Page 7 of Jenna's Submission
Chapter 7
After keying another long series of numbers into a security pad, Colt opened the door and stepped up to block Jenna’s entrance. “Let’s review why we’re here and exactly what my expectations will be during this week.” The timbre of Colt’s voice didn’t give any indication that he was speaking about anything more interesting than next Thursday’s weather prediction. His gaze was steady and held her captive with an intensity that was a contradiction to his matter-of-fact tone. Jenna found herself so focused on Colt that she wasn’t even aware of any of her surroundings, and she had a fleeting thought about how odd that seemed, but it was gone just as quickly.
“First rule, you’ll do exactly—that means no less, no more—as you are instructed. You are to obey commands without hesitation. Disobeying and hesitation will both be punished. For the rest of today only, if you have a question about a command, I’ll allow you to ask. I may or may not explain my reasoning. Do you understand this rule, pet?” When Jenna simply nodded her head, Colt added, “Jenna, I believe you know enough about the lifestyle your brothers have chosen to know that answer is not good enough. Try again.”
“Yes, Sir, I understand the rule.” Jenna’s voice sounded soft and airy even to her own ears.
“Very good, princess. Now, the second rule is that no one else touches your body besides me or someone I have given permission. Grayson and I do sometimes enjoy a ménage if it works in everyone’s best interest, so don’t be surprised to see him at some point during this week. I’ll assess our progress, and he and I will decide what will work the best for your training.” As he’d been explaining this rule, he’d run his hand under her dress and was tracing his fingers through her rapidly damping folds. “I see you are not completely opposed to that idea, are you, pet?”
Colt’s sexy grin was cocky and had Jenna stiffening against his touch. “I’m not sure I want to do that, I’ll have to let you know after I have a chance to think it through.” Jenna was starting to fidget against his touch, arousal was bursting through her system at warp speed. At this rate, she was going to come standing right here on the damned front deck.Damn, I have no fracking self-control at all.
“Would you like to rephrase that, or should I just add another punishment to what have you already earned this morning?” Colt’s fingers never stopped moving, and her tremble and flooding of her sweet cream over his fingers told him all he needed to know. Sweet Jesus, but his little Jenna was going to be a joy to take in hand.
“I understand, but I still think—”
Jenna was cut off by Colt’s stern voice. “Another punishment it is then. Now, on to rule three, you are not allowed to come without permission.” He saw her eyes dilate and watched her breath hitch, oh but he loved her responsiveness.Note to self. Remind her she isn’t allowed to play poker with the security team. They’ll fleece my little lamb in a heartbeat!
“But how am I supposed to stop something like that? I can’t make my body not react to—Oh my God!” Colt had stilled her protest by plunging his fingers deep inside her sopping depths. He was shocked at how little progress he actually made inside, Christ, but she was tight. He was instantly hard.Damn it all to hell, how long has it been since she’s had sex?He had always assumed that the globe-trotting oil executive would have been at least fairly sexually active, but now he was fairly certain that wasn’t the case. Leaning forward to brush a soft kiss over her lips, he felt her tremble against his fingers. “Oh, but, my beautiful Jenna, you will learn to control your release. Remember, your pleasure belongs to me, you’ll have it when I say you can. No self-stimulation unless you are instructed to do so by myself or Grayson. We often like to watch how a woman gives herself pleasure. It’s not only informative, but hotter than hell. Understand?”
“Y–yes, I u–u–understand.” Jenna was nearly panting and added a softly moaned “Please.”
“Please what, princess? What do you want? You’ll be allowed to ask for what you want, but I may or not agree that it is what you need. And providing a sub with everything she needs is every Dom’s obligation and pleasure. I’m going to push you, don’t doubt that for a moment, I’ll try to shove aside every wall you’re trying to hide behind. I’ll take every ounce of your resistance and shatter it with pleasures that you haven’t even dreamt possible. Come now, Jenna.” Colt’s voice had been growing in intensity and volume until the last sentence was so sternly spoken that it left no doubt but that it was a command, and the intimacy of having it spoken right into Jenna’s ear was meant to begin binding her body to his. It was important that a sub’s body react to the Master’s voice without the brain’s involvement being required. The best way he’d ever been able to explain it was the sub’s reactions should be almost reflexive. His words had barely crossed his lips when she exploded in orgasm. Her knees collapsed, but Colt had been ready and caught her easily around the waist. Colt kept his fingers moving through her swollen tissues until he knew he had wrung every bit of orgasm he could from his sweet sub. She was absolutely stunning, all flushed with her sated expression and soft, unfocused gaze. Once she was able to stand, Colt steadied her and just watched until she seemed to come back to the present. Once her eyes seemed focused on his, he simply said, “Strip, princess.”
It took a couple of seconds for Jenna to realize what he’d said. “Out here? What if someone sees?”
“First of all, it was an order, not a suggestion, so that’s another punishment. You’re already at four, that’s a lot of swats, pet, best stripnow.” Colt’s last word left little question about his frustration. Grasping the hem of her dress, she hurriedly pulled it over her head.
“Better. Now, I intend to keep you just like this for most of the week. You’ll be either inside the house or with me at all times, so the only people besides me who will be seeing that gorgeous body of yours will be those I chose to allow the privilege.” With that, he stepped aside and ushered her inside.
* * * *
“Cabin” was a ridiculous term for the beautifully designed and furnished structure Colt had escorted her into. Even as off-balance as she felt from both the mind-blowing orgasm and her own nudity, Jenna was positively stunned at Colt, Mitch, and Bryant’s retreat. The glass front offered a view of the river, mountains, and canyon in which the house sat that was heart-stopping, and it flashed through Jenna’s mind how the view would be ever changing with the seasons, each one with its own elements of splendor. One wall of the living room had been left as the natural rock the room had been carved from, the mantle over the fireplace was a smooth slab of rock that they had obviously taken great care to carve and smooth to perfection. And while it was obvious it was a man’s home, as evidenced by amazing photos, paintings, and prints showcasing his love of nature and wildlife, it still showed evidence of a designer’s eye, and Jenna couldn’t help but assume that was Bryant’s influence. As she looked down the hall, she could see it was particularly wide and wondered if they had utilized an old mine within their design.
Colt stood back and watched as Jenna took in everything around her, God but he would love to be able to hear everything she was thinking. He could practically hear the wheels churning as she absorbed her surroundings. When he saw her eyes widen at the hallway, he said, “Yes, we did use parts of an existing mine, that helped save some time with the carving and blasting, but it made for a whole lot of paperwork, I assure you. Seems the Bureau of Mining isn’t inclined to be pushed no matter which Pentagon hotshot we asked to call them. The only person who was even remotely influential was your father.” He chuckled, and she was sure they’d pulled every trick out of their respective hats to get the mining hard hats to conform to their timetable. She sure knew how her brothers operated, and she didn’t see that Colt would be any better. Her dad was a diplomat to the bone. No doubt he would have used his considerable negotiating skills and charm to help when he could. It surprised her that Colt had seemed to know exactly what she was thinking. It was unnerving also, even if Kat had warned her that it was a “Dom thing” and to be ready for it. She suppressed the smile that had threatened to surface at the thought of all the helpful hints for all things Dom-related she had gotten this morning, and she was betting Kat and Rissa would be paying dearly for that while she was gone.
* * * *
Colt just stood and watched Jenna for long moments. It was amazing to watch her expression change in small increments as thoughts worked through her razor-sharp mind. Finally he straightened from the wall he’d been leaning against. “Come on, let’s get your punishments out of the way so we can put the supplies into the freight elevator and get everything put away. I’m hungry, but I don’t want this hanging over your head during dinner.” He led Jenna to the bar and stood her in front of one of the tall barstools. He moved around the bar, and when he returned he carried a large, leather-covered paddle.
Jenna’s eyes went wide, and her breathing hitched. Colt simply waited until she went still, and he saw arousal replace the temporary panic that had first filled her eyes.Ah, the eyes are always the windows of the soul, my love. I do so appreciate how your body broadcasts its desire even when your words and actions try to deny it.When Jenna started to step back, his one word command, “Don’t,” was all it took for her to freeze in place and glance to the floor.You, my lovely pet, are a true submissive. Now, let’s see what we can do about helping you acknowledge all that hidden passion.