Page 28 of Dusted Star
Chapter Fifteen
Trac watched theplug stretch Lakyn’s pretty rosette as he pushed it fractionally deeper with each thrust. Her soft moans and delicious sighs were making him so damned hard, his cock throbbed against the metal zipper of his jeans. Fuck, he was going to have a permanent zipper tattoo if he wasn’t careful.
“You’re doing great, Princess. Push back when you feel me pushingforward, then relax those muscles. Submission is a journey, not a destination.”
A fresh wave of moisture coated her sex, and the scent of her arousal filled the air around them. Once the plug was firmly seated in her ass, Trac smoothed his palms down Lakyn’s sides from just below her breasts to her hips. They gave their lovely sub a few minutes to settle before Trac pulled her to her feet. Juanstripped out of his clothes and moved into place.
Before turning her to face Juan, Trac used the pads of his fingers to lift her chin so he could look into her eyes. Moving his thumb back and forth over her plump lower lip, he watched as the variations in the color of her eyes darkened in proportion to the desire so clearly reflected in them. The outer ring of her iris was a deep shade of amethyst,and without question, the most beautiful and unique eye color he’d ever seen.
“You’re going to use this pretty mouth to pleasure your other Master while I fuck you.” Her face flushed a lovely shade of deep pink and he wanted to remind her there was no reason to be embarrassed, but that was a discussion they could have later. “We’re going to play a game, Princess. If you can make Master Juan comebefore I make you come, you’ll get to pick which dress you wear to the club this evening, but if you fail, we’ll choose for you. He wanted to smile at the fire he saw in her eyes. Evidently, their sub had a competitive spirit. Trac could tell her she was being set up to fail, but why ruin the fun?
“I’ll even give you a head start while I strip. Turning her toward Juan, he watched as she didn’twaste any time getting into position before flicking the tip of her pink tongue along the stiff outer ring circling the head of his friend’s cock. Juan’s head fell back on his shoulders as his eyes closed. Without opening his eyes, Juan gave Trac the hand signal forhurry,making him bite back a smile. Juan Rivera was usually the epitome of control—making sure the woman he was topping had at leasttwo orgasms before he let himself go. Hell, Trac had seen Juan make love to a woman for hours before finally letting himself come.
When Juan’s eyes opened in narrow slits, he leveled Trac with a look of impatience. Shaking himself out of the stupor he’d been caught in, Trac shed his clothing quickly and tore open the condom package he’d already set on the small table. After sheathing himself,Trac reached for the small remote that was going to tip the odds so far in their favor, Lakyn wasn’t going to stand a snowball’s chance in hell of winning the challenge.
Circling the tip of his cock in her cream, Trac teased Lakyn’s opening until she was pushing back, trying to force him inside. Slapping her ass twice before reaching around, giving both nipples a sharp pinch.
“You are not incharge, Princess,” Trac words were practically snarled, making her eyes widen in surprise. “You’ll take what we give you—nothing more and nothing less.” He began pushing inside her tight pussy and groaned as he slid deeper into her heat. “You are burning me up, baby. Holy fucking hell, you’re so tight. The plug makes you even more snug and ramps everything up several notches.”
Trac felt beadsof sweat pop out on his forehead as he struggled to keep from shoving himself balls deep. They’d taken her before, but this was the first time with a plug, and he damned well didn’t want to hurt her. The wet sounds of her mouth pleasuring Juan brought him back to the moment. The look on his friend’s face was edging toward desperation as he tried to hold onto the last threads of his control. Fuckinghell, he was going to lose this thing if he didn’t pull his head out of the clouds.
“Hang on, Princess.” He didn’t give her any other warning before switching on the anal plug. If he hadn’t known what was coming, he likely would have had the same reaction, and it was damned satisfying to hear Lakyn’s muffled scream around Juan’s cock. Her pussy was rippling around him, and he stilled for a fewseconds to push back the orgasm that threatened to crash over him. Hell, he couldn’t remember ever being so close to coming before he’d been fully seated in a woman’s heat.
“If she comes, we may have to start all over, and as much as I loved paddling her perfect ass, she better think about how she’s going to sit down for the next few days.” Juan was trying to distract her, but Trac would tellby the way her vaginal muscles constricted around him, the words weren’t working the way his friend expected.
“I think our sub liked her spanking more than we realized. Her hot pussy squeezes me like a wet, velvet fist each time it’s mentioned.” Trac felt his eyes roll back in his head the feeling was so exquisite. He could practically feel the need building between the three of them and wastaken aback by the realization his thoughts were turning more and more toward the future.
“Now, Hughes.” Juan’s groaned words sounded desperate, and Trac understood all too well, his own control was slipping away quickly. With the simple press of a button, Trac sent Lakyn spiraling over the edge of bliss, smiling to himself when he felt her vaginal walls ripple, then lock down with an intensitythat almost leveled him.
Trac twisted the plug as he set up a fast pace, thrusting in as deep as her petite frame would allow before pulling back until the ring around his cock head stretched the sensitive tissues a bit more with each withdrawal. She was exquisite, and he could hardly wait until he could fuck her without any barrier between them.
“I’m going to come,Cariña. I want you to swallowevery drop of the gift I give you.” Trac heard the hoarse tone of his friend’s voice and watched as Lakyn nodded frantically. When Trac saw Juan’s head tilt back, he let his own orgasm race up his spine before giving her clit a firm pinch, sending her over into another intense release. It took him several long seconds to recover command over enough of his brain cells to speak.
“Fuck me, I’llretrieve a warm cloth as soon as my legs begin working again. Christ in heaven, woman, you undo me.” Lakyn’s lack of argument about his promise to retrieve a warm cloth was an indication of how unsettled she was and made him smile to know she was as blown away as they were.
Looking down where she lay curled against Juan’s side, Trac recognized the warm feeling in his chest. Damn it, it was alreadytoo late to protect his heart because, against his better judgment, he’d already fallen in love with the woman the world knew as Lakyn Storm. Sharing her with Juan felt right, but he had no idea how he would ever be able to share her with the rest of the world.
An hour later,Juan sat to the side with Trac and several other members of the team as they discussed thelimited information Cooper Hicks had given Kyle. The intel wasn’t sparse because Cooper couldn’t talk—both Kent and Kyle West still retained high clearance ratings because of the contract work the Prairie Winds Team did for Uncle Sam. The inadequate information was simply because Cooper wasn’t sure who was targeting his younger sister.
Lakyn sat next to her brother on the sofa facing the fireplace.She leaned against Cooper’s shoulder, the two of them talking quietly. Juan deliberately positioned himself, so he could see her reflection in the window to the side of the enormous stone fireplace. At first, he wondered if she’d forgotten they were there, but she’d quickly found his reflection in the thick glass and each time their eyes met, her soft smile settled his insecurities.
The irritatedtone of Trac’s voice brought Juan back to the moment and he refocused on the conversation.
“So, he doesn’t have any idea which one of his enemies is targeting his sister? Christ, how many times has this happened?” Juan wasn’t sure what his longtime partner found so surprising—hell, they’d all made more than enough enemies to last them several lifetimes. It was part and parcel for the work theydid. Every one of them knew they’d have to look over their shoulders for the rest of their lives—hell, it was one of the reasons he and Trac were both hesitant to return to their respective family businesses. The thought of bringing danger into their families’ lives was terrifying.
Juan’s attention was drawn once again to the woman sitting so close, yet much too far for his liking. The glisteningtrails down both of her flushed cheeks had him out of his chair and moving in her direction before he realized he was moving. Kneeling in front of her, Juan pulled her hands between his and looked into her tear-filled eyes. Jesus, would he ever be able to look into her eyes without losing his mind? The variations of color never ceased to still his breath.
“Cariña? What’s wrong? Are you all right?”He saw Cooper stiffen beside her and knew the other man probably didn’t appreciate the interruption, but quite frankly, Juan didn’t give a rat’s ass. Lakyn’s eyes softened as she leaned forward. It probably gave him more satisfaction than it should have, knowing she’d moved away from her brother and closer to him.
“I’m fine, Juan. I was just telling my brother how much I’ve enjoyed my time here…how wonderful everyone has been and how… well, how much I have loved spending time with the two of you… and how hard it’s going to be to leave.” The last words were little more than a whisper, but that didn’t lessen the stab of pain he felt hearing them. Juan had known she’d have to return to her life in New York, but he’d hoped their relationship would be more firmly established before that happened.
“Cariña,you need to stay until we know it’s safe for you to return.”Or at least until we can bind your heart to ours, then one of us can always travel with you.Between one blink of her beautiful eyes and the next, Juan would have sworn he’d seen longing, but it was gone so quickly, he wasn’t sure it had anything more than his hopeful imagination.
“Finish talking with your brother, and whenyou have finished, we’ll discuss your plans. Nothing has to be decided tonight, sweetness.” He could see the fatigue in her eyes and wondered if they wouldn’t be better off scrapping their plan to attend the club later tonight. He suspected she was going to be too emotionally exhausted by the time she and Cooper finished talking to enjoy herself, and that wasn’t how they wanted her next visit togo.
Lakyn nodded and after he was back on his feet, Juan noted Trac had moved closer and stood behind the sofa. He’d been listening, a frown on his face, but as he opened his mouth to speak, Juan gave a quick shake of his head. The two of them needed to formulate a strategy that would keep Lakyn in their lives even if it required them following her to New York. Juan believed with all his heartshe wanted to stay, but beneath the very confident exterior the world saw when they looked at Lakyn Storm, there was a frightened woman named Lakyn Hicks who still felt very much alone.