritaville.
“Bet you were expecting something ominous or perhaps thumping hard rock. It’s early, and this crowd likes to have fun.”
Walking through the large, open room, Miami was surprised by the number of people filling the dance floor. Various lounge areas were occupied by…oh my God! Two men leaned back on sofas facing each other, chatting as if it was perfectly normal for a submissive’s head to bob up and down in their lap as they pleasured their Dom. Across the room, a woman’s scream jolted her back to the moment. Essex tugged on her hand, urging her to keep moving.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to stare. You have to admit, that’s not something you see every day.” Everywhere she looked, people were casually engaged in public displays of various sex acts. A Dom was fucking a sub over a spanking bench, and the woman’s ass cheeks had perfectly spaced horizontal stripes from the cane laying nearby. A naked woman crawled behind another woman whose latex clothing was so tight it looked like she’d been dipped in black paint.
Holy crap. That’s an interesting tail. Wait. Is that a butt plug? Damn, that thing is huge.
Miami heard Essex chuckle before he led her out onto the dance floor. The music slowed, and he pulled her into his arms.
“Relax. I want to feel your body pressing against mine and give your mind a chance to process before we move on.”
She could hear the amusement in his voice. Thank heavens her face was buried against his chest, giving her a way to hide her embarrassment.
“I can feel the heat from your face, baby.” He pulled back and used his fingers to lift her chin.
“At least Giles isn’t here to see me acting like a naïve schoolgirl.”
“The only part of this I find amusing is how wrong you are.” She felt her spine stiffen and tried to take a step back, but he wasn’t having it. “Stay where you are, Miami. I’d be more than happy to escort you to the nearest spanking bench and remind you where we are.”
There wasn’t a doubt in her mind he would enjoy it more than she would. Taking a deep breath, she looked up and nodded her understanding.
“Please explain what you meant. It hurt my feelings when you laughed at me and told me I was wrong.” Humiliation was something she would never tolerate.
“You see your inexperience as a negative. Giles and I see it as a gift. Knowing we will be the ones who introduce you to all the things that make you gasp in surprise is a dream come true.”
His words went straight to her heart, making her blink away tears.
“I know we’re in the club, and I’m probably not supposed to make requests.”
“Baby, we aren’t high protocol Doms. For us, there are only a few hard and fast rules. We’ll insist you follow any guidelines we give you related to your safety—those will be non-negotiable. Honesty and respectful behavior are also priorities we’ll all three share.” When thumping music replaced the slower tune they’d been dancing to, Essex pulled her to the side. “We will always listen to your requests. We might not agree, but we’ll always listen. Now, tell me what you were worried about asking for.”
“Can we look for a few more minutes, then go back upstairs? I’m worried about Giles, and I wouldn’t feel right doing anything without him. It would be different if he wanted to have a night off or he had other plans… but he’s recovering from a gunshot wound he got protecting me.” This time she couldn’t hold back her tears.
“Don’t cry, baby.” He brushed the salty drops away with his thumbs and smiled at her. “I understand, and Giles will be thrilled to wake up with you between us. Let’s look around a bit, then we’ll go back upstairs. A few minutes before we came downstairs, I got a message from Kyle. He and Kent want to talk to you first thing in the morning, so turning in early is a good plan. Never be afraid to ask for what you want.”
Miami hadn’t been afraid of asking because she was intimidated by him. She’d been worried it wasn’t appropriate given their location, but she wouldn’t quibble over the details. Knowing they were going to do a quick walk-through before going back upstairs was what mattered.