Page 19 of Dusted Star
Chapter Ten
Cooper limped outof the small hospital, barely quelling the string of profanity threatening to color the air around him. The woman who’d pulled him from the alley hours ago sat idly behind the wheel of the car, a brow raised in silent challenge. How the hell had Cam Barnes managed to send the one woman in the entire world Cooper had hoped like hell he’d never have to see again?Catalina Adler was the bane of his existence, and this was the second time in the past six months she’d been sent to save his bacon.
“You don’t look much better, Ace. Maybe you should limp back in there and give it another go.” The husky tone of her voice only added fuel to the fire of her criticism and made him wish he could tie her to a St. Andrew’s cross and flog her until the sass she worelike armor evaporated into a heated mist.
“Thanks for your concern, Princess, but I think I’ve been properly medicated to deal with your driving.” She appreciated being called Princess almost as much as he liked being called Ace, so they could call this particular point a draw. Shaking her head, Cat started the car and drove sedately away from the small clinic. When he leveled a curious lookat her, she gave him an unimpressed shrugged.
“There’s no reason to draw unnecessary attention by tearing out of here like our asses are on fire. Cam was crystal clear in his expectations. I’m supposed to make sure the docs patch you up, then deliver you to the airfield. You’ll be stateside before your handler knows you’ve disappeared.”
Cat was anything but naïve, and she knew as well as hedid, his handler had likely given the order for his takedown in the alley. He’d been hurt, but not seriously enough for it to be seen as anything more than a warning. Ironically, it only reinforced his resolve to walk away. It gave him a great deal of satisfaction to know he’d inflicted more damage on the three men who’d jumped him than he’d suffered at their hands. Settling down in his seat and pullingthe bill of his hat down to keep the rays of the rising sun from blinding him, Cooper didn’t respond.Why bother? She’s right and agreeing with her would be tantamount to throwing gas on a fire.
“There’s no need to sulk, you know. I was nearby, and God knows I owe Cam more than a few favors though I have to admit, I find it interesting the Prairie Winds team calls in two favors from my familyin one night.”
Don’t take the bait. Do. Not. Take. The. Bait.
“I pulled ambulance duty, and B got a call from one of her college pals to break into some celebrity’s apartment near her place to look for bugs.” The hair on the back of Cooper’s neck stood straight up in warning. He knew where Brooklyn Adler lived, and it was damned close to Lakyn’s small apartment.
Catalina sighed heavily as sheglanced at him slumped beside her. Her knowing look made his jaw clench so tight, he might well shatter a tooth or two. Only a handful of people at the Agency knew about his sister, and Cat Adler wasn’t on the short list—or at least she shouldn’t be. When he didn’t respond, she shook her head in frustration.
“You don’t have to like me to trust me, Cooper. I have four sisters and five brothers.Hell, I’m the last person who would ever sell out someone’s sibling.” For the first time since he’d gotten in the car, Cooper turned his full attention to Catalina and wondered what the woman behind the snark was really like. She was an enigma—that was a given. He knew she worked for the Agency, but he’d gotten the distinct impression her work was more free-lance than as a career agent.
Globetrottingas one of the most sought-after jewelry designers in the world was a perfect cover, letting her breeze in and out of countries while no one looked at her twice. Okay, that was a lie, but those of us looking aren’t thinking about espionage. Studying her profile, Cooper wondered what her real hair color was since it was different every time he saw her.Makes me wonder what else is a mirage?
Takinga deep breath and wincing at the pain shooting through his broken ribs, Cooper decided to take a chance. “Did Brooklyn find any bugs in Lakyn’s apartment?”
This time the look she gave him was tinged with sympathy and understanding. “Yeah, she did. The place was loaded. She left to call it in, and they sent her back to tap in, so the Prairie Winds control center can try to follow the signals backto their source, but she said the stuff is really sophisticated, so it’s not going to be a cakewalk.”
“Fucking hell.” If Brooklyn Adler thought the devices were advanced, they were cutting edge. “I finally got to check my messages while I waited for the doctor to show up, and Lakyn said she was having trouble with a stalker.”
“A stalker with access to technology only a few agencies in the worldcan get their hands on? Seems unlikely, don’t you think?” Yeah, he thought it was a fucking stretch, too, but once again, he was reluctant to agree with Cat, just on principle. “How did Prairie Winds get involved in this? Seems a bit outside of their usual repertoire.” That was a million-dollar question and one he was more than a little interested in himself.
“I’m looking forward to hearing theanswer to that myself. But you know how it is with siblings, just when you think you have them figured out, they come at you from left field.”
Catalina snorted, and he barely heard her muttered, “Preach” before she took the turn into the small airfield on two wheels. Fucking hell, the woman missed her calling, she should have been a Formula One driver.
Of all the places in the country, how hadhis conscientious sister managed to find herself under the protection of one of the best teams of operatives in the world? Hell, he didn’t even want to think about how she was coping with the Wests’ kink club. Ordinarily, Lakyn was so predictable, she was almost boring—or at least as boring as a celebrity could be. If it wasn’t work-related, she didn’t do it. His sister had a work ethic that rivaledhis own. Hell, now that he thought about it, they were both boring.
Lakyn rolled hereyes when Juan asked her for the fifth time if she was steady enough to walk on her own the short distance to the SUV they’d be taking back to Prairie Winds. She’d politely assured him…again… she was capable of walking a few feet, but Trac hadn’t missed her gesture of frustration.His eyes narrowed, and his glare might have been intimidating any other day, but after the scare she’d just had, his glower was easy to ignore. At least his narrowed eyes and frown hadn’t meant much until he reached behind her and gave her ass a solid smack with his open palm.
“Hey, what the hell was that for?”
“Don’t roll your eyes at your Dom even if you are annoyed he’s asking you the samequestion over and over.” She started to roll her eyes at his terse remark but quickly schooled her expression. “Good save, Princess. Now let’s get you home and cleaned up before the briefing.”
“Briefing?” She honestly couldn’t imagine what anyone thought she could contribute when she’d been scared out of her mind.Not exactly conducive to information gathering.The ride back to the cabin seemedremarkably short compared to the terrifying trip she’d made going the other direction. Lakyn could only imagine how intense the briefing would be… if the interrogations she’d endured with her brother were any indication, it was going to be a long afternoon.
Juan knew Lakynwas crashing, it was written all over her. He and Trac flanked her in the back seat while oneof the new recruits drove them back to the small cabin they called home. Trac looked at him over her head and raised a brow. Yeah, they were definitely on the same page, she was fading fast. Leaning against him, Lakyn’s eyes slowly slid closed, and he looked down to see her shivering. Carl and CeCe had wrapped her in a blanket before they left the Barnes’ new home, but these shivers didn’t have anythingto do with being chilled. When they parked in front of the cabin, Trac held her upright while Juan stepped out and quickly turned to slide arms under Lakyn’s petite form. She was feather-light in his arms, making it easy for him to cradle her in his embrace.
Relieved she hadn’t protested being carried, Juan moved through the cabin without stopping until he could gingerly sit her on the counter.Trac started the water in the large jetted tub, and they both stripped in record time. Juan carefully unwrapped her from the blanket and loosened the ties of her bikini.
“It’s like unwrapping the most beautiful gift I’ve ever received.”
“Hell, even battered and bruised, she’s fucking gorgeous. I’m glad Del and Dean’s security is linked to the club’s, I’m looking forward to finding out who didthis to you, Princess.” Trac’s voice sounded as strained as Juan felt. The elder Wests lived on a parcel of land bordering Prairie Winds which was convenient for many reasons.
When the first radio call came in that Lakyn was being towed on a fucking tube down the river by an unknown, Juan and Trac had both panicked. Thank God the building where they’d been training was close to the back of theWests’ property, bordering the river. He and Trac had been on jet skis heading downstream in less than two minutes.