Page 13 of Capturing Callie
Chapter 11
As Ian secured Callie to the floating cross, he found himself staring at the woman lying open to his every pleasure and wondering if it was possible that he’d been wrong all these years when he’d been so certain he was incapable of truly loving anyone again. Nolyn McGregor, now Nolyn Bieberle, had been the embodiment of every horrible cliché ever written about stepmothers, with a dash of pedophile added in for good measure. She’d invaded his bed when he’d been too young to understand the significance of the darkness she was exposing him to. Nolyn’s need for pain had fueled his fantasies and introduced him to elements of the lifestyle that had become the center of his sexual identity from the first time she’d shown him how Domination could open up what was locked deep inside of him.
Years of what he now recognized as sexual abuse at her hand had not only thrust him intoThe Land of Kinkat a ridiculously young age but had also built a high wall between Ian and his father that had taken years to breach. That wall had only started to truly crumble just before his father had died too young and Ian had been forced to assume the role of CEO for a company that was on the very cusp of financial collapse.
Ian had been grateful that Nolyn had been well and truly out of the picture when his father passed so he hadn’t had to deal with her as far as the estate had been concerned, but it had been surprisingly difficult to see her at the memorial service. Despite everything that had occurred, he had loved her in his own twisted and naive way. He’d been devastated to learn she hadn’t ever planned to leave his father for him and that he wasn’t the only rich “boy toy” she’d play with. He had vowed he would never trust another woman with his heart, and he’d held tightly to that promise ever since. But in the deepest part of his consciousness, something told him that Callie Reece might well be his kryptonite.
Moving his hands over her body in what she would perceive as random patterns, Ian was actually slowly focusing all of her energy on her sex. By the time she understood what the sensuous massage had been about, she was so caught up in the sensations he was creating she was helpless to put up any barriers. “Tell me, pet, what does it feel like to know that you are completely open to my perusal just as you are to the warming rays of the sun and the lapping waters of the bay?”
Callie groaned and then spoke the words he’d been hoping to hear. “It feels delicious. I know it shouldn’t, that good girls don’t show everyone their privates, but it just feels so hot when I know you are controlling who sees me.”
He was sure he’d never had a submissive give him a more perfect answer, and what little blood had been left in his brain raced south to join the rest. He quickly maneuvered the floating frame into shallow water and pushed his cock deep in one thrust. He felt her rippling heat surround and squeeze him, and he worried the entire scene was going to end in a thirty-second pounding if he didn’t rein himself in quickly.
Deliberately distracting himself with accounting figures was helping, but her softly whispered pleas of need were quickly swamping his control. Pulling from her body in a slow withdrawal intended to let her feel every vein and ridge of his cock, he watched as her body involuntarily arched upward. God, she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Even without being able to see her eyes, he knew they were dilated with need and would be seeking his as she rose closer and closer to release.
Just as he knew she was reaching a point where she wouldn’t be able to call back the climax, he set a fast pace, fucking her with a desperation that was totally unfamiliar to him. “Come for me, Callie. Come now.” Her muscles tightened around him with an almost viselike grip, and her scream was immediate. He managed several more thrusts before he followed her over the edge of a canyon of release so deep he wasn’t sure he was going to be able to remain standing. Locking his knees and gripping the floating cross was the only thing that kept him from drowning in the pleasure and the sun-warmed, salty water of the bay. Whether or not she knew it, the beautiful pixie lying before him had just stolen his heart and soul.
* * * *
Walking up to the well-shrouded entrance of Club Isola, Callie was completely enchanted by the beautifully carved figures surrounding ornately decorated doors that were easily ten feet tall. She felt as if she were being led into some ancient mystical tomb. Grecian planters filled with trailing vines and small white flowers softened the look just enough to keep it from being overly intimidating. The dress Ian had given her to wear tonight reminded her of the sheers her mother used to hang over their windows when she’d been a child, except that the dress was a soft shade of violet that complemented her eyes and accented the light kiss of the sun her skin had gotten this afternoon on the beach. She loved the jeweled sandals he’d given her and was hesitant to relinquish them once they’d entered the reception area of the club.
A vibrant woman with skin the color of dark caramel and dancing dark eyes greeted them, and Callie felt herself immediately drawn to her. Ian had introduced her to Dee and explained that she and her husband, Mike, were among the few people that lived on the island full-time. Dee had assured her that she would personally watch over her new shoes, so she had slowly handed them over. She knew it was ridiculous to have become so attached to them, but it had been so long since she’d had anything new and pretty that it had seemed like she was having them snatched from her when she’d been told to hand them over.
Ian pulled her to the side and brushed her hair back over her shoulder and stared in to her eyes before asking, “Tell me what that was about, pet. I’ve never seen a sub so sad to hand over a pair of shoes. Help me understand what was going through your mind.” She could see that he was truly troubled by her reaction, and she hated knowing she was risking ruining their evening because she liked a pair of shoes.
She took a deep breath and decided that total honesty was her only option. “It’s just that…well, it’s been such a long time since I had anything new and they are so pretty and I really like them….and well, the last time I had a new pair of shoes, Chrissy decided she wanted them and I didn’t have enough backbone to say no.” She hated feeling like a whining child, but she knew he would have seen through anything other than the truth.
Ian’s expression softened, and his eyes didn’t reflect the pity she had dreaded seeing. Instead, all she saw was compassion. “Your honesty pleases me very much, pet. And while it saddens me that you have waited so long for pretty things, it humbles me to know I’ve provided you with something you like enough that you are concerned about losing it. The fact is, most of the women I meet, both here and in my various business associations, are spoiled beyond belief. So knowing that you find satisfaction in a small gift speaks very highly about who you are. Thank you for letting me see that very important piece of you.” His words sent warmth clear to her soul, and she found herself leaning her cheek into his palm, losing herself in the pleasure of knowing she’d pleased him.
Entering the main lounge area of the club, Callie was amazed at how enormous the room was. It was in fact a large natural stone cavern, and the glow of the wall lighting highlighted the layers of vibrant color lacing the stone walls. The bar at the left reminded her of the ones she’d seen in old movies, all dark wood and sparkling glasses hanging from overhead racks. The dark-skinned man behind the bar was huge. He had to stand at least six and a half feet tall, and his chest was massive. The leather vest he wore drew attention to arms that rippled with muscles, and she wondered for just a moment if his enormous hands could wrap themselves completely around a basketball. As she and Ian approached, the man looked up, and she felt herself freeze in place. She’d have had to live on another planet to not recognize the face looking at her as if she were something to snack on. Mike Tate had been a star in the NFL for years, and his decision to retire had stunned the sports world.
Ian had gently tugged her hand and leaned toward her and said, “He’s big, but he’s really a teddy bear, although Dee might swear otherwise on occasion. Come along, I want to introduce you.” When they’d gotten close to the bar, Ian had lifted her and set her very bare ass on the barstool and smiled at her quick gasp when the cool leather met her warm skin. He leaned forward and kissed the end of her nose then smiled. “I love hearing that startled gasp as you become aware your warm little pussy is bared for your Master.” Then he turned to the man who stood watching their interaction. “Mike, I’d like you to meet Callie Reece, Callie this is Mike Tate, humbly known as Dee’s loving husband and Dom.”
Mike Tate reached forward when she extended her hand, and she watched as his swamped hers. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Tate. And while I am sure claiming Dee as your own is a worthy accomplishment, I assure you, I’m well aware that it is not your only claim to fame. And I will take great pleasure in letting my fellow Monday night football friends know I’ve gotten to meet you in person.”
Ian was staring at her with something between shock and awe, and Mike Tate leaned his head back and roared in laughter. “Well, Nixie, I don’t believe I have ever seen the boss speechless before.” The man patted Ian on the shoulder with the bear paw at the end of his arm and said, “It’s okay, boss-man, it’s always the ones you least expect.”
Callie knew she wasn’t supposed to speak without permission, but she couldn’t stop the words. “You called me a water sprite, why?” And now the big man was a speechless as Ian had been a moment earlier.
“Holy shit, Ian—she’s a natural sub, beautiful, a football fan, and knows her mythical literature. Christ, man, you’d better marry her quick—she’s fucking perfect. And I called you a water sprite because I was on perimeter this afternoon, which means I check all the beaches on the island.” He waited for a few beats until he saw realization in her eyes and then he laughed again. “You are beautiful, sweetness, so you should not be embarrassed that your Master was sharing a glimpse of that beauty with those of us who happened to be lucky enough to wander close.” Then turning to Ian, he added, “And, boss-man, it looks like your latest invention is a resounding success. Better get the patents going on that ASAP.” With that, he turned to his other customers and left Callie staring after him.
Ian swiveled her stool so she was turned to face him, and she was relieved that he was smiling. “Well, my pet, it seems you have made quite an impression on yet another of my friends. I must say, it is easy to see why your coworkers speak so highly of you. I’ve also read your internship reports, and I’d like to talk with you about those in the next few days. But for now, let’s take a walk around and see what you think of Club Isola.”