Page 15 of Capturing Callie
Chapter 13
Callie had been lost in the pleasure and floating toward release when she had felt Ian go rigid against her. The tension literally radiated from him like heat waves off Kansas sidewalks in the summertime. But when he hadn’t said anything, she had started to relax again. When he nipped at her shoulder, she’d felt her body release a flood of moisture to coat the fingers he’d pushed inside her. She’s been right on the cusp of falling into orgasm when she’d heard Ian whisper to Jace about someone at the back of the room and known instantly that her earlier gut feeling had been right. There was obviously someone in the room working for Senator Westmore. And she’d just handed the most evil man she’d ever known the perfect ammunition to finish her off. His efforts to destroy her had been systematic over the years, but she had always managed to stay true to herself and not give him anythingfactualto use against her. She’d always played by the rules andbehavedin public…but this? This was going to be just what he had always needed to completely discredit her.
The only thing she could think of was getting out of the restraints holding her naked in front of so many people. The sudden humiliation of her position was making her almost sick to her stomach. “Let me go…please.” She knew she sounded like a frightened child, and right at this moment she didn’t care.
“Hang on, pet. I promise to get you where you need to go. Just let me—” Ian’s words were cut off by Callie’s softly whispered words.
“Red, Sir.” She knew her body had completely shut out all of the sexual stimulation that he had so carefully built, and she felt cold all over. She started shivering from her very core and felt the nearly convulsive shaking as it made its way to the surface. She felt Ian quickly unbuckling the restraints and knew she had collapsed into his arms, but then she felt herself slide effortlessly into the void again…just like that awful night so many years ago.
* * * *
Sitting in the corner of the master suite watching Callie sleep, Ian was lost in thought when he saw Jace step into the open door. The look on Jace’s face spoke volumes—they hadn’t caught the woman, and it didn’t look like they were going to learn anything from the security tapes either. Sighing heavily he stood and walked to the door. “Tell me you have something. A name, a picture, a description, fuck—anythingI can tell her when she wakes up.”
Jace just shook his head. “I wish I could. God, you have no idea how much I wish I had something we could use. Whoever she was she made a getaway with nearly military precision. She was a guest of Dean White from the State Department. He said he met her yesterday, and since she said she was a member of several of the more popular clubs along the eastern seaboard, he invited her to play with him tonight. We have interviewed him at length, and I get the idea he is telling the truth.”
“Until this is resolved, no one brings a guest onto the island for any reason without your or my personal stamp of approval. Check in with Mitch, see if he has anything and ask the Lamonts if their parents are by any chance in the DC area. We could use Daniel’s connections, and Catherine has a lot of experience counseling victims with post-traumatic stress disorder, and from what I saw this evening, Callie hit a wall.” Ian had caught Callie just before she’d hit the floor at the club and had gotten the soft blanket they kept for aftercare wrapped around her before he felt her muscles go limp, and he knew she had passed out. One of the members in attendance this evening was an emergency room physician, and he’d followed Ian to the club’s infirmary and checked Callie for any injuries. Even though her vital signs were fine, the fact that she had awakened only to stare blankly off in to space had been a huge concern. She’d been nearly catatonic for so long it had become frightening.
When he had first decided to start a BDSM club, he’d spent a lot of time at ShadowDance, and one of the things Zach Lamont had been adamant about was that all of his security staff be trained as paramedics and that they have a well-stocked infirmary. Ian was never so grateful for advice as he had been when they’d had plenty of qualified help and all the equipment they had needed close at hand.
Running his hand through his hair in frustration, Ian looked over at the woman sleeping in his bed and said, “I don’t know what it is about her, I really don’t. But she has gotten to me in a way no one else ever has. Christ, I’ve had sub’s safe word out on me before, but I’ve never felt as responsible as I did tonight. I tore the blindfold from her eyes the minute I heard the word and ‘shattered’ is the only word I can use to describe what I saw in her eyes. I don’t know what went through her mind so I don’t have any clue how to fix it.” He looked up at his best friend, and for the first time in years remembered what feeling helpless was like—and he fucking hated it.
“Get our legal team on this right away. And if that rag Callie was working for even thinks about taking this up—dismantle it. And find that bitch.” Ian was too frustrated to make decisions, and he knew Jace would pick up the ball and run with it. Ian’s focus was going to be on healing the lovely sub who had just started to trust him when she’d had the rug yanked out from under her. He didn’t know how he could ever undo the damage that had been done tonight unless she would open up to him. He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead and spoke to her in an emotion-filled whisper. “I’ll destroy anyone who hurts you, my pet.”
Making his way down the hall toward his office, Ian felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He smiled when he saw Alex Lamont’s name on the ID. Flipping open his phone, he laughed. “That didn’t take long.”
“Talk to me,” was all his friend said. Ian had known Alex and Zach Lamont for most of his life. Their families had gone on vacations together when they were kids. And they had been the only ones he’d confided in when his father had remarried after his mother had died. He’d told them about his new stepmother’s attraction to him and all the things she was teaching him. His friends had spent hours trying to get him to see her for what she was, but he’d been so sure it was true love. God, what a fool he’d been.
Their father had also been a great mentor when he had first taken over McGregor Holdings. Ian knew he would have struggled and possibly failed if not for Daniel Lamont’s skilled business guidance. Both Daniel and Catherine had made numerous trips back east to spend time with him as he struggled those first few years, and he would be forever in their debt.
Ian quickly explained everything he knew about Callie and Senator Westmore’s son. He also recounted the good senator’s continued efforts to discredit her. And ended by explaining what had happened this evening. When he’d gotten to his office, they had switched to video-conferencing and included Zach Lamont and Mitch Grayson as well.
Not surprisingly, it was Mitch who offered the first useful piece of information he’d gotten since Callie’s meltdown. “You know she probably feels like she’s just handed the old bastard exactly what he’s been after all these years, right? If your spy took video or pictures, Callie is going to see the damage to her reputation as devastating. That was all she thought she had left. Even though her mother had told her it was her fault, there was that tiny part of her that believed she was still a good girl. If these pictures hit the media, it’s really going to hurt her.”
Ian’s question was the one he knew they were all asking. “Can you stop them? Is there any possibility that you can preempt their release?”
“Not really. But if they release them digitally, they’ll leave a footprint, and no matter how faint it is—I’ll find them. I’m already on it, I’ve got several guys here and contacts around the country as well as a couple in Europe watching for them, and we’re making a lot of noise about the fact that we’re watching. Our hope is, if they know we’ll be on their trail, they’ll think twice about stepping over that line. If they’re going to do it, it’ll be quick.” Mitch had barely even slowed his typing the whole time he’d been talking.
“Thank you, my friend. I know this is lousy timing for you and I appreciate you taking the time to help. I’m worried you are taking too much time away from Rissa.” Ian had no sooner said her name than she stepped in to the frame.
“Ian McGregor, don’t you think a thing about that, I may be pregnant, but I’m not a selfish wench…well, not most of the time. As a matter of fact I’d say that for a Weeble, I’m damned reasonable.” Rissa smiled when she heard Alex, Zach, and Mitch all groan.
Bryant Davis stepped up and kissed his wife on the check and smiled at Ian. “Ian, nice to speak with you, I wish it was under better circumstances.” And then looking at Mitch before returning his focus to Rissa, he said, “I’m going to be the smart husband tonight and not respond to that comment, but I am going to caution our lovely wife about her language. Remember the list, love? We have more paper you know.”
Ian nearly laughed out loud at the stricken look on her face and the bright crimson of her blush was plainly visible even through the monitors. But she quickly turned to Ian and said, “You know, Ian, if you think it might help, maybe Kat, Jenna, Tori, and I could do a ‘Girls’ Night In’ party remotely with Callie. We’ve all been through some pretty nasty shi…stuff, and we’d be happy to help if we can. It’s not a perfect plan, but it might do until you all can visit us.”
“Thank you, Rissa, you are every bit the princess your husbands say you are. I think you might have a very good idea there, and I’ll see about getting that set up if all the men are in agreement. Now, I can tell that Bryant is anxious to get you off your feet, so off to rest you go, sweetness. Take good care of my future godchild.” She waved, and Bryant whisked her out of the room quickly.
Alex spoke up first, “Damn, don’t any of you repeat this—hell, I’d never hear the end of it, but that really is a good idea. I’ll mention it to Katarina as well. I’m sure she’d be happy to make the arrangements, God only knows what kind of decorations and music we’ll have to come up with.” He laughed, and Ian was happy to see how marriage and parenthood had softened one of the few men who had been more hardened than himself. “Now, Dad and Mom are on their way to DC as we speak, they’ll be at your place by noon tomorrow. Dad wants to get closer to the ground so he can connect with a few friends who are likely in the know, and Mom will help with Callie. It doesn’t sound like she has ever experienced how healing a mother’s love can be, and it won’t much matter if she’s resistant. Catherine Lamont is fairly persuasive when she sets her mind to something.”
Ian laughed when he heard Zach say, “Yeah, like a freight train. Persuasive my ass. When did you get to be such a fucking pussy anyway?” Ian was grateful for his friends, and even though he’d helped them with a number of things over the years, he had never expected anything in return, so their help was truly appreciated. They wrapped up their call quickly with Mitch promising to forward any news as soon as he had it. Mitch had promised him that if there was a chink in either John or Grant Westmore’s armor, they’d find it.