Page 12 of Dusted Star
Trac slipped hishand under her dress and growled against her ear, “Open for me” when he found her legs locked together. He suspected she was trying to keep the proof of her arousal from running in temptingrivulets down the inside of her thighs, but he could tell her it was wasted effort. She’d soon learn what a turn on it was for a Dom to see the wanton evidence of his or her effect on a submissive. When he felt her head turn quickly from side to side, he tightened his left arm around her upper torso.
“It’s not your job to worry about who is watching, Princess. If Master Juan or I want to showoff what belongs to us, that’s for us to decide. All you need to worry about is following instructions and trusting us to give you exactly what you need.” Her legs slid apart, the response so immediate, he groaned in appreciation. Damn, the woman ignited something deep inside him he hadn’t even known existed.
All Trac could think about was possessing the woman in his arms. She was a natural submissive,her responses had been forthright, and she admitted her interest in learning more about the lifestyle that was a huge part of his life. Trac had known he needed to be in charge in bedroom long before he knew there was a term for it. Learning there was a lifestyle centered around what felt like a part of his very soul had been a life-changing moment.
Looking down at Lakyn, he felt like he wasfast approaching another huge fork in life’s road. The path he chose would determine where life led, and he was anxious to get started. Finding Lakyn on the side of the road had been a fluke, but her agreement to let them teach her about Dominance and submission was a gift he planned to fully appreciate. For the first time in years, Trac was beginning to rethink his aversion to commitment.
“Is she slick?”Juan’s question jolted him back to the moment, and he held up his fingers for his friend to see the shining evidence coating his fingers. “Christ, all that glistening honey is going to push me right over the damned edge of sanity.” Taking a small step back, so he had a clearer view of her, Juan crossed his arms over his broad chest and smiled.
“Make her come. I want to see whatshe looks like when her mind shatters from pleasure.” Her eyes must have gone wide with fear because Juan quickly shook his head. “Don’t worry about anything but giving yourself over to the pleasure Master Trac is going to bring you,Cariña.”
He wouldn’t tell her he had no intention of letting anyone hear the sweet sounds of her pleasure. It wasn’t that he was a prude, hell he loved public playas much as the next Dom, but this was the Wests’ scene, and he wasn’t about to upstage them. Juan looked on as Lakyn’s eyes closed, and her soft moan was echoed by Trac.
“Princess, you’re so hot and wet. You might as well throw away every pair of panties you own because I want to be able to touch you just like this anytime the urge strikes me. Feeling the soft petals of your pussy lips slippingbetween my fingers is hotter than hell.”
Juan stepped closer, so he’d be ready to seal his mouth over hers when the orgasm building like a tsunami finally swamped her. Lakyn was vibrating with energy, and the pink flush of arousal spreading over her upper chest let him know she was close to falling over the edge. Juan watched as Lakyn’s mouth opened and quickly closed the space between them,slanting his mouth over hers, capturing her cries of release. She fisted the sides of his shirt in her small hands as if it was a lifeline tethering her to Earth. He ended the kiss when he saw her sag in Trac’s arms.
“You are beautiful when you come,Cariña,and I can’t wait to feel all of that passion when we’re in a much more intimate place.”
“Your pussy is so tight, Princess, we’re goingto need to be very careful with you.” Trac’s words sent a deep flush over Lakyn’s cheeks, making Juan wonder how long it had been since she’d been intimate with a man. When his friend withdrew his hand from beneath her dress and sucked a single finger into this mouth to savor the taste of her essence, Juan felt his eyes widen with concern.
One finger? Trac’s comment took on a whole new levelof significance when Juan realized his friend had only used a single digit to penetrate her. Hell, they were going to need to be extremely careful because both he and Trac were larger than average, and the last thing he wanted to do was hurt her. He’d seen what could happen when an inexperienced sub wasn’t properly prepared for a Dom’s cock, and it wasn’t pretty.
“Holy shit, I can’t believe Ijust came in the middle of a room filled with strangers.” Lakyn’s breathless confession might have been amusing if it hadn’t contained profanity. Juan watched Trac’s expression turn thunderous. Before he could blink, Lakyn’s eyes went wide and she yelped as Trac’s massive palm smacked her ass.
“Language, Princess. You’ll speak respectfully or not at all.” Juan almost laughed out loud at the easy-to-readexpression on Lakyn’s face. Trac wasn’t going to be able to pry a word from her with a crowbar.I do believe my stubborn friend has just met his match.“Do you understand?”
Trac’s question was met with stubborn silence as Lakyn crossed her arms over her chest in defiance. Juan wanted to avoid interrupting the Wests’ scene any more than they already had and gave Trac a quick nod to the nearestexit. They needed to move this discussion outside the small scene area. His friend was clearly frustrated, but Lakyn looked like her head was about to spin around on her shoulders powered by the steam he could practically see coming out of her ears.
Juan wanted to shake his head because this was going to be a battle neither of them would win. Just as he had so many times with his sisters, Juanwas going to be forced to act as the referee. Fucking hell, this is not how he’d seen the rest of their evening playing out. Leading the two of them through a back door leading to a secluded terrace sheltered from the thunderstorm raging a few feet away, he opened his mouth to speak, but the little tiger rounded on Trac before he got out a single word of warning.
“What the hell is wrong withyou whacking on me like I’m an errant child? Good grief, didn’t your mother teach you any damned manners? God bless a goose, you can’t go around swatting people just because you don’t like what they have to say. Haven’t you ever heard of the First Amendment? Good fucking Lord, I can’t believe it. My language isn’t that bad, I’m a damned saint compared to most of the people I know. Hell, even my brotherdoesn’t bitch about my language, and his pucker factor is off the fucking chart about almost everything related to me.”
If he hadn’t been so shocked by her tirade, Juan might have been able to enjoy the fact Trac was utterly speechless. He’d never known his best friend to be completely flummoxed by a sub.I’m not sure I’ve ever seen that particular shade of purple on another human’s face before.Lakyn was poking her finger into Trac’s chest, emphasizing her words with short jabs with her French-tipped nails, and he almost lost control of the laughter he’d been valiantly holding back when Trac flinched.
“What? You don’t have anything to say? Boy oh boy, I can’t fucking believe you. All pissy because of a curse word and now the damned cats got your tongue. Well, believe you me, I’m a NewYorker now, and we can dress you down seven ways to Sunday and never break a sweat. You can just suck it up, buster, because big girls know bad words too.” She turned on her heel and started pacing the width of the patio, muttering under her breath about the class Uncle Sam obviously taught military recruits where the newbie soldiers were brainwashed into believing they were the kings of all theysurveyed.
When Trac started to reach for her, Juan laid his hand on his friend’s forearm and shook his head.
“Let her wind down. This isn’t really about you. She’s crashing. Whatever she’s running from back east, fatigue, hunger, her car petering out on her, the storm, and a mind shattering orgasm, the swat was the last straw and she’s reeling. Just be ready to catch her.” He’d no sooner utteredthe last words when she seemed to trip over thin air and before she could right herself, Juan watched her eyes roll back, and she began free-falling. She’d have face planted if Trac hadn’t been already moving in her direction.
“Jesus, that was close. I swear I was ready to paddle her ass for that outburst. Hell, I’m still going to paddle her, but at least now I know it wasn’t all disrespect.”Juan pulled one of the soft subbie blankets from a nearby cabinet and wrapped it around her as she lay cradled in Trac’s arms.
“I’ll go get one of the golf carts. We need to take her to our place and get her settled. Those dark bruises under her eyes tell me she’ll probably sleep for hours, and I’d rather she slept between us.” Trac simply nodded his head, but as Juan turned to go, his friendfinally found his voice.
“Thanks for keeping me from making a big mistake with her. I was so shocked, I forgot she is completely inexperienced. I don’t care about what she’s read or how much Tobi’s told her, it’s completely different when you come face to face with D/s for the first time.” Juan nodded and felt a wave of relief sweep over him knowing Trac had seen the bigger picture. His bestfriend finally chuckled as he brushed a stray lock of her hair from her cheek.
“I’ll bet she gives Cooper a run for his money, and from what I remember, he was no pushover. Seeing them go toe-to-toe is probably worth the price of admission.”
Yeah, probably a lot like what I what I watched play out a few minutes ago, but her brother probably isn’t stunned into silence.