Page 3 of Dusted Star
Chapter Two
Kyle West leanedback against his desk, arms crossed over his muscular chest, and shook his head. When he’d gotten the report from Micah Drake a few weeks ago about an ongoing online conversation between his sweet wife and a woman in New York City, he’d been shocked to learn her identity. Not only was the young woman one of the most recognizable faces in the world, she was alsothe younger sister of one of the men he and his brother had been trying to recruit for the past year.
“Seems like an odd coincidence, doesn’t it?” As the head of their cyber-security team, it was Micah’s job to know who was talking to whom, and he was damned good at his job. Of course, the man was probably due a healthy bonus for his commitment to keeping the trouble magnet Kyle and Kent calledtheir wife and sub from becoming a target for every bleeding heart on the internet.
“As a rule, I don’t believe in coincidences, but something about this woman seems oddly genuine. I’m not sure how to explain it, but I’ve read and re-read all of their communication, and I’ve gotten the impression she sees herself as Lakyn Hicks, not Lakyn Storm. I guess we’ll see soon enough,” Kyle wondered aloud,shaking his head and pushing away from the desk as he watched the trio making their way through the parking garage. It would take them a couple of minutes to navigate the long hall leading to the club’s front entrance, but he planned to be on hand to greet them. “It’s going to be interesting to find out how she ended up with those two.”
“No shit, but from the sappy look on Juan’s face, I’m bettinghe doesn’t let her wander far.” Kyle agreed with Micah’s observation, but he was even more intrigued by Trac’s obvious amusement. “Coop’s going to owe you big time.” Micah’s statement of the obvious made Kyle chuckle to himself, and he didn’t bother trying to hold back his satisfied smile.
This was leverage most team leaders dreamed of, and he certainly wasn’t above using it to his advantage.There were obvious challenges inherent in exploiting a friendship his wife clearly enjoyed, even if they two women had never met face to face, but she was in deep enough, he wasn’t going to lose any sleep over it.
Moving to the door, Kyle didn’t bother asking if Kent was on his way. Their twin connection was as strong as it had ever been, and Kyle knew his younger brother was already headed tothe office. They might only be minutes apart in age, but Kyle had always taken his role as theelder brotherseriously—too seriously if you asked Kent. He’d take the lead during this little meet and greet, then he and Kent would have a come to Jesus meeting with Tobi.
“Get word to Cooper, let him know we’ve got her. I’m going to greet our guest.”
“When are you going to tell Tobi she’s here?”Kyle could hear the underlying amusement in Micah’s question. He didn’t bother to answer directly because Micah already knew the answer depended on how this encounter went.
“My lovely wife has taken our children over to my parents. Since she and my mom are thick as thieves, I doubt she dropped them at the front door without a gossip session.”Probably putting on the finishing touches to a strategicplan for world domination.“There is no way my fathers will let her leave with this storm bearing down on us. Hell, I didn’t want her to drive over there, but all things considered, I thought it was best for her to be off-site.” Even though she was less than a half mile away, it was far enough for right now.
Kyle stepped into the large reception area of the club just as their newest receptionistgasped, “Oh my God, you’re—”
He interrupted her before she could alert everyone in the damned place that something was up. Not that it would make much difference with Mikki. Hell, her ever-changing hair color alone drew a ridiculous amount of attention, and the dust-covered star standing in front of him was still easily recognizable despite the layer of grime covering her world-famous face.
Juan watched asthe petite woman behind the reception desk sprang out of her chair, eyes wide in recognition, her voice sounding more like a cartoon character than the professional air she usually affected. Aside from her ever-changing hair color, Mikki Baxter had proven herself to be remarkably competent from what Juan had observed. She was the first new hire to last beyond her probation period,so the club’s members were hopeful Mikki had found a way to deal with Kyle’s tendency to intimidate the hell out of submissive employees.
“I’m sure our guest knows who she is, Mikki.” Kyle’s stern tone made the petite beauty’s spine go ram-rod straight.Okay, so perhaps she isn’t immune to the boss after all.Juan shook his head and rolled his eyes as he wondered if she’d still be behind thedesk tomorrow. It was no wonder the club had gone through a dozen or more receptionists since Rissa officially retired. “Could you please go to the bar and bring our guest a bottle of water?” As soon as she’d gone, Kyle returned his attention to Lakyn.
“Luke has already completed your background check, Miss Hicks.” When Lakyn started to speak, Kyle held up his hand, and her mouth slowly closed.Juan would bet she didn’t even realize she’d just responded to her first command from a Dominant at the Prairie Winds Club. He frowned, her first command at the club should have come from him, dammit. After all, he was the one who found her along the road.What the fuck ever happened to finders keepers? Jesus, what’s the matter with me?
“Lakyn, my brother and I are very protective of our beautifulwife. Her open heart and innate trust is a large part of what makes her such a treasure, but it also makes her an easy target, so our security staff helps us keep very close tabs on her.”
“It takes a village—a very skilled village to keep Tobi out of trouble.” Kent West stepped from behind his brother, flashing his trademark smile, but Lakyn didn’t seem to notice the expression Juan suspectedhad gotten the man endless dates before he and Kyle met Tobi.
“Holy dust bunnies, she wasn’t kidding. Tobi said her husbands were mirror image twins, but she insisted she didn’t understand why people seem to struggle to tell them… well, you, apart.” Lakyn seemed to have completely forgotten Kyle had been speaking to her as she stepped closer to them. Juan hid his grin behind his hand as smallpoofs of dust followed her movements. Damn if she didn’t remind him of Pig-Pen from the old Peanuts gang movies. Mikki sneezed when she stepped back in the room as dust wafted over the chest-high counter she stepped behind. Lakyn appeared unfazed by the other woman’s profuse apology as she held out a small bottle of water.
Watching Lakyn study Kent and Kyle’s faces with an unnerving, clinicalappraisal edged with appreciation stirred something deep in Juan’s core he couldn’t quite identify. It wasn’t exactly jealousy, but it wasn’t joy either. Her scrutiny continued for so long, Kyle appeared to be reaching his saturation point. Juan couldn’t remember ever seeing the former team leader so uncomfortable—the whole scene was surreal. She finally stepped back, crossing her dirt-smudged armsover her chest. Juan heard Trac’s snort of laughter beside him when another small dust cloud floated around her, sending Mikki ducking behind the counter.
“Your bone structure is nearly identical, and I’d wager your movements, particularly your walks are indeed mirror images… but there are so many subtle differences, I doubt anyone who knows you at all has any trouble telling you apart.” Thelook on Kyle West’s face was something between astonished admiration and horrified embarrassment at the impassive assessment from a woman he’d only known less than two minutes.
“Damn, I haven’t seen my brother speechless since—well, hell, living with Tobi tends to make that a common occurrence, so I’ll qualify it. I haven’t seen another woman strike him dumb in a long damned time.” Kent’s amusedtone cut through the escalating tension in the room and sent a sweet flush over Lakyn’s dirty cheeks.
“What? Who is this woman who’s rendered my Master speechless? I want to meet this wonderful sister of my soul. Keeping two such amazing men in line is exhausting, I could use the help.” Tobi’s sweet voice floated from behind her men and Kyle’s expression immediately softened even though Juanwould bet they hadn’t planned to introduce the women until they’d had a chance to thoroughly vet Lakyn.
Turning, Kent held out his hand. “Come, kitten, I believe your invited guest has arrived.”
“Sweetness, you really should have been more careful with her transportation arrangements. I believe I heard something upstairs about an abandoned car up the road a bit. And from the looks of your chatbuddy, she’s spent some time out in the wind.”
“What? Who on God’s green Earth walks in this mess?” Dell West picked his petite daughter-in-law up without blinking and set her behind him, then sidestepped his sons before coming face to face with Lakyn. “Holy fucking hell. Lilly is going to crap a cat.” The older man was dressed in his usual jeans and button-down shirt, the gray streaks in hishair making him look like the grandfather he was. Stepping forward, he held out his hand, and Lakyn didn’t hesitate to lay her small hand in his. “It’s nice to meet you, Miss”
“Hicks, Lakyn Hicks. I’m happy to meet you too, Mr. West.” When he looked surprised at her use of his name, she shrugged. “It’s easy to see where your handsome sons get their distinguished looks… it was a safe guess.”
Tobi squeezed between the men blocking her view with a delighted squeal. “Lakyn? Oh, my stars and garters, I can’t believe you’re really here.” The minute her eyes locked on her long-distance friend, she froze in her tracks.
“Oh shit.”