Page 28 of Capturing Callie
Chapter 25
Sitting at the kitchen bar watching Inez banter with Jace, Ian sipped his coffee and thought back on last night and smiled to himself. He and Jace had spent hours taking Callie to heights of pleasure he was sure she’d not forget anytime soon. There are moments in time when everything seems in universal perfect alignment and serendipity is on your side—and last night had been one of those occasions. Sinking into her wet velvet had been part ecstasy and part torture. Holding on to his control as Jace worked himself into her sweet little ass had taken herculean effort. They had managed to bring her to the brink several times before they let her ride the wave of pleasure over the edge of control and she’d taken them right along with her.
They’d lain in bed and talked for so long that both he and Jace had been ready for round two, and despite her obvious exhaustion, she’d readily agreed to what turned out to be a marathon session where she had given him a blow job that had nearly blown the top off of his head as Jace had fucked her pussy. He’d been able to tell the instant Jace had found her sweet spot because she’d screamed around his cock, and the vibrations had made him come instantly. Damn, she might be a little bit of a woman, but she was everything he’d dreamt of and more.
He heard a shuffle outside the door and looked up just in time to see Callie step around the corner. She was wearing one of his shirts with only the middle two buttons buttoned just as he’d commanded her the first night they’d met. The meaning of her gesture wasn’t lost on him, her acceptance of her submission often stole his breath. He reached out a hand to her and was pleased when she showed no hesitation in moving into his arms. “You take my breath away, pet. Your sleepy expression and tousled curls make you look like the sex kitten you are.” As she settled onto his lap and curled into his arms, his heart swelled with joy.
After she’d eaten, Jace had begun questioning her about her familiarity with the small handgun he’d gotten for her. Ian had laughed at Jace’s shock that Callie not only knew how to fire the weapon, but that she’d also taken it completely apart and put it back together with remarkable ease. When they’d pressed, she’d finally admitted that her uncle had been worried about her when she’d first moved in with them and this was the same gun she’d first learned to shoot.
Callie had been thrilled with the bracelet he’d given her and impressed with its safety features. Ian was proud of the pretty device he and Mitch had worked so hard on. The bracelet Callie was wearing was similar to the ones that the wives at ShadowDance all wore, but with a couple of upgrades. It not only allowed him GPS access to her at all times, it also had audio capabilities. If she was ever in trouble, all she had to do was press a recessed stone and it would transmit an audio feed directly to his security control centers on the island and at his offices on the mainland.
He and Jace had laughed at her wide-eyed appraisal. “Oh, a ‘Secret Spy Walkie-Talkie’ in a beautiful package. Hot damn, I never got anything this cool out of Cracker Jacks. This rocks.” While he’d loved her enthusiasm, he hoped like hell she didn’t ever need the pretty little device.
Callie looked absolutely stunning in the feminine sundress Daph had sent over for her. They were taking the boat over, and Ian would drive them to their destinations while Jace went to the offices and retrieved her belongings so they could be taken back to the island. He’d left Kalen and Gage to monitor things on the island, and Logan was accompanying them on their shopping expedition. What Ian hadn’t told Callie was that prior to her starting work, he was planning to take her to Ireland for a couple of weeks. His company jet was standing by, and they’d be leaving as soon as Jace returned.
They weren’t on high alert because Grant Westmore was currently in the midst of his confirmation hearings, so everyone had been of the opinion his father would lie low, not wanting to risk any type of exposure or publicity until things were wrapped up. They were still taking precautions, and Ian couldn’t shake the feeling that he was missing something as they entered the first place Daph had recommended. The place looked like a security nightmare if you asked him, lots of nooks and crannies and dressing rooms clear at the back of the damned place. But Callie’s shriek of delight as they’d walked in had been enough to distract him. She’d looked at him with such wide-eyed wonder that for just a second he’d gotten a glimpse of what she must have looked like as a child and what their daughter would look like, and that thought brought him up short. He had never considered himself parent material, but suddenly the idea wasn’t nearly so foreign sounding.
“This is a beautiful store, Ian, and I appreciate you bringing me here, but honestly, there isn’t going to be anything here I can afford.” The sadness that had replaced the joy was soul deep, and he wondered if she’d ever been able to buy something she loved without having to worry about its cost.
“Pet, do you remember the rules of this relationship? Your well-being is my responsibility—and that includes buying you clothing and any other material goods that I’m inclined to purchase. And you are supposed topleaseme, and right now it would please me greatly if you would let me worry about the financial aspects of the things I might purchase for you.” He smiled at her and was rewarded with a pink blush that let him know she had understood exactly what other purchases he’d been thinking about. As the older sales clerk approached, he turned and explained the types of things he was interested in seeing Callie try on.
He’d stood at the door of the mirror-lined dressing room watching Callie try on dozens of different outfits, some he accepted, and others he rejected before she even put them on. He’s always had excellent taste in women’s clothing, and he was going to relish dressing his petite sub. His cock was rock hard, and his fingers itching to free her from the lacy thong and bra he’d reluctantly allowed her to wear this morning. He finally reached behind him and locked the door. The sound echoed in the small room, and he smiled when he saw her eyes widen. “Come to me, pet. I need to sink into your softness. Watching you get into and out of all this clothing has made me hard enough to pound nails.”
Callie didn’t hesitate to walk into his embrace, and he immediately crashed his lips over hers in a kiss that was pure need. She opened her lips immediately and plunged her tongue into his mouth, giving as good as she got. Reaching around her, he easily tore the thong from her body and tossed the remnants into the corner. “Lean back and let me get that offending garment off of you, it hides what belongs to me.” When she leaned back, he snapped the front clasp of her bra apart with a jerk, sending pieces of plastic scattering across the polished wooden floors.
While kissing her with a feeling of desperate urgency that he didn’t fully understand, he managed to free his raging cock. He lifted her effortlessly, and when she wrapped her legs around him, he thrust his hips up and plunged into her hot, silken depths. “Oh, my sweet pet, you were so hot and wet—so ready for my possession. You feel amazing.” After he managed to regain a small fraction of his control, he turned so that her bare back met the cool glass of the mirror. He slid her knees over his elbows and set a pounding pace. “Hang on, love, this is going to be hard and fast, and I want to take you with me. Come now, my love.” He crashed his mouth over hers and caught her scream of release, and within moments they were both breathless. When he pulled back and looked into her dazed eyes, he smiled. “I just might have to rethink my previous opinion of shopping. Let’s get ourselves together and get out of here. I think we’ve left Logan out front long enough—he probably has dates lined up through next Christmas. I’ll go make our purchases and arrange for them to be delivered. Come on out when you are ready.”
After righting his clothing, he made his way down the short hall and to the front of the small store. Just as he’d finished his business, his phone rang and he decided to take the call from Daphne and thank her for sending them to such a great dress shop. While he was talking with her, his phone vibrated several times with incoming calls, but he was discussing an upcoming contract and that deadline was looming, so he continued speaking with Daphne until he heard his ever-efficient administrative assistant speaking with someone to the side. “What do you mean Jace can’t get through, of course he can’t because I’m on the phone…What? Oh shit, why didn’t you say so. Ian, Callie is trouble in the dressing room.” That’s all he heard before the entire store erupted into utter chaos.
Ian had glanced toward the door just in time to see Logan pocket his phone and take off running toward the dressing rooms. The big man was mowing a wide path, sending garment racks and people tumbling out of his way. The sound of shattering glass filled the store and people began to panic. Many were trying to get to the front, and they were making it difficult to maneuver around them so both he and Logan could get down the narrow hall. Logan reached the door just as they heard a gunshot, and Ian was sure his heart had stopped.No!
* * * *
The door reopened just seconds after Ian had left the dressing room, so Callie had been sure he’d forgotten something and hadn’t bothered to turn around before asking, “Did you forget something, Master?”
“Master? Oh shit, you are kinkyanda slut? Now that’s rich, isn’t it? God, you are one royal pain in the ass.” Callie spun around to see Nanette Westmore standing across from her. While pretending to cover herself, Callie pressed the small button on the bracelet Ian had given her this morning. At the time she wasn’t really frightened because it was obvious the woman didn’t have a weapon, but he and Jace had insisted she should press the button anytime she was uncertain of her surroundings. And she sure as hell wasn’t pleased to find herself face-to-face with Senator Westmore’s wife.
“Mrs. Westmore, I don’t know what you want, but you need to leave. I have nothing to say to you.” Callie was amazed at the venom she saw in the other woman’s eyes.
“You think you can just ruin everything? I have been trying to get rid of your ass for years. Do you think you were the only pussy Grant nailed and then the hussy later swore she’d said ‘no’? You were just the first of his indiscretions, he really has taken after my father in that regard, you know? And that weakling husband of mine was convinced we needed to get him help, thank God my father had enough influence to shut down John’s plans before they were made public. And now that he’s finally lost the last of his marbles to Alzheimer’s he doesn’t even remember who he is half the time. That disease has been a real pain in my ass. John was an ass before and he’s even worse now. If it wasn’t for my father running things from behind the scenes he’d have been bounced out of the Senate ages ago.”
Callie watched as the woman’s eyes became almost glassy as she continued to rail at her. “Jesus Pete, I paid your whore of a mother a lot of money to get rid of you and the child you were carrying. Hell, if you were anything like that mother of yours, who knew if it was even my son’s, you should have been grateful for the cash. Hell, honey, your mom screwed most of the men at the country club and probably half the women trying to fuck her way to the top. And then she had the audacity to keep coming back for more money. It was always, ‘Callie needs this or Callie needs that.’ Always something.”
Before she could continue, Callie spoke up. “I didn’t know anything about that money until just recently. And trust me I plan to address that with my mother. And for your information, there never was a pregnancy.” She paused as Nanette blinked several times, trying to take in what she’d told her.
And then the woman went completely insane, grabbing the small bench and slamming it into the mirror, sending shards of glass flying in every direction. Callie had managed to cover her eyes but felt small pieces cutting her arms. When she tried to step back, she realized she was still barefoot and the glass covering the floor made it impossible for her to move.
Nanette grabbed a long piece of glass and lunged toward her. Callie jumped back and gasped at the pain spearing the bottoms of her feet. Reaching for her small purse, Callie almost had the pistol out when the woman lunged again, slicing Callie’s upper arm. Callie raised the gun and warned her, “Stop or I will shoot you, Mrs. Westmore.” When she saw the woman’s eyes track to her chest a split second before the muscles in her legs twitched, Callie knew she was coming for her again and fired one shot directly in to the woman’s upper thigh. She hadn’t wanted to kill the woman, but she damned well wasn’t going to stand by and be sliced and diced either. The sound of the gun in the small room was deafening, and then all Callie could hear was Nanette’s screaming and the sound of wood splintering as Logan broke through the door.
Callie watched as everything unfolded in slow motion around her. Logan tackled Nanette Westmore, pushing her face down on the floor despite the glass. He had her hands secured behind her back and had rolled her over to access the bullet wound in seconds. Ian had been right behind Logan and had wrapped her in his arms and carried her from the room. Callie looked down, and when she saw her beautiful new sundress was covered in blood, she started to cry. “My dress. Master, look what she did to my new dress. I hate her. I really liked this dress.” Looking up at Ian everything started to look gauzy around the edges, and she just concentrated on his surprised smile…and it was the last thing she saw before everything went black.