Page 33 of Dusted Star
Chapter Eighteen
Lakyn disconnected thecall and shook her head in disbelief. She’d never been called back for a re-shoot a month later. She couldn’t even ask Reggie what was going on because he’d been MIA since Cooper showed up—and Lakyn didn’t believe for a secondthatwas a coincidence. She’d asked Cooper, Trac, and Juan several times over the past few days if any of them had spokenwith her manager, and they’d all insisted they hadn’t talked to him, but she still had the nagging feeling she wasn’t being told the truth.
“What’s wrong,Cariña?” Juan was already walking toward her, his eyes darkened with concern. “You look worried and confused.” She recounted the odd phone call she’d just gotten from one of the smaller fashion houses she worked with and wasn’t surprised tosee the questions in his eyes.
“It’s very unusual… actually, this is the first time I’ve been called back this long after a session. Most photographers and agencies are on a very tight timeline, so they can’t wait this long for a re-shoot. They also know models are continually traveling, so asking one to return for a re-shoot more than a day or two after a session is unheard of.” She’d barelyfinished speaking when she noticed Trac at the other side of the room with his phone pressed to his ear.
Juan was silent for so long, Lakyn was beginning to worry he was joining the ranks of those people who had decided she was more trouble than she was worth. It was always painful when friends walked out of her life, but she had the feeling it would be soul-crushing this time.
You knew it wouldn’tlast… no one stays forever, even Cooper disappears for months on end. Stop whining and deal.
Tilting his head to the side, Juan studied her so closely she was starting to feel like a science experiment.
“What didn’t you think would last,Cariña?” Damn it, when was she going to learn to keep her mouth shut, so her thoughts didn’t tumble out? “Did you think we’d abandon you the first-time thingsdidn’t go exactly as planned?”
“That’s exactly what she thought because it’s happened before, hasn’t it? Princess, we need to talk. I believe we’ve done you a great disservice. Juan and I have been waiting until we’d had more time to establish trust between us to broach this subject, but now I’d have to say that was a mistake.”
Lakyn was still reeling from the realization she’d spoken her disappointmentaloud that she was having trouble tracking Trac’s comments, and since he hadn’t asked her a question, she decided to err on the side of the angels and stay quiet. They must have known why she hadn’t responded because they both smiled.
“Cariña,this is a discussion between lovers, not a D/s scene, so please don’t hesitate to speak. We want you to feel comfortable with us, no matter the situation.If you can trust us with your body and your pleasure, you can surely trust us with your questions and comments.”
“As long as you are respectful, we’ll always be open to hearing what you have to say. Remember, we don’t speak disrespectfully to you, and we expect the same in return.”
Trac was right, they’d never spoken harshly to her, and now, she regretted the lack of respect she’d shown them.When she thought back over the time since they’d met, she was embarrassed to admit they’d treated her much better than her behavior warranted. Good grief, when had she become such a diva who didn’t treat others with common courtesy?
“I don’t know what to say except you’re right. So many people have walked away, I’ve come to expect it. Cooper has gone above and beyond, I don’t want to give anyonethe impression I’m not grateful… because I am. His job took him out of the country so often and for such extended periods of time, I often laid awake wondering if I’d ever see him again. The prospect of being truly alone in this world was terrifying.” When Juan started to speak, she held up her hand, wanting to finish before she lost her nerve.
“My career seems glamorous to those on the outside,but I assure you, it is anything but. I’ve been toying with the idea of starting my own fashion line in the future, but…” When she faltered, Juan stepped closer and lifted her chin, so her gaze met his.
“Cariña, if there is one thing Trac and I learned while we were in the military it was how short life can be.” He brushed a stray strand of her hair back over her shoulder and smiled.
“My grandmotheralways reminded us that we should never delay joy. I’m not sure I truly understood what she was talking about until her memorial service, listening to her friends and family recount all their memories of her spontaneous moments of laughter and what she calledshenanigans. As I sat there, I realized not one person talked about the time she spent working, they only spoke of all the wonderful memoriesthey had of her fun-loving spirit and wise counsel.” By the time he’d finished speaking, Lakyn felt tears streaming down her cheeks.
“It’s very humbling to know I’ve spent so much of my life focused on nothing but work. Before the great tubing caper, I hadn’t done anything just for the fun of it since I first started modeling as a child. Everything has always been about working and making money…money that wouldsomedayfund my lifelong dream of designing clothing and accessories.” Trac joined them and gave her a rueful smile.
“Juan’s right, you know, life is brutally short and working yourself into an early grave is no way to spend the time you’ve been given.” Leaning forward, he pressed a quick kiss to her forehead, and his masculine scent washed over her, a stark reminder there wasmore to life than running from one job to the next. “Let us accompany you to New York. You need the protection and help with management, and we’re capable and willing.”
“And we won’t care if you use us for sex—that’s got to count for something.” Juan’s teasing words made her laugh, and she was grateful for the change in the mood surrounding them.What could be better than hot guys to keep mesafe who are even better in bed?If it was so perfect, why did she feel as if something was missing? Chastising herself for seeing the glass as half full, Lakyn quickly thanked them, and the three of them began making travel plans.